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  • Contractor

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

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H & S Policy

  • 1.1 - Is the Contractors HSE[Q] policy current (reviewed in the last 2 years) and displayed in a prominent place in the workplace?

Critical Risk Management

  • 3.3 - Have the contractors nominated personnel responsible for conducting CRM verifications and CCC?

  • 3.4 - Do the contractors discuss critical risks related to their SOW daily at pre‐start meetings, include CRM on JHA’s, and ensure sufficient and current signage is provided at each work front

Job Hazard Analysis

  • 3.8 Has a JHA been completed for all activities, and signed off by the Supervisor and work team every day

Take 5

  • 3.9 - Is the Contractors’ Take 5 process and forms utilised by Contractor’s work groups used as a “hazard prompt” to identify task and work area hazards

Communication with external stakeholders

  • 9.1 - Is the Contractors HSMP readily available to all personnel

H & S Information Dissemination

  • 9.2 - Do all prestarts include HS information from Site Notifications

H & S Information

  • 9.3 - Have contractors established a HSE notice board/s to inform personnel of relevant HSE information such as the Company HSEC Policy, minutes of meetings, results of monitoring, performance standards, incident alerts and Company, Project and Contractor HSE notices

Site Prestart information

  • 9.4 - So contractors utilise prestart information as an opportunity for effective communications and planning of the work for the day with a focus on CRM and other SH requirements

Smoke Free Workplace

  • 10.1 - Does the contractor have a smoke free workplace policy and designated smoking/vaping areas

Site and Field Radios

  • 10.2 - Do all Contractors’ vehicles have a UHF radio, and hand held radios available for personnel working away from a vehicle, to enable communication between the Contractor and the Project at all times

Work Attire and Adornment/PPE and Clothing

  • 10.3 - Do the contractors comply with the RTIO PPE and Work Attire and Adornment Work Practice (RTIOHSE0109318),

Hot Works

  • 10.5 - Are permits obtained prior to hot work commencing

Tools and Equipment

  • 10.7 - Are contractor personnel aware of RTIO Banned and Restricted tools

Registered Plant

  • 10.8 - Do the contractors hold a current register of plant requiring registration of design pursuant to Work Health and Safety (Mining) Regulations Schedule 5 Division 1.

Compressed Gases and Pressure Vessels

  • 10.9 - Do Contractors control the risk of rupture and explosion of gas cylinders and other pressurised vessels as per Company’s Compressed Gas and Pressure Vessels Work Practice (RTIOHSE0049642)


  • 10.10 - Do contractors ensure that areas within their control, including vehicles, barricading and thoroughfares are maintained in a tidy, safe condition, with materials and equipment not in use neatly stacked away from the work areas and clear of access ways and emergency exits

Barricades, Demarcation and Signage

  • 10.12 Do Contractors comply with Barricading, Demarcation and Signage Work Practice (RTIOHSE0049734)

Transporting, Loading and Unloading Materials

  • 10.13 - Do Contractors arranging deliveries to Project sites and laydown yards ensure compliance to See Section 3.6.6 (Non-Inducted Transport Drivers) for managing delivery drivers escort, PPE and work on site and the Loading and Unloading Vehicle Guidance Note (RTIO-HSE-0093647)

First Aiders

  • 12.4 - Do the contractors have at least one trained First Aider in each work area with a means of easy identification


  • 12.7 - Is the Weatherzone App being used to track lightning

Chemical and Hazardous Substances

  • H1 - Has the contractor provided the SDS for all chemicals and hazardous substances approved for use

Alcohol and Other Drugs

  • H2 - Does the contractor undertake BAC testing each day before start of shift

Welfare checks

  • H7 - Are personnel who do not attend their Pre-start meeting and/or fail to notify their supervisor that they are unfit/unwell subject to a welfare check

Vector borne and infectious diseases control

  • H8 - Do the contractors maintain high standards of housekeeping, pest control by reputable service providers, and regular, frequent waste removal in the workplace and cribbing facilities


  • H9 - Has the contractor provided access to clean toilets in the workplace for all workers while they are at work


  • S2 - Have the Contractors provided their personnel with necessary locks and equipment to perform isolations and maintain a Register of locks issued

Out of Service Tags

  • S3 - Are Out of service (OOS) tags used

High Voltage Work

  • S5 - If applicable, are High voltage works, isolation and switching be performed as per Company’s High Voltage Installations Work Practice (RTIO-HSE-0049677) - Check compliance to High Voltage Installations Work

Electrical Welding

  • S6 - Do contractors ensure welding machines are less then 2 years old, tagged OOS when arrive on site, and compliant with section of the WR-PLN-H-0017 Mine Safety Management System. Visual inspection of equipment and is approved for use.<br>Interview for knowledge of tagged OOS when arrive on site.<br>

Electrical Testing and Tagging

  • S7 - Have contractors submitted a test and tag procedure that includes details of specific tests for plug-in equipment and RCDs; Competencies of testers and test records


  • S8 - Are Contractors generators tagged OOS when they arrive on site; are tested prior to use by a competent and authorised electrical worker; inspected by a Project Representative and approved for use; and entered into the Contractor’s Equipment Register with socket outlets RCD protected

Light Vehicles

  • S13 - Do all LVs meet Company’s specifications and fit out as per s. 10.15.6 of the RTIOHSE0309359 HSE Construction Handbook

Mobile Equipment

  • S14 - Are heavy vehicle / mobile equipment diesel powered and fitted (as a minimum) pursuant to 10.15.6 of the RTIOHSE0309259 HSE Construction Handbook Nov. 22

Speed limits

  • S16 - Do contractors ensure cranes carrying loads must travel at a walking speed of not more than 5 km/hr or as per manufacturer’s limits, whichever is less and personnel breaching speed limits are subject to a disciplinary process

C4 – Working at heights

  • S17 - Does all WAH equipment comply with the WAH PPE per the Company's Approved PPE list

Elevated work platforms

  • S20 - Have the contractors fit pressure sensing anti‐crushing and anti‐entrapment devices e.g. “Sky Guard” to EWPs to mitigate the risk of potential fatalities when there is potential for operators to be pinned or crushed against objects


  • S21 - Do the contractors ensure all ladders are inspected, tagged and recorded on a quarterly basis and defects corrected.

Mobile Cranes

  • S23 - Does the contractor maintain a Plant and Equipment Register and a Training Register to record Crane and Lifting Equipment maintenance and inspections, and operators’ and doggers’ competencies - Visual inspection of equipment and is approved for use.<br>Interview for knowledge of tagged OOS when arrive on site.<br>

Lifting and Rigging Equipment

  • S25 - Is all lifting and rigging equipment inspected and tagged on a quarterly basis and visibly marked with load capacity

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.