Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Date of Audit
Time Audit Start
Audit Summary / Recommendations
Previous Inspection
This Section of the Audit will review the progress of the most recent audit undertaken
has the last inspection been reviewed
Have all outstanding actions been addressed
List outstanding actions to be addressed
Standard 2.1 Each child’s health is promoted.
Is there evidence of - Element 2.1.1 Each child’s health needs are supported.
List the evidence
Children's Health information Sheets are completed , up to date and accessible to all Educators
All staff are aware of children's health needs (Allergies and conditions etc)
Is there evidence of - Element 2.1.2 Each child’s comfort is provided for and there are appropriate opportunities to meet each child’s need for sleep, rest and relaxation.
List the evidence
Each child has individual clean bedding for rest time (0-5)
There are areas in centre for children to have rest and quiet activity
Is there evidence of - Element 2.1.3 Effective hygiene practices are promoted and implemented.
List the evidence
Bathrooms are clean and in working order
Hand-washing facilities are clean and in good working order
Bathroom checks are completed
Hand-washing area is stocked with soap and paper towel
Hand - washing signs are on display were needed
Bins are present, clean and have lids
Is there evidence of - Element 2.1.4 Steps are taken to control the spread of infectious diseases and to manage injuries and illness, in accordance with recognised guidelines.
List the evidence
Children are encouraged to use correct hygienic practices (hand-washing, wiping nose etc)
Standard 2.2 Healthy eating and physical activity are embedded in the program for children.
Is there evidence of - Element 2.2.1 Healthy eating is promoted and food and drinks provided by the service are nutritious and appropriate for each child.
List the evidence
Menus cater to children's nutritional, dietry and cultural needs
2 weeks menus are displayed for families
Drinking water is always available to children
Is there evidence of - Element 2.2.2 Physical activity is promoted through planned and spontaneous experiences and is appropriate for each child.
List the evidence
Physical activity is incorporated into program (Munch and Move, Zumba, Yoga etc)
Outdoor and indoor program encourages physical activity
Standard 2.3 Each child is protected.
Is there evidence of - Element 2.3.1 Children are adequately supervised at all times.
List the evidence
Ratios are correct or exceed NQS at all times of day.
Supervision hot spot plans used in centre
Is there evidence of - Element 2.3.2 Every reasonable precaution is taken to protect children from harm and any hazard likely to cause injury.
List the evidence
Risk assessments in place for all excursions or activities
Equipment safe and in good working order
Play surfaces in good repair and checked every 3 years
First Aid facilities well stocked, up to date and signposted.
Indoor checklist completed
Outdoor checklist completed
Up to Date CPR signs in each playroom and outdoor area exit
First Aid checklist completed
is there evidence of - Element 2.3.4 Educators, co-ordinators and staff members are aware of their roles and responsibilities to respond to every child at risk of abuse or neglect.
List evidence
Staff child protection qualifications (Child Protection – CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at risk) up to date
is there evidence of - Element 2.3.3 Plans to effectively manage incidents and emergencies are developed in consultation with relevant authorities, practised and implemented.
List the evidence
Emergency evacuation plans are displayed in each room exit and up to date
Emergency evacuation and lockdown drills regular and up to date
Audit finalisation
Select date
Audit completed by
Centre Representative sign off