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Revision Information
The form is the equivalent to Q2232 issue 2 and Q2234 issue 1 combined this form is electronic issue 2.0 - 14/10/2016
Password information
The password to remove electronic issue 1.0 is: 8awiv!L4
Documentation - Are the following present and correct on site?
The Auditor must be conversant with NSI Code of Practice NCP 109 and Company Procedures.
Document holder?
Please provide detail / reasons
Specification that reflects the "as fitted" system?
Please provide detail / reasons
Have changes to the Specification been agreed and endorsed by the customer?
Please provide detail / reasons
System Layout Drawings (as fitted inc interfaces etc)?
Please provide detail / reasons
Record of Operational Checks (readings)?
Please provide detail / reasons
System History Card showing on service date?
Please provide detail / reasons
Service Telephone Label?
Please provide detail / reasons
Electricity warning labels on all cameras/PSU's where applicable?
Please provide detail / reasons
Has a copy of the Safe Systems of Work been left on site?
Please provide detail / reasons
Are the following present and correct in customer file
Specification that reflects the "as fitted" system?
Please provide detail / reasons
System Layout Drawings (as fitted interfaces etc)?
Please provide detail / reasons
Record of Operational Checks (readings)?
Please provide detail / reasons
Handover Checklist completed?
Please provide detail / reasons
Customer Handover Certificate signed by Customer and Engineer?
Please ensure a copy of this audit is sent to your QEHS Specialist for review
NSI Certificate issued within 54 days?
Please provide detail / reasons
Has a copy of the Safe Systems of Work been left in file?
Please provide detail / reasons
Power Supplies
Are Power Supplies installed?
Please show power supplies
When the mains is cut does the battery take over without disrupting the system (where applicable)?
Please provide detail / reasons
Are batteries dated?
Please provide detail / reasons
Are fused Spurs solely for the system?
Please provide detail / reasons
Are power supply batteries adequate for all protection or system loads?
Please provide detail / reasons
If access system fails unlocked is additional security provided for the power supply?
Please provide detail / reasons
Does standby time meet NSI or Customer requirements?
Please provide detail / reasons
Is power distribution adequate?
Please provide detail / reasons
Are power supplies secure from tampering and within the secure area?
Please provide detail / reasons
PART P Requirements (England and Wales dwellings only)
Is there a Part P requirement?
Do fused spur installations in dwellings meet the requirements of Part P of the Building Regulations?
Please provide detail / reasons
Are any detection devices installed in any 'special locations' that have not been notified to the Qualified Supervisor at the branch?
Please provide detail / reasons
Are Readers Installed?
Are the readers fixed securely?
Please ensure a copy of this audit is sent to your QEHS Specialist for review
In relation to the access point, is the reader conveniently located?
Please provide detail / reasons
Are external readers fitted with tamper switches?
Please provide detail / reasons
Is there an indication for access granted?
Please ensure a copy of this audit is sent to your QEHS Specialist for review
Control Equipment
Is Control/Administration Equipment Installed?
Is control equipment located for easy operation by the user?
Please provide detail / reasons
Has due consideration been given to physical security and supervision?
Please provide detail / reasons
Has due consideration been given to noise when locating the printer?
Please provide detail / reasons
Has due consideration been given to visual display of data being seen by unauthorised persons?
Please ensure a copy of this audit is sent to your QEHS Specialist for review
Is Cabling Installed?
Please show example of cabling
Are cables within the secure or controlled areas?
Please provide detail / reasons
Are cables terminated correctly?
Please provide detail / reasons
Is cabling installed to good working practices?
Please provide detail / reasons
Extra low voltage, coax or twisted pair cables do not run along or enter equipment with mains voltage cables?
Please provide detail / reasons
Are cables run externally or underground suitable for the application?
Please provide detail / reasons
Where cables pass through holes are they suitably protected, i.e. Grommets, grommet strip or tube?
Please provide detail / reasons
Are fire break walls resealed to comply with requirements?
Please provide detail / reasons
Have environmental conditions been considered and adequate precautions taken when installing cables i.e. High ambient temperature, corrosive atmosphere?
Please provide detail / reasons
Are any cable drops from ceiling to floor or runs below 2 meters mechanically protected?
Please provide detail / reasons
Are cable joints insulated, electrically and mechanically sound?
Please provide detail / reasons
Are coax or fibre optic cables jointed by the correct method?
Please provide detail / reasons
Are cables labelled at control units, processing equipment and major junction boxes etc?
Please provide detail / reasons
Is mains cable kept away from PCBs in electronic equipment?
Please provide detail / reasons
Is mains earth insulated with correct sleeving?
Please provide detail / reasons
Access Point Hardware
Is Access Point Hardware Installed?
Is the hardware suitable for level of traffic or environment?
Please provide detail / reasons
Is hardware fitted correctly using suitable tools?
Please provide detail / reasons
Has fitting of the lock maintained the physical strength of the access point?
Please provide detail / reasons
Does the transfer of electrical connections on to doors utilise suitable flexible cables or other suitable means?
Please provide detail / reasons
Does the door closer close the door firmly but without undue impact?
Please provide detail / reasons
Does the access point re-lock when the reader of an override switch is activated but the access point is not operated?
Please provide detail / reasons
Is correct hardware fitted on rebated doors?
Please provide detail / reasons
Is Conduit/Trunking Installed?
Please show example of conduit/trunking
Is conduit/trunking installation conductive with surroundings?
Please provide detail / reasons
Are conduit ends bushed?
Please provide detail / reasons
Is metal conduit bonded to earth correctly?
Please provide detail / reasons
Are trunking fitting used or mitres correct?
Please provide detail / reasons
Is trunking lid fitted correctly and complete?
Please provide detail / reasons
Is the capacity adequate and room for expansion?
Please provide detail / reasons
Are fixing adequate (to BS7671)?
Please provide detail / reasons
General - All Systems
Returned system to a fully operational status?
Please provide detail / reasons
Grade the overall workmanship 0 to 5 where 0 is Good and 5 is Poor
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
Product Audit Score
Please select the audit score
Please ensure a copy of this audit is sent to your QEHS Specialist
Please ensure a copy of this audit is sent to your QEHS Specialist
Please ensure a copy of this audit is sent to your QEHS Specialist
Environmental, Health and Safety Summary
In the opinion of the auditor does the engineer work and act in a safe manner?
Please provide details / reasons
Does the engineer require any EHS refresher training? (if yes, please state requirement)
Please provide details / reasons
Does the engineer dispose of waste as per company requirements?
Please provide details / reasons
Is the engineer trained in all aspects of work related Health and Safety?
Please provide details / reasons
Has the engineer, subcontractor been issued with up to date risk assessments?
Please provide details / reasons
Did the engineer spot any near miss, unsafe acts or conditions during the audit?
Please provide details / reasons
Training requirements (if any)
Please provide details of the near miss or unsafe acts and if they have been correctly reported
Audit Sign Off
Engineer Signature:
Auditors Signature
Post Audit
The following items are for post audit use should they be required
Any Notes & Observations
Preventative Actions (i.e. Training):
Proposed Preventative Action Close Out Date:
Corrective Actions:
Proposed Corrective Action Close Out Date:
I confirm that the corrective actions have been completed
Add signature
I confirm that the preventative actions have been completed
Add signature