Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Date

  • Auditor

  • Max of employees in stores at any given time

  • Store Hours

  • Nature of Business

  • Prepared by

First Aid

  • Are first aid facilities to be inspected?

  • Eye wash stations present and within expiry date?

  • Does everyone know where the first aid box and eye wash is located?

  • Is there adequate trained first aiders and everyone is aware who they are?

  • Are emergency numbers displayed and first aiders names displayed?

  • Is the first aid box fully stocked, clean and orderly?

  • Has there being any first aid incidents since last inspection?

Fire Prevention and Evacuation

  • Are fire and emergency procedures in place?

  • Evacuation plan displayed and understood by all employees?

  • Evacuation drills conducted regularly?

  • Exit doors easily opened from inside with a crash bar?

  • All fire exits are clear from obstruction?

  • All appopriate emergency signage present and visually displayed in<br>prominant places?

  • The correct fire extinguishers in place?

  • Extinguishers are checked and serviced regularly?

  • Fire alarm system fuunctioning correctly?

  • Means of raising an alarm

  • Assembly point identified?


  • Is there building security arrangements?

  • Are all entries and exits closed and locked at night and during weekends?

Transport and Vehicle Movement

  • Are they safe access and egress for delivery drivers

  • Is there adequate parking

  • Is there safe segragation between pedestrians and vehicles

PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)

  • Is all PPE as indicated and identified in the RAMS being used and worn to manufacturers instructions?

  • Is the correct PPE being supplied by CSC Services?

  • Is PPE stored correctly, cleaned, inspected and tested as required and replaced if damaged or faulty?

  • Has information, training and instruction been given on the use of PPE?

Slips, Trips and Falls Hazards

  • Slips, trips and falls are from are clear and free site materials, debris or equipment

  • Are there any obstructions on the floor that could cause a slip, trip or fall

  • Cable routed to prevent slips trips and falls?

  • Are there suitable routes to the work place that avoid slips trips and falls?

  • Are known slips trips and fall hazards adequately controlled?

  • No rubbish or debris discarded to cause slips, trips and falls

Access & Egress

  • Are dedicated walkways being followed?

  • Are all paths free from materials equipment plant to avoid trip hazards?

  • Are designated pathways clearly visible and of an appropriate surface?

  • Are pedestrian pathways kept clear and free of slip and trip hazards?

  • Floor surfaces are free from spillages?

  • Is there safe access and egress around the workshop?


  • Generally clean & tidy appearance

  • Are workbenches clear of rubbish and debris

  • Work benches are ergonomincal and fit for purpose, at the correct height?

  • Materials stored on racks does not exceed the recommended SWL?

  • Area around racking is clear and free from obstruction

  • Racking and storage is in good condition

  • Waste bins are not overflowing?


  • Have COSHH risk assessments being completed for all hazardous<br>substances in the workshop?

  • Are material data sheets available?

  • Are all unused substances disposed of in the right waste bin?

  • Is there COSHH cabinets and storage provided?

  • Are spill kits or other clean up arranagements provided in the workshop?

  • Are employees trained in spill kit procedures?

  • Chemical segregated correct?

  • Material storage / chemicals in place?

  • Bunding for CoSHH liquids?

  • Access to hazardous areas prevented ?

Hand and Power Tools & Machinery (Including chop saws) and Plant

  • Instruction, training and supervision provided/given in the use of power<br>tools?

  • Are tool guards in pace and in good condition?

  • Are all powered tools being inspected and fit for use, in good working<br>condition?<br>

  • Risk assessments been completed were appropriate. Are they readily available and everyone has understood the risks?

  • Are employees trained and competent in the use the power tools

  • Are all machinery, tools, and plant kept clean including surrounding area?

  • Are all guards in place, secure and in good working condition, fit for purpose?


  • Are ladders are industrial compliant?

  • Are ladders in good condition?

  • Is there a ladder register

Manual Handling

  • Is there any activities which require bending, stooping, twisiting and<br>turning whilst manual handling materials?

  • Are employees trained in manual handling techniques?

  • Can manual handling be eliminated and replaced with another option?

Falling Object Hazards Are there any objects that could fall on people, such as:

  • Goods or stores on shelves and racking?

  • Unstable freestanding stacks of goods or materials?

  • Loose electrical or mechanical equipment: lighting, pipework, ventilation equipment, etc?

Electrical Hazards Is there any risk of persons receiving an electrical shock from:

  • Loose or broken: sockets, switches, light fittings, conduits and trunking, etc?

  • Worn, frayed or split cables?

  • Trailing leads?

  • Overloaded extension leads or multi socket adaptors?

  • Exposed cables into plugs, computer equipment, kettles, fan heaters, microwaves, food and drinks dispensers, etc?

  • Exposed live parts of electrical switchgear: controls, motors, pumps, etc?

  • Is any item of portable electrical equipment overdue for a Portable Appliance Test (PAT)?

  • Is any item of electrical equipment poorly or dangerously positioned?


  • Is lighting Sufficient and suitable?

  • Is there emergency lighting inside the building?

  • Is the outside lighting working?

Waste Management

  • Waste management area setup?

  • Is the waste area clearly signed and skips with designated signage?

  • Any spill kits present on site?


  • Are relevant risk assessment in place?

  • HSE Poster displayed?

  • Public & Employers Liability Insurance displayed?

  • Company rules displayed?

  • Any accidents/Incidents or near misses recorded since last inspection?

Close out information

  • Corrective Action

  • Corrective Action Assigned Person


  • Feedback given to relevant employee

Sign off Observation

  • Observer Name & Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.