
  • Project title/Site

  • Client

  • Principal / Main Contractor

  • Site Manager/Contractor Supervisor

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location


  • This inspection/audit has been undertaken by Absolute Health and Safety Services Ltd . The purpose of the inspection/audit is to ensure the Principal / Main Contractors compliance with the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and any relevant subordinate legislation, including but not restricted to, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015 the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 and the Working at Heights Regulations 2005.

    The report aims to identify areas where the Principal / Main Contractor needs to improve to meet the requirements of all relevant health and safety regulations and industry best practice procedures.

    The 'corrective actions' section details the remedial actions graded as priority 'High', 'Medium' and 'Low'.

    'High' rated actions should be completed as soon as is reasonably practicable, as these could potentially lead to serious injury and would likely lead to an enforcement officer issuing a 'Prohibition' or 'Improvement' notice against the site.

    'Medium' rated actions should be completed with a reasonable timeframe (normally before the next inspection/audit)

    'Low' rated actions are not compulsory but the contractor would benefit from addressing these points for continual improvement of health and safety standards.

Conclusion/ Summary of report/Key Issues

  • undefined

1.0 - Management and Documentation

  • Is the Construction Phase H&S Plan on site, signed by SM and up to date?

  • Is the project notifiable and is the F10 Displayed

  • Is there a copy of the company's Employers Liability insurance policy on display?

  • Do management carry out regular workplace monitoring.

2.0 - Site Specific Documentation

  • Are suitable and sufficient risk assessments and method statements available for all hazards with a potential significant risk?

  • Have site operatives/contractors been briefed on the findings of the risk assessments, COSHH assessments and Method Statements/Safe Systems of Work?

  • Is there a signing in system to control access and egress from site?

  • Is there a working permit system in place for high risk activities?

  • Is there a register of COSHH in use with MSDS?

  • Is Asbestos being managed correctly with the relevant up to date survey in place and operatives training?

3.0 - Site Management Training

  • Does the site manager and contractor manager hold a relevant Manager/Supervisor qualification? e.g. SMSTS

4.0 - Operative/ContractorTraining (general)

  • Have all operatives/contractors been safety inducted onto site, with a record held?

  • Are regular on-site toolbox talks being undertaken?

  • Do management check competency of operatives.

6.0 - Fire & Emergency Precautions

  • Is a fire/emergency plan available for the site?

  • Is there a suitable system in place for raising an alarm?

  • Are sufficient in date, fire extinguishers provided, of the correct type?

  • Are any issues that pose a fire risk being controlled and managed adequately?

7.0 - Working at Heights (fixed scaffolds)

  • Is any fixed scaffold being managed correctly with hand over certification, weekly inspection reports?

  • Does all scaffold appear to be in good condition with no issues of concern?

8.0 - Working at Heights ( Tower Scaffolds)

  • Are tower scaffolds in use on site? and are they erected and signed off by a competent person?

  • Do all towers appear to be erected and used correctly?

9.0 - Working at Heights (MEWPs & Scissor Lifts etc.)

  • Are MEWPs or Scissor Lifts in use? Are operators competent and is the equipment used in a safe manner?

  • Are regular mandatory inspections evidenced.

10.0 - Working at Heights (ladders, steps & hop-ups etc.)

  • Are ladders, steps, hop-ups or similar in use on site? Does the equipment appear to be in good condition and of the correct type/grade? Is the equipment being used in a safe manner?

11.0 - Working at Heights, Roof work or on or Near Fragile Surfaces

  • Is there any work on or near fragile surfaces and is suitable protection be provided to prevent persons falling? Are the works being conducted in safe manner and controlled under a permit-to-work procedure?

12.0 - Confined Spaces Working

  • Is there any confined spaces working on site? is it being conducted in a safe manner with permit in place.

13.0 - Excavations

  • Are there any excavations on site? is it being conducted in a safe manner with permit in place. Does the excavation appear to be in a safe and secure condition and are the mandatory inspections being conducted at the start of shift?

14.0 - Cranes & Lifting Equipment

  • Are cranes or lifting equipment in use on site and Has the equipment been subject to thorough examination?

  • Are there suitably qualified people to supervise the lifting operations following an authorised lift plan? Are lifting operations being correctly planned?

15.0 - General Work Equipment

  • Do management undertake regular inspections of plant and significant work equipment?

  • Does all general work equipment appear to be in good condition and in use in a safe manner?

16.0 - Noise

  • Are there any operations being undertaken which expose workers to potentially high levels of noise?and is noise being adequately assessed and controlled?

17.0 - Vibration

  • Are any tools/equipment in use which may expose workers to high levels of vibration? Is any significant vibration hazard being adequately controlled.

  • Have vibration levels and safe work limits been assessed or estimated?

18.0 - Welfare Facilities

  • Are suitable clean rest facilities provided? including chairs, tables, facilities for heating and storing food and drinks as well as drinking water?

  • Are suitable toilet facilities provided and kept in a clean and tidy state with washing facilities?

19.0 - First-aid and Accident/Incident Reporting

  • Is there a statutory accident book on site?

  • Is there a in date trained first-aider on site?

  • Have suitably stocked first-aid kits been provided?

  • Has there been any accidents or incidents since the last report and are they RIDDOR re-portable? has an investigation been carried out.

  • Has the accident/Incident been investigated?

20.0 - Site Waste Management

  • Is there a suitable system for the collection, segregation, storage and removal of all construction waste?

21.0 - General Site Conditions

  • Is the site secured against unauthorised access?

  • Are all site access and egress routes maintained clear and unobstructed of trip hazards, obstructions, trailing cables etc? including crossover points for public?

  • Are 110v transformer in use? is electrical safety adequate?

  • Housekeeping, is the site generally in good order, clean and tidy with good layout, safe storage of equipment and materials?

  • Is construction dust adequately managed.

  • Have exclusion zones been set-up around any higher risk activities?

  • Are any holes or openings suitably covered or protected?

  • Has sufficient background/task lighting been provided and being used?

  • Is site movement of plant and vehicles being managed adequately are traffic routes maintained from weather damage and clear of obstructions?

  • Have suitable warning signs been posted at entry points to the site and at approx. 30 meter spacing around perimeter fencing?

  • Are operatives wearing the correct PPE?

  • Are there any issues from previous site audit that are outstanding?

Corrective Actions

  • HIGH Level Risk:

    Compliance: failure to meet legal compliance or serious safety issue which may lead to prohibition or improvement notice action being issued by a visiting enforcement officer.

    Recommendations: actions to be rectified as soon as is reasonably practicable.

  • Corrective Actions (high risk)

  • High Risk
  • Add media

  • undefined

  • MEDIUM Level Risk:

    Compliance: failure to meet with general standards expected of a competent contractor, industry best practice procedures or safety issues which may lead to minor accident or incident.

    Recommendations: actions to be rectified prior to next CDM site inspection (where external support is required e.g. Safety courses, then it is acceptable to have these planned and booked prior to next inspection).

  • Corrective Actions (medium risk)

  • Medium Risk
  • Add media

  • undefined

  • LOW Level Risk:

    Compliance: action identified by the inspector to improve contractor safety management procedures or standards but unlikely to lead to enforcement action being taken.

    Recommendations: actions may not be considered as compulsory, but would portray the company in a positive light and allow the contractor to show commitment to improving site safety management procedures and/or standards.

  • Corrective Actions ( low risk)

  • Low Risk
  • Add media

  • undefined

Sign off

  • On site representative

  • Auditor

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