Title Page

Quarterly workplace hazard inspection list engineering

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location


  • The temperature is adequate / comfortable x

  • Lighting and ventilation is adequate for the task required

  • Nightlights are checked and working

  • Good vision can be obtained at the entry and exit points

  • Walkways / traffic areas are clear of clutter

  • Furniture and trolleys are arranged to minimise disruptions to walkways

  • Work surfaces are at an appropriate height

  • Traffic flow in areas does not cause risk of collision or injury

  • Noise levels are not excessive within the department.

  • There is appropriate drainage to to ensure doesn’t pool on floor

  • Floors are even and have an appropriate slip resistance

  • Floors are free from gaps / holes / cracks

  • Stairways have adequate handrails, are clear of clutter and in good repair

  • The workplace amenities used by the staff are adequate and in a clean condition

2. Electrical

  • Electrical appliances, cords and equipment have been tested and tagged. Please check all items and advise when the NEXT EXPIRY date is out of all of the items

  • Electrical cords, extension, plugs and switches are safely arranged and in good repair I.e. Plastic covering intact

  • Electrical cords are secured to prevent trip injuries

  • Piggy back plugs (double adaptors) are Not used in the department

  • Electrical equipment is not exposed to water

3.Personal protective equipment

  • PPE and disposable gloves, glasses, aprons and ear protection are available for use and in good condition

  • Staff are wearing the required PPE

  • Detail ONE item of PPE worn

  • Staaaff are wearing appropriate footwear I.e. non-slip rubber soled shoes

  • High visibility clothing is worn at all times

4. Equipment / Machinery

  • Safety steps or ladders are available to enable access to all storage areas

  • Any damaged equipment has been removed from service until repair / replacement

  • All powered equipment and machinery is in good working order

  • Out of service or danger tags are available to place on faulty / damaged equipment

  • Correct machinery / equipment is used for required tasks

  • All ladders are electrically safe and in good repair

  • All machinery and equipment is maintained and serviced as per the manufactures or suppliers guidelines. Observe service records and detail when the last service date was out of all of the equipment / machinery

5. Housekeeping

  • Wet floor signs are available and used

  • Equipment not in use is removed to storage or disposed of

  • Theee environment is free of trip / slip hazards

  • The floor is free from rubbish, debris and or spills

  • The plant rooms are clear and clean

6. Emergency

  • Fire extinguishers and hose reel are in close proximity, clearly marked and have been tested within the last 6 months

  • Detail when the fire extinguisher was last tested (will be displayed on the metal tag on the neck of the extinguisher)

  • Emergency exit signs are lit and are clearly marked and visible

  • Fire and smoke doors are clearly signed

  • Exit doors open and close easily and are free from any obstructions

  • Emergency procedures (code red - fire, code orange - evacuation, code brown - ext emergency) are contained in the fire bow at the emergency assembly points and are in date

  • Emergency wall plans are in place clearly showing, exits and fire fighting equipment

  • Emergency procedure flip books are located next to every staff telephone

  • Staff are aware of emergency procedures and how to raise the alarm - DIAL 55

  • Ask FIVE staff members

  • Smoke / heat detectors are free from damage / obstructions

  • All emergency alarms have been tested I.e. duress alarms

  • First aid kit is available and fully stocked

  • Emergency eye wash station and chemical shower is in place and functioning - test by operating the shower nozzle and the face wash - and weekly testing has been completed

  • Staff have received basic fire extinguisher training

7. Storage

  • Items stored on shelves are not stored too high. I.e. items on top shelves should be one box high

  • Are items stored appropriately I.e. Frequently used items and heavy items stored between knee and shoulder height

  • Materials are stored securely to prevent falling

  • Shelves are secured to walls / floors to prevent falling

  • Gas cylinders are stored upright and are within a racking system or non - abrasive chain

  • Storage rooms are neat and tidy to allow a clear walking path and are free from rubbish

8. Chemicals

  • Safety data sheet (SDS) bikini is stored with the chemicals in the chemical storage / cleaners room

  • Chemical containers are labelled with the manufacturer / suppliers label

  • Spill kits are available to clean up chemical spills (in bulk chemical storage areas)

