Title Page
Company Name
Date Reviewed
Reviewed by
Company size (number of employees + self-employed workers)
Sub-Contractor Details
Sub-Contractor Details fully completed
Health & Safety
Does the company have a valid SSIP or ISO 45001 certificate?
Does the company have a Health & Safety Policy signed and dated within the last 12 months?
Does the company have a procedure for RAMS?
Has the company provided a recent example of a method statement and risk assessments?
Has the company provided examples of COSHH assessments
Does the company have procedures for controlling noise and vibration?
Does the company have procedures for controlling manual handling?
Does the company have procedures for carrying out monitoring of their activities?
Does the company involve their workforce in health and safety matters?
Does the company confirm they have arrangements for co-operation and co-ordination in health and safety?
Who is the person with overall responsibility for health and safety within the company?
Who is the Competent Advisor for health and safety within the company?
Has a copy of the training matrix been provided?
Does the company sub-contract any part of their works
Has the company provided evidence of their arrangements for managing sub-contractors?
Does the company engage Young Persons?
Has the company provided a copy of their Young Person risk assessment?
Does the company engage any workers with limited English?
Has the company provided their arrangements for managing workers with limited English?
Does the company undertake any design in relation to permanent or temporary works?
Has the company provided evidence of their Professional Indemnity insurance, to a minimum of £2m?
Has the company confirmed that they understand their duties under CDM2015?
Does the company have a documented quality management system?
Is it certified to ISO 9001:2015?
Does the company have a Quality Policy, signed and dated within the last 12 months?
Does the company operate a documented environmental management system?
Is it certified to ISO 14001:2015?
Does the company have an Environmental Policy, signed and dated within the last 12 months?
Does the company have a Waste Carrier Licence?
Has the company had any prosecutions or notices under Environmental legislation in the last 3 years?
Have details been provided?
Does the company use timber as part of their works?
Accident Record
Have accident statistics been provided?
Have there been any RIDDOR events in the last 3 years?
Has information on these events been provided?
Has the close-out been satisfactory?
Health & Safety Enforcement Action
Has the enforcement section been fully completed?
Have there been any enforcement events?
Have details been fully provided?
Has the close-out been satisfactory?
Have details of insurance cover been fully provided?
Expiry date
Have references been provided?
Business and Professional Standing
Any criminal / civil court action judged against the company / directors
Is there any ongoing / pending criminal / civil court action?
Are there any unresolved enforcement / remedial orders
Has the declaration been signed by someone in authority within the company?
Is any further information required to complete this assessment?
Date requested