Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Goal setting
Project Name
Start Date
Due Date
Total number of days to complete the project
Project Purpose or Expected Outcome
End results of the project
Assumptions you expect to hold true
Limitations or Constraints
Project Planning
Project Purpose or Expected Outcome
Project Team and Contact Info
Team Member
Contact Info
Area of Strength
Team Member Responsible for Task
Time Needed to Complete
- 1/2 Period
- 1 Day
- 2 Days
- 3 Days
- 4 Days
- 5 Days
- 10 Days
- 15 Days
- 20 Days
Start Date
End Date
Total Time Needed
- 1/2 Period
- 1 Day
- 2 Days
- 3 Days
- 4 Days
- 5 Days
- 10 Days
- 15 Days
- 20 Days
Date when the task needs to be performed
- Right Away
- Week 1
- Week 2
- Week 3
- Week 4
- Week 5
- Week 6
- Week 7
- Week 8
Problem or Issue
Team Charter
When will the team meetings occur?
Project Checkpoints
Project Problems/Changes
Identify the problem
Discuss the problem
Determine why the problem has happened
Discuss possible solutions
Choose a solution
Try Solution
Analyze Results
List resolution methods used
Escalate to Executive Project Manager if no resolution is possible
Project Plan Viability
Is the plan complete and doable?
Do I feel confident in my overall plan, and do the pieces fit together to support the goal?
Do I have all the requirements clearly stated and understood?
Is my task list complete and in the order it needs to be done?
Is my estimate realistic and can I get the project done on time?
Do I need help learning how to do any of the tasks?
Have I scheduled the tasks so I can work at a comfortable pace without too many things lumped together?
Is my schedule up-to-date with my planned activities?
Have I added wiggle room between tasks in case I need to adjust the schedule later?
Do I know what materials and tools I need?
Can I get the materials and tools by the time I need them?
Have I talked with people I need help from to know when they are available?
Do I need money for my project? If so, do I have it or know where it will come from?
Project Health
Regular monitoring of your project is key to successful results.
Progress Checklist
Update schedule with new or changed activities and tasks.
Check off completed tasks on planning worksheet.
Review previous week’s Project Health Check for any unresolved issues.
Project Health Check Questions
Will the project finish on time? If not, figure out how to get back on schedule.
Are there any big problems or issues you’re stuck on? If so, how will you resolve them?
Are there any changes that you need to consider making? If yes, evaluate the change and decide what to do.
Are you on track to achieve your goal? If not, figure out why and how to proceed.
Evaluating Change
1. What is the purpose and expected outcome for the change? Describe the proposed change.
2. What overall impact will this change have on the project?
Potential Impact Area Describe how the change will impact each area. Goal Deliverables Requirements Tasks Estimate & Schedule
3. Will it take more time or money to make the change? If so, how much?
4. If I make this change, will I still be able to achieve the project goal? Yes/No
5. Should I make the change? Yes/No
Project Lessons Learned
At the end of every project, it’s important to do a “lesson’s learned” review. This is how to continually learn from past experience in order to benefit from it in the future.
Project Name: Date Due: Date Finished:
What went well that you’d like to repeat on future projects?
What didn’t go well that you’d like to avoid doing on future projects?
Did you achieve your goal? If not, why?
How well did your plan support achieving your goal?
Did the deliverables turn out like you expected? If not, why?
Were all the requirements met? If not, why?
Were all the tasks completed? If not, why?
Were the estimates close to the actual time it took to do the work? If not, why?
Did the schedule work out? If not, why?
What problems happened during the project? Were they preventable?
Did progress go as planned? If not, why?
Did you make any changes during the project? If so, how did they turn out?