  • Appropiate PPE is worn by staff working with chemicals

  • All chemicals are stored to prevent unauthorised access and storage areas are locked I.e. flammable goods cabinet

  • An asbestos register is in place and asbestos hazards are labelled in the workplace

9. Manual Handling

  • Staff follow correct materials manual tasks procedures

  • Staff have received materials manual handling training within the last year

  • Staff are not required to undertake tasks lifting excessive weight

  • Manual handling aids are avavilable on the ward to reduce the need for manual handling I.e. trolleys

10. Workplace Health And Safety Information

  • The below policies are displayed in the work area and signed by the hospital executive * Work Health and Safety * Manual Handling * Zero Tolerance - Aggression & Violence * Return to Work & Rehabilitation

  • Current Workplace Health and Safety Subcommittee Minutes are displayed in the work area

  • Current monthly Safety reports are displayed in the area

  • Injury Hotline poster displayed in work area

11. Policy And Procedure

  • Policy and Procedures are followed at all times and are up to date

  • Safe Operating Procedures (SPOs) are in place for all tasks and are up to date

12. Agency/ Casual/ Contractor Staff

  • All agency / casual / contractor staff have received the contractor orientation induction checklist and area specific orientation handout

  • All contractors have signed the contractor register when on site

  • Permits to work are issued for all, hot works, working at heights and general works - Verify contractor log

  • Contractor non - compliance is reported, documented and actioned

  • All agency / Casual / contractor staff are wearing appropriate ID badges

13. Security

  • Identity badges / contractor stickers are visible and worn at all times

  • Designated areas are limited to authorised personnel at all times I.e. treatment rooms, storage areas etc

  • A key register is kept for all service keys issued

  • No staff member is working alone

  • There is a means of communication, roving phone two way radio at all times

14. Waste Management

  • All waste is contained and disposed of in appropriate waste stream I.e. general, clinical, confidential, cytotoxic

  • No rubbish is left in any plant rooms, work areas or roof spaces

15. External Grounds Inspections

15.1 Vegegtation

  • Is. Vegetation no closer than 3 - 5 meters of buildings or emergency exits

  • The vegetation does not pose a fire hazard I.e. leaf litter etc.

  • The vegetation does not pose a security hazard I.e. person hiding etc

  • Vegetation is not obscuring signage

15.2 Vehicle Access

  • Directional signage is highly visible

  • The directions are easy to read and concise

  • Speed signs are in place and adhered to

15.3 Pedestrian Access

  • Pedestrian access is visible and easy to use

  • Are there any blind spots or obstructions

  • There is disabled access to the facility

  • There is signage appropriate for Pedestrian awareness

  • Surfaces are free from slip / trip hazards

  • Is there a risk of collision between Pedestrians and cars

15.4 Lighting

  • Is Lighting of grounds adequate for staff and visitors including night time

  • Is the lighting functional at the time of inspection

  • Vegetation is not obscuring the lighting at night

15.5 Storage Sheds / Areas

  • Material storage areas are secure from unauthorised access

  • Stored material is secured to prevent it from shifting or falling

  • Chemicals are stored as per SDS requirements

  • Rubbish bins on grounds are emptied regularly

15.6 External doors

  • All doors are secured from the outside

  • Doors are in good repair

  • Doors with swipe card access are closed

  • Fire doors are free from any obstruction

  • emergency exit doors are signed “Emergency Exit DO NOT OBSTRUCT “

15.7 signage

  • Areas of restricted access are signed

  • External emergency assembly points are clearly marked

  • Mobile plant and equipment is highly visible

15.8 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • Staff are wearing high visibility clothing whilst working outside

  • Sun protection is provided and worn, hat, sunscreen, sunglasses

  • Staff are wearing appropriate PPE ; gloves, face shields, glasses, ear protection for the task

  • Fall arrest Harness are in compliance test

  • Please specify next test date

  • Staff using fall arrest systems are currently certified to use them and included in department training register

  • All harness anchor points are in compliance test date

  • Please specify next test date

15.9 Traffic Management

  • A facility wide traffic management plan is documented, in place and in date to ensure the safe movement of pedestrian and vehicle traffic around the facility

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  • Total number of corrective actions

  • Completed by

  • Department manager name

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The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.