Title Page
PDI number
Supplier name
Factory Location
SKU Code
Actions Required
Audit Date
Completed by
Are they any concerns in the production process?
Detail failures witnessed including quantities and actions
Is it appropriate to continue production
Are components handled appropriately? (Ensure sufficient ESD controls)
What online testing is completed and at what frequency
Is the Online testing conducted, appropriate to verify all functions?
Were any failures witnessed on online test
Detail failures witnessed including quantities and actions
Is it appropriate to continue production
What offline testing is completed and at what frequency
Were any failures witnessed on offline test
Detail failures witnessed including quantities and actions
Is it appropriate to continue production?
Is the Offline testing conducted, appropriate to verify functions/performance?
Request appropriate qty of samples for offline testing - Ensure these are straight from witnessed production
Does the product match the packaging & palletisation specification?
Verify the packaging fits the product correctly (does not damage)
Are the following packaging dimensions correct? - Height, Width, Depth, Weight
List discrepancies
Ensure the MRF is updated
Are the following packaging material weights correct - Metal, Paper, Wood and plastic
List discrepancies
Ensure the MRF is updated
Paper includes card. Plastic includes poly, shrink wrap and banding
Does the packaging format match the proposed load plan?
Are there any handling, transportation or storage concerns?
Product Identification & Labeling - SKU visible from 4 sides
Is the labeling legible/scan-able in mass production
Scan the serial number barcode
Detail serial number format (eg YYxxxxMM) compare with pre-advised
Are there any care points relating to form?
Does the product match the agreed design?
Are there any surface defects?
Are there any sharp edges on the user/installer contact surfaces?
Grey = Cool Grey 7C, Black= Black C, Red= 1795 C, Blue= 2728C
Are the Graphics/Lighting Indicators to Specification?
Are the Panels Flush & Aligned with appropriate/even gaps?
Can all stickers be removed easily without leaving excessive residue
Are there any Finish Care Points?
Product Documentation
Take images of all booklets and labels
Installation Instruction Booklet
User Instruction Booklet
Additional Fitting Templates or Instructions
Register my appliance
Product Fiche/Product info table
Has the product been uploaded to EPREL
Energy Labeling
Scan Energy label QR code
Verify Howdens joinery hold copies of all necessary compliance documentation (CE, LVD etc)
This MUST be for the model produced
Verify Howdens joinery hold copies of all necessary Service documents including the following
Service manual
Wiring/circuit Diagram
Parts BOM with exploded view
List of fault codes and meanings
Are there any Documentation Care Points?
Does the product contain all necessary fittings & accessories?
Is the packaging of the fittings & accessories appropriate/as agreed?
Complete a test fit on at least one product
Does it fit as per the IB and agreed method?
Are there any fit related care points?
Do all the items function/operate as intended?
List issues found
Is it appropriate to continue production
Do the Product Programs/Functions match the technical specification? (check against IB)
List issues found
Is it appropriate to continue production
Run Products on a variety of programs/settings simulating normal use
For wet products - check for any leaks
Are there any issues with the controls/display
Is the correct Plug fitted (If UK, note fuse size)
Are there any function care points?
Product Specification
Verify ALL items on spec sheet & take image of completed spec sheet
Do all items comply
Note difference/s
Is the difference/s acceptable
Ensure spec sheet is updated
Product Strip Down
Images of product strip down including all key components
Other Images
Actions required
Is Auditor a Howden Joinery representative?
Auditor Job title
Auditor Name
Auditor Company name
Auditor Name
Auditor Job Title