Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Date of Audit
Time Audit Start
Audit Summary / Recommendation
Previous Inspection
This Section of the Audit will review the progress of the most recent audit undertaken
has the last inspection been reviewed
Have all outstanding actions been addressed
List outstanding actions
Standard 7.1 Effective leadership promotes a positive organisational culture and builds a professional learning community.
Is there evidence of - Element 7.1.1 Appropriate governance arrangements are in place to manage the service.
List evidence
Educator time sheets and rosters cover Educator:child ratios
Information on the senior admin team is displayed for Educators and families
Polices and procedures on how to manage complaints is followed
Provide example
Certified Supervisor polices and procedures are followed<br>
The approved provider information is displayed
The current centre assessment and rating is displayed
Is there evidence of - Element 7.1.2 The induction of educators, co-ordinators and staff members, including relief educators, is comprehensive.
List evidence
Induction checklist complete and trimmed for all Educators and casual Educators
Is there evidence of - Element 7.1.3 Every effort is made to promote continuity of educators and co-ordinators at the service.
List evidence
Plans in place for the management for Educators leave
Is there evidence of - Element 7.1.4 Provision is made to ensure a suitably qualified and experienced educator or co-ordinator leads the development of the curriculum and ensures the establishment of clear goals and expectations for teaching and learning.
List evidence
Program up to date and displayed for families
Is there evidence of - Element 7.1.5 Adults working with children and those engaged in management of the service or residing on the premises are fit and proper.
List evidence
Working With Children Checks (WWCC) up to date, trimmed with copies kept on file at the centre.
Standard 7.2 There is a commitment to continuous improvement.
Is there evidence of - Element 7.2.1 A statement of philosophy is developed and guides all aspects of the service’s operations.<br>
List evidence
The service philosophy is up to date and displayed
All service Educators know the philosophy and how we use it in everyday practice
Date philosophy was last updates
Is there evidence of - Element 7.2.3 An effective self-assessment and quality improvement process is in place.
List Evidence
The centre has completed WHS audit
Date of last WHS Audit
Standard 7.3 Administrative systems enable the effective management of a quality service.
Is there evidence of - Element 7.3.1 Records and information are stored appropriately to ensure confidentiality, are available from the service and are maintained in accordance with legislative requirements.
List evidence
All Children's records are up to date and timmed
All Educator records are up to date and trimmed
Is there evidence of - Element 7.3.2 Administrative systems are established and maintained to ensure the effective operation of the service.
List evidence
All policies and procedures are adhered to
Is there evidence of - Element 7.3.3 The Regulatory Authority is notified of any relevant changes to the operation of the service, of serious incidents and of any complaints which allege a breach of legislation.
List evidence
The procedure for notifying the department in adhered to
Is the evidence of - Element 7.3.4 Processes are in place to ensure that all grievances and complaints are addressed, investigated fairly and documented in a timely manner.
List evidence
Complaints procedure is adhered to
Is there evidence of - Element 7.3.5 Service practices are based on effectively documented policies and procedures that are available at the service and reviewed regularly.
List evidence
Policy folder is up to date and accessible by Educators and families
Audit finalisation
Select date
Audit completed by
Centre Representative sign off