- ARKLATEX - Little Rock
- ARKLATEX - Shreveport
- ARKLATEX - New Orleans
- BOR - El Paso
- BOR - McAllen, Del Rio, Laredo
- DFW - Dallas
- DFW - Fort Worth
- NMOK - New Mexico
- NMOK - Oklahoma
- SCT - Austin
- SCT - Houston
- SCT - San Antonio
Conducted on
Prepared by
Building Number / Name
Please describe how this review is being conducted.
Building Inspection
Tour Logs for all Critical Equipment being performed and up to date?
Condition of Exterior of Building, Parking Lots, Flag, Lighting, Windows and Doors, Landscaping, Sidewalks, Satisfactory?
Condition of Entry to Building- Walk off Mats, Floors, Lighting, Lobby, Windows, Overall Appearance.
Were all previous months PMs completed on time?
Tap to enter information
List Incomplete Items
Water Treatment records in check, no Alarms on Controller?
Are Mechanical Rooms in satisfactory condition ? If No, List deficiencies.
Are energy and water savings devices being utilized throughout the building? (i.e. T8 fluorescent lamps, lighting controls, motion sensors, faucet aerators or water restrictor, automatic shutoff valves, sub-metering etc.)
Tap to enter information
List any recommendations
Are BAS computers up to date and being logged in every 30 days on the GSA Network ? Are all C-04 PMs being performed?
Are controls in place to reduce lighting levels in unoccupied space?
Is there a Building Operating Plan in place that reflects most efficient operations for the major equipment (chiller, boilers, etc.)?
On review of the EUAS, is the BTUs/GSF and GAL/GSF in the buildings on target with Regional and National Goals?
Measures and Reports
Is the Property Management Office reviewing consumption on a regular basis and determining causes and solutions where significant variances occur?
Has an Energy Audit been completed within the last ten years?
Is an Energy Audit scheduled?
Have all Energy Saving Opportunities identified been completed or scheduled for completion?
Are there excessive tenant requests (Service Calls) affecting energy or water consumption that require corrective action?
Is the Service Center meeting the regional energy reduction target? (btu/gsf/year)
Is the Service Center meeting the regional water reduction target? (gal/gsf/year)
Is there evidence that the Property Management Office institutes an energy awareness program with tenants involving regular communication of energy issues?
Does the Property Management Office take steps to identify and implement any low or no cost energy saving opportunities?
Inspection Closing Info
Evaluation of Inspection-
Needs Attention
Council Needed, Notify COR
Program Reviewer
Field Office Representative