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  • New Lease Pool



  • New Lease Milgroup



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  • Year of construction




June / 2019: This report has been updated according to Residential Safety, Health and Fire Prevention Awareness

  • Under 15 FAM 211.1, the objective of the Housing Abroad Program is to provide safe and secure housing. This checklist is referenced under 15 FAM 252.5 to assist POSHOs in evaluating safety, health, fire and environmental conditions during annual inspections of residences and when considering leasing or purchasing a property. This checklist not intended to be all-inclusive. Local codes that are more stringent should be followed. Contact the appropriate program office(s) for further assistance. Maintain records of housing inspections for 5 years.

  • June / 2019: This report has been updated according to Residential Safety, Health and Fire Prevention Awareness Checklist November 2018

1- FUEL BURNING APPLIANCES AND EQUIPMENT Furnaces, Boilers, Water Heaters, Kerosene, Furnaces, Boilers, Water Heaters, Kerosene, Heaters, Space Heaters, Dryers, Fireplaces

1.1 - Venting of Exhaust Gases

  • - Outdoors away from intakes and windows <br>- Chimney and flue constructed and installed properly (per manufacturer) <br>- Chimney and flue inspected annually and cleaned

  • INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE MUST BE PERFORMED TO FLASH WATER HEATER / Mantenimiento general de calentadores de agua a gas y revisión y mantenimiento de ductos.

  • INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE MUST BE PERFORMED TO CHIMNEY FIREPLACE & FLUE / Inspeccion y mantenimiento general de chimeneas, revisión y mantenimiento de ductos de chimeneas.

  • CONDEMN CHIMNEY AND LABEL AS DECORATIVE / Condenar chimeneas, taponar ductos de humo con elementos no inflamables e instalar avisos de uso decorativo.

  • CONDEMN VENTLESS GAS FIREPLACE AND LABEL AS DECORATIVE / Condenar chimenea de gas libre de ventilacion, retirar componentes y taponar entrada gas.

  • KEEP CHIMNEY CONDEMNED / Mantener las chimeneas condenadas.

  • SEAL AND CAP CHIMNEY GAP / sellar espacios en tapa de chimenea (Emboquillar)

  • OTHERS / Otros.

1.2 - Combustion Air

  • - Adequate combustion air ducted to unit or unobstructed area large enough to provide adequate combustion air. <br>- Small mechanical areas have sufficient combustion air and ventilation openings. - No hazardous or flammable vapor sources near combustion equipment

  • REMOVE ALL OBSTRUCTIONS FROM THE VENT COVERINGS / Remover cualquier obstrucción de las rejillas de ventilación

  • PERMANENT VENTILATION REQUIRED / Requiere ventilacion permanente.

  • OTHERS / Otros

1.3 - Operation and Maintenance

  • - Instructions available for proper operation and maintenance <br>- Equipment operated and maintained as intended within design limits <br>- Warning labels (English and local language) present on combustion appliances.

  • PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE REQUIRED / Mantenimiento preventivo requerido a gasodomesticos

  • All present gas appliances are in good working conditions, have all the original parts and instructions manual. Include: stove, oven, dryer, water heaters (accumulation/flash), gas chimneys, BBQ, etc.

1.4 - Clearance to Combustibles

  • - Adequate clearance from exhaust flue to combustible materials <br>- Adequate clearance from equipment to combustible materials <br>- Boiler and furnace rooms not used for storage areas

1.5 - Fuel Type and Storage

  • - Fuel used is appropriate for appliance(s) <br>- Proper type and location of fuel storage container (including tanks) <br>- Protect fuel storage containers from damage and secure them for protection against weapons of opportunity.

1.6 - Carbon Monoxide Alarms

  • - Carbon monoxide alarm installed, at about eye level, outside of sleeping areas (including household staff) in residences with any combustion appliance (other than cooking oven/stove) or an attached garage.

