Point of Work Risk Assessment
Location of works
Exact location of works (house address, what3words etc)
Date completed
Completed by
Works being carried out
1. General
This Point of Work Risk Assessment must be completed where requested, or where the generic RAMS are not sufficient or do not apply.
1.1 Indicate who might be harmed by the works undertaken?
- Wildanet Colleagues carrying out works
- Wildanet Colleagues close to works
- Everyone involved / onsite
- Members of the public
1.2 Do you have the required documentation for the job e.g. Utility plans, agreed RAMS and site forms.
1.3 Has the site team been fully briefed on the work and safety documents?
1.4 Are you in the correct area and have the necessary plant and equipment to complete the works?
1.5 Do you have the necessary PPE to complete the task safely such as high visibility clothing, safety footwear, dust masks etc?
1.6 Where works require working at height, have you carried out all necessary pre-use safety checks on harnesses/lanyards, work equipment such as Ladders and MEWPS and confirm they are safe for use?
Will working at height be taking place from a ladder and if so, has the ladder been set up in accordance with Tetra? Picture of setup must be provided.
1.7 If works are to take place within the highway, have you completed a street works risk assessment.
1.8 If working on third party land, have you checked they are aware of your presence and given the necessary permissions to access and work in the area?
1.9 Have you carried out this type of work before and do you have the necessary training and competence to carry out the works safely?
1.10 Are all power tools and leads in good working condition and PA Tested where required?
1.11 Where the works require the need to access scaffolding, has the scaffold been inspected within the last 7 days and the scaf-tag displayed on or near to the point of access (ladder or steps)?
Provide a picture of the scaffold and the scaf-tag.
1.12 Are the necessary permits to work in place such as, breaking ground, hot works, confined space etc?
2. Specific Hazards
THINK, ACT and REPORT - Have the risks been minimised sufficiently and any hazards eliminated, isolated or reduced to an acceptable level in the following specific areas? An 'At Risk' entry requires additional information, including a record of any control measures that you have introduced to eliminate or reduce risk (where this was possible); or details of the actions needed before work can be carried out.
2.1 Slips, trips and falls
2.2 Falls (from height, into holes, lift shafts, stairwells, trapdoors etc))
2.3 Adverse weather conditions (hot, cold, windy, heavy rain icy etc)
2.4 Sufficient lighting and visibility
2.5 General Public
2.6 Working in the highway
2.7 Overhead Power Lines / Electricity - Where is the mains in cable?
2.8 Fumes
2.9 Noise
2.10 Dust
2.11 Working near Mobile plant
2.12 Flying or falling objects
2.13 Mechanical Lifting operations
2.14 Manual handling operations
2.15 Chemicals, fluids, oils or harmful substances
2.16 Asbestos - Was the property/building you are working in built before the year 2000? If yes then Asbestos could be present. Check with owner of Manager.
2.17 Vibration (HAVS) will you be operating hand held impact tools for a period exceeding 30 mins?
2.18 Confined space working? Where confined space works are to take place, a permit to work must have been completed.
2.19 Risks from others working in the same area
2.20 Lone working
Do you have the necessary safety equipment and PPE?.
Do you have a means of communicating to your line manager?
Can you carryout your works safely whilst lone working?
Do you have a lone working device and is it working correctly?
2.21 Will you be required to work within 5 metres of a water course
Have you read and fully understood the "Working Near Water" risk assessment?
Do you have the necessary PPE to carry out the task safely?
Have you been issued with a life jacket and received training on its use?
Are there at least two colleagues carrying out the works? (lone working not permitted)
Is there a significant fall from height into the water course, and if so has suitable edge protection or fall restraint been provided?
If working from a ladder, has the ladder been setup in accordance with Tetra?
2.22 Is there a risk of contamination from biological hazards - COVID - Leptospirosis etc.
2.23 Please provide information of any hazards not listed above and any control measures that you have put into place.
2.24 Where applicable, please provide information of any measures which would further reduce risk at the next visit.
3. Signatures
Team Leader signature
Team Leader name and signature
Team members signatures (as required)
Please sign to confirm that you have read and understand the content of this Point of Work Risk Assessment
Team member 1
Team member 2
Team member 3
Team member 4
Team member 5
Team member 6
When finished, please mark as COMPLETE and export the PDF version (if required immediately) and notify administration.