Task/ Job Description:
Machine/ Equipment number:
Document No.
Reason for Observation
New Worker
Routine Observation
Worker with known ability problem
Risk Taker
Worker received on the job training
Unsafe Conditions
Incident - Injury
Incident - Damage
Verify SOP is correct
High Risk task
Identifying Training Needs
Change In process
Refresher training
On- the - Job training received
Did the person being observed attend the daily pre start meeting?
Is the task being conducted covered by a procedure?
Has the person being observed trained on the procedure?
Required PPE used?
Was a Risk Assessment done? (SLAM - STOP, LOOK, ASSESS, MANAGE)
Was the risk assessment communicated?
Does the person being observed have the appropriate competencies required for the task?
Where machinery and equipment are used or operated, does the operator or user have a clear and good understanding of the Safe Operating Proccedures/ Safe Work Instructions?
Does the operator or user understand the risk and hazards involved in the use or operation of the machine?
Does the user or operator understand what to do during an emergency?
Has a Pre Start Check been completed for the items of plant being used?
Is equipment or machinery being used for the task fit for purpose and in a safe and serviceable condition?
Are all E- Stops tested for functionality during the prestart check?
Is the working environment safe to complete the task?
Is adequate communication being used between workers completing the task?
Additional Hazards Identified?
Instructions or Advice Provided to Person Being Observed?
Instructions Provided
Advice Provided
Positive Feedback to Observed Person
Opportunities for Improvement/ Recommendations
Person Conducting Observation
Person being Observed