  • CO DETECTORS REVISION REQUIRED / Detectores de Monoxido requiren revisión

  • CO DETECTORS REQUIRED SUPPLIED BY THE EMBASSY/ Require instalar detectores suministrado por la Embajada

  • DETECTORS WITH NOT BATTERIES / Detectores sin baterías

  • STAIRWELL WITH "SELF-CLOSING" DOOR THAT LEADS TO A MAIN STAIRCASE / Puertas de cierre automático instaladas en entradas de escaleras

  • INSTALL DOOR CLOSER TO STOP CO BUILD-UP IN STAIRCASE AND APARTMENTS / Instalar puertas de cierre automático para evitar contaminación por monóxido en escaleras y apartamentos

  • BASEMENT PARKING THAT FEED INTO COMMON SHAFT FOR EXHAUST / VENTILATION, ADD FAN / EXTRACTOR STOP BUILD-UP OF CO IN APARTMENTS / Parqueaderos en sótano que usen ductos comunales para evacuar humo se debe instalar ventilador o extractor para evitar que se contaminen apartamentos con monóxido.

1.7 - Generator

  • - Adequate space and, if leased, landlord agrees to the generator <br>- Placed outdoors as far away as practical and a minimum of 1.5 meters (5 feet) from any building <br>- Exhaust outlets >= 3 feet from exterior walls and roofs, 10 feet from operable openings into buildings, and 10 feet above adjoining grade. <br>- If distance and direction of exhaust is not feasible, then extend 3 ft above the building. (See “Venting of Exhaust Gases” section).

1.8 - Portable Kerosene Heaters

  • - Single family home use only <br>- Correct grade of clear kerosene (K1) fuel stored outside in safety cans <br>- Refuel outdoors away from sources of ignition, and after the heater has cooled completely. <br>- Set the wick height to the manufacturer’s recommended level <br>- Chimney is seated properly <br>- Window opened slightly (e.g., 25mm/1 inch) in the room with the heater <br>- Do not leave the heater unattended and turn off before going to bed <br>- keep the heater at least 1 m (3 ft.) from combustibles unit is operated and maintained according to the manufacturer’s instruction and residents are informed of the instructions <br>- Carbon monoxide alarms must be placed in Celling

  • USER MUST COMPLY WITH REGULATIONS & RECOMENDATIONS / Usuario debe cumplir con las recomendaciones

1.9 - Liquefied Petroleum (Propane) Gases (LPG)

  • - Cylinders during use: Must be located on the exterior of the building <br>- Cylinder storage: Outside within a fenced enclosure. Outlet valves closed with cap or cover. Steel posts or barriers if vehicle damage is possible. “No Smoking” signs clearly displayed around the storage enclosure with universal symbols or local language and English. <br>- Secure tanks to ensure they cannot be used as weapons of opportunity <br>- Trained employees for LPG installation and cylinder replacement <br>- Refilled tanks or bottles delivered, no recharging or filling of tanks or bottles at the site.

  • REMOVE GRILL GAS CYLINDER / Retirar cilindros de gas propano de parrilas a gas

1.10 - All Gas Service

  • - Supply through rigid pipe (iron or steel), or tubing (steel, brass or copper). Exceptions for seismically active areas see Seismic Safety <br>- Manual shutoff valve within 1.8 m (6 ft) of appliance - Secured to ensure safe against weapons of opportunity

  • REVIERW AND CORRECT GAS LEAK IN GAS LINE / Revisar y corregir fugas de gas en lineas de suministro

  • INSTALL APPROVED GAS SUPPLY HOSE / Instalar manguera aprobada y/o certificada para gas natural

  • INSTALL MANUAL SHUT-OFF VALVE WITHIN 1.8 M (6 FT) OF APPLIANCE / Instalar válvula de corte a 1.8 m de gasodomésticos

  • CAP UNUSED GAS CONNECTIONS / Taponar toda salida de gas sin uso:

  • Leak detection using soapy water or other means must be conducted over all fittings and connections during cylinder or appliance replacement or anytime supply line work is done.



  • Life Safety Code/NFPA 101 · several factors influence automatic fire alarm detection and/or automatic fire suppression system requirements.
    - consult the Fire Protection Guide (FPG) and contact OBO/OPS/FIRE.


