Title Page

  • Company Name

  • Company Number

  • Number of Employees

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location (Full address)

Appointed Person

  • This is the name of the person who is responsible for the Health and Safety of the company / Facility

  • Contact Name

  • Contact Number


  • Written Health and Safety Policy

  • When was the policy last reviewed

  • How is this communicated to staff

  • Health and Safety Procedures

  • How is this communicated to staff

Risk assessments

  • General risk assessments

  • COSHH assessments

  • Fire risk assessment

  • How are staff made aware of risk assessment findings


  • Do you have employees liability certificate on display

  • Policy details (Insurance name, Policy number and expiry)

  • Do you have public liability insurance

  • Policy details (Insurance name, Policy number and expiry)

  • Health and Safety Law poster on display

  • Accident book

  • Fire log

  • Statutory insurance reports

  • Are high risk areas and equipment identified

  • Are there any prohibitions in force

  • Other relevant general health and safety information

Accident and First aid

  • Has a first aid risk assessment been completed

  • Has the company assessed how many first aiders they require and what level of qualification is suitable for the business needs

  • Are there adequate qualified first aiders

  • Are their certificates valid

  • Are first aid procedures and names of first aiders displayed

  • Are first aid boxes available

  • Are first aid boxes stocked fully

  • are the items in date

  • Are accidents records maintained

  • How are accidents / incidents reported

  • Is the organisation aware of RIDDOR 2013 accident reporting requirements

  • Who is responsible for accident investigations

  • Are they reported in a reasonable time frame


  • Are there sufficient fire extinguishers and other fire fighting equipment available

  • When were they last inspected

  • Were they inspected by a competent person

  • Are regular fire alarm tests carried out

  • Are regular fire drills carried out

  • When was the last drill conducted

  • Are fire action notices displayed

  • Are safety signs displayed

Welfare Facilities

  • Are there acceptable toilet facilities

  • Are there acceptable washing facilities

  • Are there acceptable hygiene facilities

  • Are there acceptable rest / eating facilities

  • Are there acceptable facilities for disabled people

Housekeeping and Environment

  • Is there safe access and egress

  • is there sufficient working space

  • is the premises free of tripping hazards

  • Are items stored safely and correctly

  • Are floor coverings in good condition

  • Is there a general sense of cleanliness

  • Is there sufficient lighting

  • is there sufficient ventilation

  • are noise levels acceptable

  • are relevant safety signs displayed

Machinery and Equipment

  • Are adequate and sound guards fitted

  • Is adjacent floor area clear

  • Are safety controls and devices fitted

  • Are regular visual inspections carried out

  • Are suitable and sufficient emergency stops readily available

  • Are maintenance procedures in place

  • Are maintenance records maintained

  • Are correct warning signs in place

  • Are relevant/statutory safety notices in place

Electrical Equipment

  • Are regular visual inspections carried out

  • Are maintenance procedures in place

  • Is portable appliance testing carried out

  • What other evidence is there of electrical safety

Hazardous Materials

  • Does the organisation understand COSHH

  • Are hazard data sheets available

  • Have COSHH assessments been carried out

  • Are dangerous materials clearly identified and labelled

  • Are relevant/statutory safety notices in place

Personal Protective Equipment

  • Is personal protective equipment available,free of charge, where necessary

  • Is instruction given in its use

  • Is wearing of it enforced

  • Is it maintained and replaced as necessary

Other Observations

  • Observations

  • Comments


  • We confirm that the above points have been discussed and an appropriate inspection carried out in order to give the College a reasonable degree of comfort as to the safety of the premises/organisation for use by staff and students of the College. This meeting does not constitute a full health and safety inspection of the premises/organisation.

  • Member of College staff carrying out inspection

  • Position

  • Representative of partnership/centre

  • Position

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.