Title Page
Site conducted
Additional Crew assisting in Inspection
Cabin Front
Truck Key
BP Fuel Card
Shell Fuel Card
Garmin GPS & DashCam
Driver Log Book and Pen
Driver's Overhead Console
Safety Glasses (x9)
Hino Service Manual
Tanker Operating Manual
Centre Console
Milwaulkee Torch with Battery
Remote Door Opener
Site Information Sheets Folder
District 8 Radio Comms Sticker
Portable Radio in Charger (with Battery and Mic)
Portable Radio with Mic
Spare Portable Radio Battery
Thermal Heat Sensor
12V Narva Torch
Incident Controller Tabbard
Console Storage
Incident Report Forms and Pen (on Clipboard)
Customer Flyers (in Plastic Folder)
South East Region Contact Book
Melways Directory
Pack Face Masks (multiple)
Casey Group Contact List
CFA Operations Checklist Folder
CFA Operations Checklist Pocket Book
The First 10 Minutes Reference Guide
FRS Message Pad
Fuel Hazard Guide
Kestrel Weather Meter in Cover
Pens, Pencils, Highlighters (Various) in bag
Spare Torches x 3
Batteries (Various Sizes) in bag
Box of Safety Matches x 3
Plastic Ruler
Sticky Notes
12V Cigarette Lighter
Under Passenger Seat Storage
Fuji Finepex Camera with spare AA batteries in case
Binoculars in Case
Passenger's Overhead Console
Trauma Teddy
Eye Drops (Box)
Emergency Response Guide Pocket Booklet
Aircraft ID Manual
ATSB Aircraft Procedures Manual
Radio Dispatch Guide
Whiteboard/Clipboard with Bulldog Clips
Key Box, containing...
1: Fire Station Key
2: Region 8888 Key
3: 003 Key
4: 026 Key
5: Casey CS1 Key
5B: Botanic Gardens Key
6: Casey CF4 Key
7: Parks "54" Key
8: Frankston "B" Key
9: Blairlogie Key
10: Pearcedale Primary School Key
11: Gas Mains Rec. Reserve Key
12: Powerline Access Key (SPI, Ausnet)
Any additional items in FRONT CABIN area (list location as well)
Cabin Rear
Milwaulkee Torch and Battery (x 2)
Crew Leader Armband
Whistle on Rope
Uniden UHF Radio with Mic
Uniden UHF Radio
Under Crew Seats
Ration Box, containing
CFA Ration Packs x 6
Snack Biscuits x 2
Baked Beans x 4
Spaghetti x 4
Peaches x 4
Creamy Rice x 4
Lollies, wrapped
Tuna x 4
Coleman Soft Esky, containing
Water bottles (as many as will fit)
Insect Repellent
RID Antiseptic
Behind Crew Seats
Toilet Paper Rolls x 2 (in container)
Trauma Teddy x 2
Emergency Blankets x 5
Bag of Various Tabbards
Traffic Wand x 2
RACV Directory
Spatial Vision Map Book, Central
Pearcedale Large Map Folder
Operations Folder (Battle Board), containing
Incident Report Forms
Yellow T-Cards
Blue T-Cards
Salmon Incident Report Cards
Strike Team Registration Book
Map Scale Ruler
Incident Structural & Comms Chart
Any additional items in REAR CABIN area (list location as well)
Traffic Safety Cones (minimum 10)
Drip Torch
Monitor Branch
Stop/Go Bats x 2
Protech 360 Branch (Red) x 2
Short Lengths Duraline Hose x 4
Quell Branch
Hard Esky filled with water bottles
Small Town Branch
Blanket Locker
Red Emergency Blankets x 2
Large Tarp
Light Stands Locker
Portable Lighting with Batteries x 2
Bolt Cutters large
Low Voltage Fuse Pulling Kit
Out of Service Tags
Pigtail (Copper) Attachment
Silver Hook Attachment
Kit Maintenance Card
Silicon Cloth in bag
Diagonal Side Pliers
AC Modiewark Detector in Case, including Instruction manual and spare AAA batteries
Red/White Warning Tape (Roll)
Modiewark Record Card
Telescopic Stick
Coffin Locker (Rear)
