Title Page

  • Property Address1
  • Date Completed

  • Inspected by

Description of visit

  • Please explain the purpose of you inspection:

Repairs Summary

  • Kitchen

  • Bathroom

  • WC

  • Hallway

  • Lounge

  • Bedroom 1

  • Bedroom 2

  • Bedroom 3

  • Front External

  • Back External

  • other

HHSRS Health and Safety Hazards

  • Damp and mould growth

  • Excess cold

  • Excess heat

  • Asbestos and MMF

  • Biocides

  • Carbon monoxide and fuel combustion products

  • Lead

  • Radiation

  • Uncombusted fuel gas

  • Volatile organic compounds

  • Crowding and space

  • Entry by intruders

  • Lighting

  • Noise

  • Domestic hygiene, pests and refuse

  • Food safety

  • Personal hygiene, sanitation and drainage

  • Water supply

  • Falls associated with baths etc.

  • Falling on level surfaces etc.

  • Falling on stairs etc.

  • Falling between levels

  • Electrical hazards

  • Fire

  • Flames, hot surfaces etc.

  • Collision and entrapment

  • Explosions

  • Position and operability of amenities etc.

  • Structural collapse and falling elements

Summary of visit

  • Please outline the results of your visit and action to be taken:

  • If related to damp and mould please confirm cause here:

  • Is the property safe and habitable for the residents to remain at home?

  • Please ensure a property loss form has been completed and a part A form has been sent to decants.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.