Title Page
Project Name
Onsite Principal Contractor(s)
Conducted on
Prepared by
Any member of the Development Team visiting the site may complete this form. Please provide further comment where a hazard is observed during this site visit; if necessary a corrective action may be raised from findings
Note: NA- can include not applicable and / or not seen at the time of visit
1. Has site fencing been established; does it appear to be maintained? (e.g. intact, not falling or crushed by shrubbery)
2. Is signage in place for the following:
Emergency Assembly point?
First Aid (including contact information)?
Construction Signage (PC Contact information including a/hours)?
No trespassing?
Site Office, Amenities including directional signage, where required?
3. Are all workers wearing hi-vis , hard hats and safety boots
4. Is work occurring in areas with inadequate lighting?
5. Are solid barriers installed around open or exposed edges? (e.g. edge of deck, floors, holes, formwork, elevator shafts)
6. Are access ways and walk areas clear of rubbish/materials
7. Are plant (e.g. forklift, cranes) operational zones and people on the ground separated ?
8. Are there protruding objects not easily seen that could cause a trip hazard?
9. Do all fixed scaffolds have a scafftag current within 30 days
10. Do all scaffolds have adequate edge protection? (E.g. handrails/mid-rails/toe boards)
11. Mobile scaffolds are on firm even ground?
12. Are workers standing on the top rung of aluminum or step ladders or leaning off work benches?
13. Are EWP’s (Scissor lift) used with gates closed and not moved whilst platform is extended
14. EWP (boom) operators are secured with a harness
15. Are there sharp edges not protected? (E.g. reinforced bar ends or tie wire)
16. Are electrical tools are tested and tagged in current period?
17. Are electrical leads lying on the floor?
18. Is there any SERIOUS and IMMINENT Risks? Discuss with WHS
Close down work area until rectified:
Issued By:
Signature of issuer:
Issued To: