Job Number
Job No:
Site Conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Site Status
Who is the Project Manager ?
Select the works being completed at time of audit:
List works:
Are risk assessments suitable and sufficient?
Have RAMS been read and signed by all relevant persons?
Are COSHH Assessments suitable and sufficient?
Have COSHH assessments been read and signed by all relevant persons?
Are control measures stipulated in RAMS & COSHH Assessments followed?
Are all welfare areas suitable and in good condition?
Are there suitable First Aid arrangements on site?
Are all PPS work areas and materials kept to a good housekeeping standard?
Are there suitable fire management arrangements on site? (alarm, extinguishers, signage etc)
Are Hot Works being undertaken on site?
Is there a permit for the tasks?
Please identify the contractor(s) responsible:
Is the permit completed correctly?
Have all required actions / controls been implemented?
Please identify the contractor(s) responsible:
Are there adequate fire extinguishers in hot working areas? (at least 2 fire extinguishers to hand at every hot work area)
Please identify the contractor(s) responsible:
Do all extinguishers have an in-date service?
Please identify the contractor(s) responsible:
Are all operatives wearing the appropriate PPE?
Are any operatives Working at Height?
Appropriate W@H equipment being used?
W@H equipment being used by competent persons? (PASMA, IPAF etc)
Is the equipment being used safely and as per manufacturers guidelines?
Have the relevant inspections been undertaken on the W@H equipment? (Pre-use, 7-day etc)
Are the correct tools being used for the task(s) being undertaken and are the operatives competent in the use?
Are there any areas which are deemed as dangerous?
Please take photos of the area:
Is the site deemed unsafe for our operatives?
Sign Off
Sign Off
I confirm I have undertaken a sufficient inspection of this site