Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Describe the type of permit being audited. Eg permit to work, working at heights, confined space etc
1.Training -Is the permit holder trained in the PTW system?
2. Authority-Is the permit holder authorised to hold permits?
3. Does the scope of work on the permit match the task being performed?
4. Is the permit issuer competent to issue the permit. Ie completed all training and has been appointed by manager?
5. Have you cited all documents relevant to the permit type eg JHEA,G2G, drawings for dig permits?
6. Has the permit been completed correctly and all sections correctly completed?<br>
7. Does the permit involve isolations. If yes describe the type of isolation in the text box below?
8. Is the permit correctly validated and relinquished correctly, signed off?
9. If isolations are being used, does the isolations follow correct CPM isolation procedures?
10. Have permit users signed onto the permit and JHEA for the task?
On site representatives signature
Auditors signature