Audit Title (Job No - Job Name - Client)
Conducted on
Personnel on Site (Full Names)
Crew Leader listed on the JRA (Full Name)
Pre Works
Have all crew members reviewed the SWMS listed on the JRA and are they fully aware of the control measures that are required
Please ensure you answer yes to this question before the employee commences work
Have pre-starts been completed and exported for all vehicles plant and applicable equipment
Please ensure your pre-starts have been completed before the use of any Vehicles, Plant or applicable Equipment
Time arrived on site?
Upon arrival to site have you gathered all employees listed on the JRA to review the JRA against the planned works and identified any additional hazards outside of the scope of the SWMS listed on your JRA
Ensure this is completed before any works commence
Was there any hazards identified and a risk assessment conducted?
Ensure all employees have listed the time and signed onto the JRA
Photo of the Risk Assessment pages of the JRA document
Ensure all employees have listed the time and signed onto the JRA
Have you determined the Traffic Management requirements for your site utilising the Diversified TM Matrix
Please ensure this is completed before works commence
1. Ensure the site is setup as per the TCD and all personnel hold a current BWTM accreditation and is competent
Photos of Traffic Management setup (Photos should typically cover all approaches)
Have you clearly delineated your work area and erected the appropriate barricading/signage to notify/prevent access to pedestrians
Please ensure this is completed before works commence
Please provide photos of site setup
Have you called your Project Coordinator at 1pm
Please call your Project Coordinator at 1pm each day
Please provide details of the work that has been carried out
Please provide photos of the work that has been carried out
Have you had any vehicle/plant/equipment issues?
Please ensure you have notified your Project Coordinator and a maintenance request is raised where required
Please provide details
Please provide photos where appropriate
Positive feedback to report
Have you had any personnel issues
Please provide as much detail as possible (e.g. what was said, how it was said, who said it, how they responded etc)
Please be aware that for poor performance to be managed effectively, a detailed written record of events must be recorded.
Are the Crew Members competent to carry out all the tasks that have been issued
Full name of personnel
What control measure did you implement to ensure the task was completed safely and effectively
Details of training provided
Name of person allocated to
End of Works
Have you completed an end of works walk over the job to ensure all equipment is back on your vehicle
Ensure this is completed before leaving site
Is the site left in a safe and tidy manner with any hazards barricaded or removed?
Please ensure this occurs before leaving site
Are Reinstatements required?
Have you raised a reinstatement request?
Please ensure a maintenance request is completed before the completion of your shift
Have you redlined the works that were completed today?
Please ensure redlines are completed at the end of each shift and attached to this report
Photos of marked up plans
Photos of the JRA document (first 2 pages)
Time departed site
Crew Leader