Title Page
Pregnant worker name
Conducted on
Prepared by
Line Manager
Duties in Brief
Due Date
Risk assessment
Past History / Pre-existing conditions
Is this your first pregnancy?
How many children do you have?
Did you have any issues during your last pregnancy?
What were the issues
Do you have any pre-existing medical issues
What conditions do you suffer with?
Do you suffer from morning sickness?
How often do you suffer from this?
Are you suffering from fatigue?
In what way do you suffer from this?
Are you up to date with inoculations?
Do you suffer from any allergies?
Please state allergies
Job Demands
Lifting or pushing heavy objects?
Advise employee to avoid manual handling activities, use mechanical aids/colleague support, reduce load to less than 5kg.
Action to be taken
Standing for long periods?
Advise employee to make sure they sit down as often as they feel is necessary. If they do stand for long periods, have a chair nearby.
Action to be taken
Work at height or climbing steep steps?
Advise employee to avoid working at height (e.g. Work on elevated platforms) Use lifts instead of stairs where possible.
Action to be taken
Will any task become more hazardous due to expectant mothers changing shape or size?
Advise employee to inform their line manager if and when body shape becomes a problem (I.e. They cannot get close enough to the task)
Action to be taken
Is lone working required?
What works will be conducted?
Is posture and movement an issue?
What adjustments would you like to see?
Working Environment
Is the temperature in the workplace an issue?
How is this an issue?
Are toilet facilities easily accessible?
Where is the closest toilet located?
Can toilet breaks be taken immediately if needed?
Why is this a barrier?
Is there adequate ventilation?
Work station
Does your DSE assessment need to be updated?
Direct to SmartLog to review DSE assessment (https://sl.safesmart.co.uk/auth/login)
Why do you believe it needs updating?
Do you have enough space to move around at your workstation
Explain why?
Working conditions
How is your work load?
Can you make any adjustments to your workload?
Is your workload adding stress
Can you reduce workload?
What are your working hours?
Are you in contact with hazardous materials?
What materials do you work with?
Mental demands of job
Are you suffering from high levels of stress?
Please explain
What adjustments can be made
Are you suffering from anxiety?
Please explain
What adjustments can be made
Additional information offered by employee
Output results from the above assessment
Is a referral to Occupational Health required (if applicable based on output of Risk Assessment)?
If you feel the expectant mother is at risk in their role please request an appointment with Occupational Health through the HR department.
Recommendations & Comments
Date of next review
To be reviewed every 3 months during pregnancy
***I can confirm I have read and understood the above document. I can also confirm that if I experience any issues at all such as discomfort, pain etc. I will inform my Line Manager immediately.***
Employee signature
***I will ensure that the expectant mother named above will be allowed to heed the above advice as appropriate. In addition, I will ensure that the above noted recommendations are implemented as appropriate and will continue for as long as is possible, however will need to be managed and monitored in line with the needs of the business.***
Health and Safety Officer Signature
Any other witnesses to the assessment