Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Overall Audit Score

Arrival, General Housekeeping & Signage

  • Does the site maintain a visitor book for external visitors, contractors and visting staff members?

  • Create an action

  • Is the mandatory EHS noticeboard displayed in a prominent position and is the waste permit displayed? Is there a mandatory entrance sign with permit number, EA number etc?

  • Create an action


  • Does the site undertake toolbox talks regarding Environmental issues when they occur and can the site manager show evidence that these have taken place?

  • Create an action

  • Can the site manager show up to date training records?

  • Create an action

  • Are all LPG cars highlighted with (lpg) and segregated for removal to preston as ELV,s to be depolluted correctly?

  • Create an action


  • Is the Safe Working Procedure in place for emergency situations such as spillages and any other environmental incidents? Have staff signed to say they understand the procedure?

  • Create an action

  • Is the fire information box at front gate in place (to include copy of Site Emergency Plan, site map, any other pertinent information Fire Brigade may require)

  • Create an action

  • Are all employees aware of the fire evacuation procedure and where the fire assembly point is.?


  • Does the Site Manager understand their Site Permit? Do they have a copy? Do they know the waste storage limitations and are they operating within those restrictions?

  • Create an action

  • Are daily checks carried out without fail and are there gaps in the records?

  • Create an action

  • Does Site Manager carry out daily checks in accordance with requirements?

  • Create an action

  • Are collection notes (duty of care)(hazardous waste)completed correctly?

  • Create an action

  • Are spill kits / sand, absorbent granules used for absorbing chemical spillage readily accessible? Correct PPE available for the cleaning up of any spillages?

  • Create an action

  • Is any product (Leachate) leaving site ?

  • Create an action

  • Is the perimeter fencing/wall in good condition ? Is there any signs of leakage from the site??

  • Create an action

  • Are containment surfaces, bunding filtration, interceptors and drains in good condition and not blocked?

  • Create an action

  • Is the Site Manager and site staff aware of what none permitted waste is that they are not allowed to accept and what to do oif any arrive on site ? (Ie quarantine areas)

  • Create an action

  • How does the site monitor the fill level on the depoll fuel tanks? Is an effective system in place to prevent it overflowing?

  • Create an action

  • Is there a procedure readily available with regards to spilllages?

  • Create an action

  • Has an emergency spill drill been carried out on site within the last 12 months?

  • Create an action

  • Are there personnel on site who are competent in the removal of Fgas

  • Create an action


  • Are Toilets cleaned regularly and well maintained? Is all drainage / waste removal adequate for the location?

  • Create an action

  • Male and female changing and washing facilities, clean and adequate to prevent cross contamination?

  • Create an action

Plant & Infrastructure

  • Is the weighbridge calibration certificate in date and displayed in office?

  • Create an action

  • Have all portable electrical items been PAT tested (within the last 12 mths)?

  • Create an action

  • Check lifting equipment for LOLER certificates

  • Create an action

Radiation Detectors

  • Has the Radiation Detector been calibrated and is the certificate available?

  • Create an action

  • Are any records of the system alarm being triggered available?

  • Create an action

  • Is there a procedure in place describing what to do if the detector alarm should sound? If so, has this been trained / briefed?

Audit Close Out

  • Complete an audit summary here, this audit summary may well be shared with other interested parties. The summary must be neutral, considered, objective and based on evidence that was seen and made available to the auditor at the point of assessment

  • Summary

  • Add signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.