Conducted on
Task or work area
Task "actions to be included in file name"
QATC Take 5 Checklist for the following activity type
Is this task part of a audit safety check?
As part of our planning we have implemented the following additional controls .
Have we thought through the tasks for today thoroughly?
Are supervisors trained, competent and authorised for these tasks ?
Does everyone have the correct PPE, enough water and equipment for todays tasks including a First Aid Kit
Have I communicated with all work groups any hazards that may affect them or me?
Are we all fit to perform these tasks?
Have we considered the weather & environmental conditions for today’s tasks?
What hazards are around me "here and now"? Select and make a list !
What controls are in place for the identified hazards? Select and list all controls in place!
What other actions have been taken to address todays tasks risks!
Have all been instructed in the task plan for this session?
Are these tasks correctly planned to protect the environment or cultural heritage?
Do we have the correct tools & equipment?
Is the work area prepared correctly, tidy and ready to work safely in?
Take a photo of the work area where these tasks will occure today.
Participant Sign On
Will the others involved be required to sign this Risk assessment
Others that were present for this safety induction prior to work commencing
other people
Name & Signature
Click on "+Add" to add more people to sign on