
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


  • A current fire risk assessment is required but The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.
    This is a live document to be updated by the FM with input from occupier representatives:
    1. Whenever there is significant change to the premises which may affect fire strategy
    2. If there is a significant change in work activity or process or an increase in storage or use of hazardous materials in a building
    3. If there is a significant increase in staff or student numbers
    4. Immediately after a fire
    5. Following an audit by UOB safety office or an enforcement agency
    6. Annually

    The risk assessment will form part 2 of the fire manual

The responsible person for fire safety

  • Contact details of Operations/facilities manager

  • Date of assessment


  • Recommended date for re-assessment

1 The Building

  • Building address
  • Take a photo of the building

  • Approximate age of building

  • Listed building?

  • Number of staircases

  • Number of Passenger lifts

  • Number of Goods lifts

  • Number of Evacuation lifts?

  • Number of final exits

  • Floor area: (m2 per floor)

  • Brief details of construction:

  • Construction class

  • Does the building contain asbestos?

  • What hazards should the fire officer be aware of before entering the building?

  • Describe the layout (number of rooms, corridors,height of ceiling,hazardous areas

  • Basement

  • Ground floor

  • 1st floor

  • 2nd floor

  • 3rd floor

  • 4th floor

  • 5th floor

  • Use of building

2 The occupants

  • Name of Building fire coordinator

  • Names of technical managers

  • Names of school / section safety advisors

  • Maximum number of occupants:

  • Maximum number of occupants at any given time:

  • Maximum number of members of the public at one time:

  • The fire wardens are

  • Fire warden
  • Name

  • Location

3 Occupants at special risk

  • Are any people aged under 16 employed at the premises?

  • Are there sleeping occupants?

  • Are there disabled occupants?

  • Are there occupants in remote areas?

  • Are there lone workers?

  • Are instructions, information given on specific hazards in the form of an induction?

  • Are max number of occupants clearly defined for lecture theatres?

  • Are evacuation arrangements in place for conferences, ceremonies and public events?

4 Previous Fire loss experience

  • Is there any previous history of fire loss in the premises (if yes give details)

5 Other relevant background

  • Are there any residential properties in or attached to the building

  • Are there any outstanding actions from formal cautions or Notices issued by an enforcement agency?

  • Have all actions been completed from the previous fire risk assessment?


6 Sources of ignition

  • Can all naked flames be isolated locally?

  • Is there a gas supply including bottled gases?

  • Is the electrical supply tested and records available?

  • Is the location of isolation switch for oil fired equipment known and documented?

  • Are portable appliances tested/inspected?

  • Does temperature thermostats on hot works/cooking processes or lab equipment work?

  • Has all faulty, misued electrical equipment or poorly installed equipment been reported and isolated?

  • Is all lighting in a good state of repair?

  • Is there a suitable limitation on the use of trailing leads and adapters?

  • Is the use of portable heaters avoided as far as reasonably practicable?

  • If portable heaters are used, are the more hazardous types (radiant bars and LPG) avoided?

  • If portable heaters are used are suitable measures taken to minimise the risk of ignition of combustible materials?

  • Are fixed heating installations subject to regular maintenance?

  • Does the building have lightning protection system?

  • Are reasonable measures taken to prevent cooking fires?

  • Are suitable extinguishers available?

  • Are filters changed and ductwork cleaned regularly?

  • Does the basic security against arson appear reasonable?

  • Is there sufficient control of unnecessary fire load in close proximity to the building or available for ignition by outsiders?

7 Other significant ignition sources that warrant consideration

  • Are the ignition risks from hot process controlled? eg welding, grinding, curing in autoclave?

  • Are their procedures for managing heat produced from chemical reactions?

  • Are procedures in place for self heating or spontaneous ignition sources?

  • Does smoking occur only in external areas away from the building?

  • Are risks from mechanical equipment documented?

  • List other ignition sources:

8 sources of fuel

  • Is there an inventory of hazardous substances present on the premises?

  • Is there an inventory of flammable substances and is it up to date?

  • Has the risk to relevant persons been adequately eliminated or reduced?

  • Is the standard of housekeeping adequate?

  • Are combustible materials separated from ignition sources?

  • Is the unnecessary accumulation of combustibles and waste avoided?

  • Is there appropriate storage of hazardous materials?

  • Are combustible materials stored appropriately?

9 Laboratory gases

  • Are there oxidising processes in use?

  • Is there a piped laboratory gas supply and is it maintained and tested?

  • Are oxygen cylinders stored correctly with segregation of empty cylinders?

10 Hazards introduced by contractors and building works

  • Is there sufficient control over works by contractors (e.g. Permits to work & hot works permits)?

