Title Page

  • Property name

  • Property owned by

  • Inspected on

  • Inspected by

  • Location

Exterior Areas

  • No evidence of pest activity or harborage

  • Adequate garbage handling, garbage container design, or pick-up frequency

  • Garbage containers cleaned regularly

  • Good drainage in proximity to the building

  • Adequate weed control without the use of herbicides

Building Exterior

  • Doors closed when not in use

  • Opening between the base of doors and floor no greater than 1/4"

  • Openings in walls and foundations caulked or sealed

  • Operable windows have screens without holes or other openings

  • Windows and sills in good condition and water tight

  • Exterior wall finishes and materials show no sign of deterioration due to moisture or pests

  • Crawl spaces ventilated appropriately

  • Plantings and wood mulch kept a minimum of one foot from the building

  • Outdoor air intakes for heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems properly screened and a

  • Minimum of six inches above the ground

  • Roofing in good condition without signs of failure

  • Gutters and downspouts clean, sloped properly, and free of leaks

Instructional Areas, Conference Rooms, and Offices

  • Trash cans have liners with no debris or spillage under liners

  • Trash removed regularly

  • No sign of standing water or water stained building materials

  • Animals cages kept clean and food is stored in tightly sealed containers

  • Carpet vacuumed daily in instructional areas and at least three times a week in offices and

  • Conference rooms. Vacuums have two motors and filtration to 1 micron.

  • Plants free of insect infestation

  • Food and beverages allowed only in designated areas and not in carpeted locations

  • No indication of moisture damage due to leaks or condensation from plumbing, poor drainage, or

  • No sign of faulty roofs

  • Lockers, desks, and other storage areas routinely cleaned

  • Adequate ventilation


  • No indication of moisture damage due to leaks or condensation from plumbing, poor drainage, or

  • No sign of faulty roofs

  • Paper products stored away from plumbing fixtures and not in direct contact with floor

  • Adequately sized trash containers with liners; trash removed regularly

  • Floors clean and dry

  • Adequate ventilation


  • Name & Signature of Inspector

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.