
  • Client:

  • Doc No:

  • UPRN:

  • Site Address:
  • Site Name:

  • Property Type:

  • If Other please specify

  • Number of floors

  • Number of units

  • Loft hatches in communal areas:

  • Layout of the block

  • Managers Name:

  • Conducted on:

  • Prepared by:

  • Contact Details:

  • Aborted Call:

  • If yes take photo of block and skip to declaration.

  • Photo of block

Fire Protection

Fire Alarms

  • Fire Alarm System:

  • Make:

  • Model:

  • Location:

  • Evidence

  • Number of zones (if applicable)

  • Zone Chart Present:

  • Evidence

  • Fire Alarm Repeater Panels:

  • Quantity

  • Make

  • Condition

  • Location

  • Evidence

  • Manual Call Points:

  • Quantity

  • Make

  • Type

  • Condition

  • Evidence

  • Bells:

  • Quantity

  • Make

  • Type

  • Condition

  • Evidence

  • Electronic Sounders:

  • Quantity

  • Make

  • Type

  • Condition

  • Evidence

  • Input/Output Units:

  • Quantity

  • Make

  • Type

  • Condition

  • Evidence

  • Fire door holdback devices?

  • Quantity

  • Make

  • Type

  • Condition

  • Evidence

  • Linked to another panel:

  • Make

  • Type

  • Condition

  • Evidence

  • Linked to a call centre:

  • Make

  • Type

  • Condition

  • Evidence

  • Batteries:

  • Quantity

  • Type

  • Size

  • Condition

  • Evidence

  • Panel Code/Key No.

  • Heat Detectors:

  • Quantity

  • Make

  • Type

  • Condition

  • Evidence

  • Multi detector

  • Make

  • Condition

  • Quantity

  • Type

  • Evidence

  • Smoke Detectors:

  • Make

  • Condition

  • Quantity

  • Type

  • Evidence

AOV System

  • AOV System:

  • Make

  • Condition

  • Location

  • Evidence

  • Batteries

  • Type

  • Size

  • Actuator/Mag

  • Quantity

  • Make

  • Type

  • Condition

  • Evidence

Fire Extinguishers

  • Wet Chemical:

  • Quantity

  • Size

  • Make

  • Pressurised/Non-Pressurised

  • Evidence

  • Foam Spray:

  • Quantity

  • Size

  • Make

  • Pressurised/Non-Pressurised

  • Evidence

  • CO2:

  • Quantity

  • Size

  • Make

  • Pressurised/Non-Pressurised

  • Evidence

  • Water:

  • Quantity

  • Size

  • Make

  • Pressurised/Non-Pressurised

  • Evidence

  • Dry Powder:

  • Quantity

  • Size

  • Make

  • Pressurised/Non-Pressurised

  • Evidence

Fire Fighting Equipment

  • Fire Blankets:

  • Quantity

  • Condition

  • Evidence

  • Fire Buckets:

  • Quantity

  • Condition

  • Evidence

Dry Risers

  • Dry Risers:

  • Evidence

  • Air release valves

  • Outlet valves

  • Inlet breaching (2way)

  • Drain valves

  • Low level drain

  • Fire Hoses:

  • Evidence

  • Quote request for removal

Site Questions

  • Any special site requirements?

  • Details

  • Approximate age of system?

  • Overall condition of system?

  • Additional information/Recommendations

Emergency Lighting

Emergency Lighting

  • Maintained:

  • Quantity

  • Make

  • Type

  • Condition

  • Evidence

  • Non-Maintained:

  • Quantity

  • Make

  • Type

  • Condition

  • Evidence

  • Sustained:

  • Quantity

  • Make

  • Type

  • Condition

  • Evidence

  • Twinspots:

  • Quantity

  • Make

  • Type

  • Condition

  • Evidence

  • Test Switches:

  • Quantity

  • Type

  • Condition

  • Locations

  • Evidence

  • Access equipment needed:

  • Details

Door Entry

Door Entry System

  • Number of dwellings on system

  • Number of dwellings off system

  • Number of floors

  • Main Entrances:

  • Evidence

  • Number of main entrances

  • Door type

  • If Other please specify

  • Rear Entrances:

  • Evidence

  • Number of rear entrances

  • Door type

  • If Other please specify

  • Controlled sub-landing doors:

  • Evidence

  • Number of sub landing doors

  • Door type

  • If Other please specify

  • System Manufacturer:

  • Evidence

  • System type:

  • Evidence

  • Digital or Functional:

  • Evidence

  • Audio or Audio/Visual:

  • Evidence

  • Number of handsets

  • Trades Button:

  • Evidence

  • Main Controller:

  • Evidence

  • Landing Junction Boxes:

  • Evidence

  • Access Controlled Doors:

  • Type

  • Evidence

  • Number of access controllers

  • Locks used:

  • Evidence

  • Notes:

  • General condition of system:

  • Evidence



  • Number of external static cameras

  • Type

  • Evidence

  • Number of internal fully functional cameras

  • Evidence

  • Type

  • Number of external fully functional cameras

  • Evidence

  • Type

  • Number of camera columns

  • Evidence

  • Telemetry transmitter type:

  • Evidence

  • DVR type:

  • Number of inputs

  • Evidence

  • Power supplies used:

  • Evidence

  • Remote monitoring:

  • Via

  • Evidence

  • Number of monitors

  • Type

  • Size

  • Evidence

  • Notes:

  • General condition of the system:

Warden Call

Warden Call

  • Warden Call:

  • Number of dwellings

  • Number of floors

  • Evidence

  • Make

  • Model

  • Open or Closed Protocol

  • Speech Modules:

  • Evidence

  • Dwellings quantity

  • Wardens quarters quantity

  • Lifts quantity

  • Communal areas quantity

  • Pull cords quantity

  • Automatic Fire Detection:

  • Evidence

  • Type

  • Number of heat detectors

  • Number of smoke detectors

  • Number of test switches

  • Warden Infra-Red Controllers:

  • Evidence

  • Quantity

  • Key Safe:

  • Evidence

  • Quantity

  • Digitally Enhanced Cordless Telephone (DECT) Systems:

  • Evidence

  • Manufacturer

  • Type

  • Quantity

  • Door Entry Systems linked to Warden Call:

  • Evidence

  • Complete Door Entry section.

  • Deaf Alarm Adaptations:

  • Evidence

  • Number of vibrating pillows

  • Number of flashing beacons

  • Radio Pendants:

  • Evidence

  • Quantity

Lightning Protection

Lightning Protection

  • Is Lightning Protection installed on the block:

  • Evidence



  • Communal Electrical Supply:

  • Cupboard Location

  • Distribution Board - Type

  • Distribution Board - Size

  • Distribution Board - Condition

  • Evidence

  • Sockets in Communal Areas:

  • Evidence



  • Completed By:

  • Signature:

  • Time/Date Completed:

  • No. of Assets Collected:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.