  • Are there arrangements for the safe storage of gas bottles and others hazardous materials

  • Are fire safety conditions and instructions communicated to contractors?


11 Measures to limit fire spread and development.

  • Is there a sufficient standard of compartmentation and sub-compartmentation?

  • Are routes that promote fire spread avoided as far as reasonably practicable?

  • Is fire spread limited by correct use and maintenance of fire precautions?

  • Do riser cupboard doors, corridors have keep shut signs?

12 Fire alarm and detection system

  • What is the fire alarm sound?

  • Can the fire alarm be heard though out the building?

  • Are there alternative provisions for deaf or the hard of hearing?

  • Are there arrangements in place for noisy environments?

  • Are arrangements in place for noise sensitive areas?

  • Is the fire alarm system provided suitable and sufficient?

  • Is automatic fire detection provided throughout?

  • Is there remote transmission of alarm signals via university systems?

  • Are fire alarm call points located by storey and final exits?

  • Are the call points unobstructed?

  • Are compliant fire action notices displayed near to call points?

  • Is there weekly testing and periodic servicing of the fire detection and alarm system?

13 Fire Fighting equipment

  • Is there suitable and sufficient provision of fire fighting equipment?

  • Are hose reels provided?

  • Is it maintained and stored correctly?

  • Is there a wet or dry riser and is it maintained?

14 Means of escape

  • Is the building provided with adequate means of escape in case of fire?

  • Are there sufficient exits?

  • Are exits easily and immediately openable where necessary?

  • Do fire exits open in the direction of travel where necessary?

  • Have sliding or revolving doors been avoided as fire exits?

  • Are there adequate means of securing exits?

  • Are there reasonable distances of travel where there is a single direction of travel?

  • Are there reasonable distances of travel where there are alternative means of escape?

  • Are escape routes adequately protected?

  • Are there suitable fire precautions for all inner rooms?

  • Are horizontal, vertical and external escape routes unobstructed?

  • Is the location of fire assembly point suitable for building?

  • Are there suitable means of escape for disabled occupants?

  • Is the access statement in place?

  • Are Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEP) up to date?

15 Emergency exit lighting

  • Is there a reasonable standard of escape lighting provided?

  • Is there monthly, six-monthly and annual testing of the emergency lighting?

16 Fire safety signs and notices

  • Are fire safety signs and notices suitable and sufficient?

  • Are fire exit signs suitable and sufficient?

  • Are emergency break glass door secure systems interfaced with the fire alarm?

  • Do fire exit doors have suitable and sufficient signage?<br>

  • Are door release systems tested regularly?

  • Are hazardous areas approximately signed and flammable materials clearly labelled?

17 Relevant automatic fire extinguishing systems

  • Type of system:

  • Comments and observations:

18 Facilities, equipment and devices for the protection of Fire-Fighters

  • Types of facilities:

  • Comments and observations:


19 Procedures and arrangements

  • Person responsible for fire safety:

  • Are there competent persons available to assist in implementing fire safety arrangements?

  • Are appropriate fire procedures in place? (including arrangements for calling the fire service)

  • Fire Emergency Plan in place and details recorded?

  • Does the plan take account of other Fire Emergency Plans applicable in the building?

  • Is the Fire Emergency Plan readily available for staff to read?

  • Is the Fire Emergency Plan available to the enforcing authority?

  • Are there persons nominated to respond to fire?

  • Are persons nominated to assist with evacuation?

  • Is there appropriate liaison with the fire service?

  • Do routine in-house inspections of fire precautions take place?

  • Are there arrangements in place to inform temporary staff, students or contractors?

20 Training and drills

  • Are staff given instruction on induction?

  • Do staff receive periodic refresher training at suitable intervals?

  • Are staff with special responsibilities for hazardous substances given appropriate training?

  • Are fire drills carried out every term?

  • Has the occupier provided an appropriate number of trained fire wardens?

21 Testing and maintenance

  • Is the workplace adequately maintained?

  • Are the university test logs completed and up to date?

  • Other relevant inspection and test

22 Locations of specific hazards

  • Are there specific hazards?

  • Hazard
  • Is there gas bottles, radioactive sources or other flammables?

  • Location (floor / room no)

  • Type of hazard

  • Quantity

  • Size

  • Contact


Risk Items

  • Are there risks to address?

  • Risk
  • Description and location of risk

  • Non compliance or observation?

  • Probability (likelihood of fire) 1=low,5=high

  • Consequence (impact of fire)1=low,5=high

  • Risk rating score (probability x consequence)

  • Action

  • Owner

  • Target date


  • Received by responsible person / representative

  • Assessor Signature

  • Pictures

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.