Rope Long
Eflares and stands x 3 bags (3 in each bag)
Knapsack Sprayer in bag x 2
Foam Aspirator for Monitor
Vehicle Break-in / Rescue Kit
Contents List
Asbestos Kit
Contents List
Foam Handling Kit
Contents List
Coffin Locker (Front)
Spare Torch Box (6 Torches and Spare AA Batteries)
Chainsaw Chaps
Chainsaw Helmet with Ear Muffs
Chainsaw Kit
Paint Brush
Bar Lube
Spare Chain
Sharpening Guide
Ear Plugs
Milwaulkee Tool Kit
Impact Drill
Cordless Drill
Reciprocating Saw
Angle Grinder
Saw Blades (Pack)
Grinding Discs (Pack)
Safety Glasses
Spanner (Angle Grinder)
Handle (Drill)
Any additional items on REAR DECK (list location as well)
Locker 1 (Fuels)
Bottle Jack
2-Stroke Fuel
Firelighter Fuel
Chainsaw Bar Oil
Denso Tape Roll
Black Funnel
Putty Filler Tub
Gas Pipe Crusher
Locker 2 (Hydrant)
Ground Ball Hydrant
Hydrant Key
Locker 3 (Hose)
64mm Canvas Hose x 3
32mm Canvas Hose x 3
Locker 4 (BA)
Rope (Thick)
Guide Rope
Main Guideline (50m in wallet)
P2 Masks in container
BA Tally Board
BA Battery Remover
Whiteboard Marker for Tally board
BA Control Vest
CABA Sets x 2
Spare BA Cylinders x 2
Portable Radio x 2 (with Microphones)
Maglite Torch
Locker 5 (First Aid)
First Aid Kit
Chemical Splash Suits x 2
Electrical Gloves
Rubber Boots (2 Pair)
Ambulance Blankets x 3
Small Bag Tissues and Ear Plugs
Safety Goggles x 2
Sharps Container
Bag containing Nitrile Gloves and Facemasks
Thermal Imaging Camera (TIC) + Kit
Hazardous Tree Kit
MVA Kit, containing...
Emergency Window Hammer
Emergency Window Punch
Slotted Head Screwdriver
Phillips Head Screwdriver
Danger Tag
Battery Cable Cutters
Insulation Tape
10mm Spanner
12mm Spanner
15mm Spanner
6" Shifter
Combination Pliers
Vice Grips ( Adjustable )
Stanley Knife
Tool Kit, containing...
Insulation tape
Pruning Saw
Duct Tape
Hose Clamps x 2
Teflon Tape
Allen Key x 2
Side Cutters
Pipe Wrench x 2
Length of Wire
Centre Punch
Tape Measure
Out of Service Tag x 3
Socket Adaptor x 2
Sockets, 5/16 & 3/8 x 2
Speed Brace
Combination Pliers
150mm Shifter
250mm Shifter
300mm Shifter
Vice Grips ( Adjustable )
Slotted Head Screwdriver
Phillips Head Screwdrivers x 2
Ball Peen Hammer
Claw Hammer
Locker 6 (Extinguisher)
38mm Duraline Hose x 2
4.5Kg Powder Extinguisher x 2
Locker 7 (Branches)
25mm Canvas Hose x 2
Duraline Filler Length
Large Protek Branch x 2
Small Protek Branch x 2
Storz Spanners x 2
Hose Winder Handle
64mm Hose Bandages x 2
38mm Hose Bandages x 2
Foam Branch 64mm
Angus Foam Branch 38mm
High Expansion Foam Branch 38mm
64mm Shut-Off Dividers x 2
38mm Divider
Incident Tape (red/white) x 2
Airbag Deployment Tape (yellow/black)
64mm Storz->38mm External Lug x 2
64mm Storz->Female 3-Thread Adaptor x 2
64mm Storz->Male 3-Thread Adaptor x 2
FRV 5-Thread->CFA 3-Thread Adaptor
75mm Storz->3-Thread Female Adaptor
75mm Storz->64mm Storz Adaptor
Luxford Tip Fog
Spare Hose Washers
Locker 8 (Drafting)
Pickup Tube (for FB5X Foam Branch)
A-Class Foam Inductor
Yabbie Net
Vortex Ball
B-Class Foam Branch
Any additional items in LOCKERS (include locker number as well)
Wheel Chocks (both sides)
Class A Foam Carboy
SoakerAll x 2
Dead Reel with 3 lengths 38mm Hose
Live Reel with Quell Branch
Behind Driver Storage
Rakehoe x 2
Drafting Lengths x 4
Behind Passenger Storage
Ceiling Hook
Any additional EXTERNAL items (list location as well)