Bun Number
Site Name
Conducted on
Start Date
End date
Prepared by
Key personnel-Building Manager- Consultant or Designer-site Manager-directs
Brief scope of work, internal and external
General Arrangements
Will the premises be
- Trading
- Landlord occupied
- Fully closed
Is there an area for a skip?
will you be using wait and load?
Is there parking available?
Are there any access/delivery restrictions?
Is there adequate welfare arrangements
Is there any roofworks?
Is Scaffolding required?
Is there any excavation works?
Is there any steel works?
Is there any demolition works?
Is structural propping required?
Is there any heavy plant required
Asbestos Information
Was the premises built prior to 2000
will the works disturb the fabric of the building
How will the works disturb the fabric of the building?
Have you received any asbestos reports?
Is a targeted survey required
Has a targeted survey been instructed?
Please add any relevant photos here.
Please add any specific project information here.
Project Manager Signature