Employee Name
Document No.
Conducted on
Prepared by
Site details
Site employee was working at?
Principal's Name? (If campus based)
Name of Immediate Supervisor?
Accident/Incident Details
Date and time of injury;
Employee Name
Job Tittle
Location of accident (please be specific)
Brief statement of what incident was? (Just the Facts)
Contributing causes of the Incident: (Inadequate training, Inadequate supervision. Employee not following proper safety procedures and instructions)
Preventative Actions
What immediate preventive actions are being taken for this incident?
What long term preventive measure is being implemented to minimize possible recurrence?
Who is the responsible person for ensuring these preventive actions are implemented?
Has the person responsible above been informed and understand the expected preventative plan?
Signature of person responsible for preventative plan.
Follow up date for ensuring preventive measures are being maintained.
Injured Party statement
If the injured party has any additional comment or statement, please summarize.
Name & Signature of the injured party
Witness statements
Witnesses 1
Name and signature of the witness 1
Witnesses 2
Name and signature of the witness 2
Additional Information
Please provide all attachments that apply: Pictures, Drawings, Training Records, Statement of Employee, Statement of Witness/es, Other.
Investigation Conclusions
Person Completing Form (please sign below)
Is the above report a true reflection of the Accident / Incident