2.1 - Emergency Egress

  • - Adequate emergency egress can vary with the type of building. Consult the Fire Protection Guide (FPG) for guidance

2.2 - Maximum Travel Distance to an Exit

  • Life Safety Code/NFPA 101

  • - Without automatic fire sprinkler protection: 150 ft (45.8m) <br>- Automatic fire sprinkler protection: 200 ft (61 m)

  • L<150 ft TO STAIRCASE

2.3 - High rise Matrix

  • Private & Confidential


2.31- Building Description

  • LEVELS ABOVE GROUND/Pisos sobre nivel de piso

  • LEVELS BELOW GROUND/ Piso bajo nivel de superficie

  • TOTAL LEVELS/ Total pisos

  • APARTMENT IN FLOOR/ Numero de piso del apartamento

  • APARTMENTS PER FLOOR/ Apartamentos por piso

  • TOTAL APARTMENTS/ Total apartamentos

  • STAIRS / Escaleras

  • Main stairways / Escalera principal

  • Open or Enclosed / Abierta o cerrada

  • Service stairways / Escalera de servicio

  • Open or Enclosed / Abierta o Cerrada

  • Emergency stairways / Escalera de Emergencia

  • Open or Enclosed / Abierta o Cerrada

Comply with fire egress requirements

  • THIS UNIT DOES NO COMPLY WITH FIRE EGRESS REQUIREMENTS / Unidad no cumple con los requerimientos de salidas en caso de fuego

2.4 - Alarm Systems


  • SPRINKLERS / Aspersores

  • PULL STATION / Estaciones manuales

  • STROBES / LIGHTS / Luces estroboscópicas

  • SMOKE DETECTORS / Detectores de humo

  • ALARM (SOUND) / Alarmas / Sirenas

  • FIRE CABINET / Gabinetes contra-incendios

  • EXTINGUISHERS / Extinguidores

  • TESTING RECURRENT OF INSTALL "FIRE SUPPRESSION" EQUIPMENT / Realizar periódicamente test al sistema de supresión de fuego.

2.5 - Smoke Detectors (INSIDE OF APARTMENT / Dentro del apartamento)

  • - Each sleeping room <br>- Corridor leading to bedrooms. <br>- Top of internal stairwells on each floor level

  • SMOKE DETECTORS REVISION REQUIRED / Require revision de detectores de humo

  • SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRED SUPPLIED BY THE EMBASSY / Instalar detectores de humo suministrado por la Embajada

  • DETECTOR WITHOUT BATTERIES / Detectores sin baterias

  • Check detectors monthly for proper operation

  • Placement should be on the ceiling, or alternately on a wall between 4” (10 cm) to 12” (30.5 cm) away from the ceiling

2.6 - Portable Fire Extinguishers

  • - One Department standard 10 lb. (4.45 kg) extinguisher (4A:40B:C) <br>- Wall mounted in or near each kitchen


  • ANSUL EXTINGUISHER REQUIRED SUPPLIED BY THE EMBASSY / Requiere instalar Extinguidor ANSUL suministrado por la Embajada

2.7 - Lighting

  • - Apartment buildings or congregate residences with 10 or more occupants: public space, hallway, stairway or other means of egress must have illumination of 1 foot candle power at floor level by emergency lighting <br>- If emergency generator is not available to provide emergency lighting, provide battery-packed emergency lights in public spaces, hallway, stair way or other means of egress <br>- Installed and maintained correctly

  • BACK UP POWER PLANT / Planta Electrica de respaldo

  • BUILDING MUST COMPLY WITH REQUIREMENTS / Edificio debe cumplir con los requerimientos

2.8 - Exit Signs

  • - Exit doors in public corridors on floors with sleeping accommodations: Illuminated exit signs. Directional signs if path is not straight or the exit is less than obvious.

  • BUILDING MUST COMPLY WITH REQUIREMENTS / Edificio debe cumplir con los requerimientos

2.9 - Window Grilles

  • - Life Safety Code/NFPA 101 <br>- Operable from the inside <br>- Minimum opening: 5.7 ft.2 (0.529 m2) <br>- Minimum dimension: 24” (61 cm) x 20” (51 cm) and not be more than 44” (112 cm) from the floor <br>- Bars or grilles must have inside release mechanism


3.1 - Temperature and Pressure Relief Valves

  • - Separate temperature and pressure relief valves (PRV and TRV) or combination temperature and pressure relief valves (TPRV) installed <br>- TPRV drain piping installed to direct discharge to floor <br>- TPRV drain piping is not reduced, threaded at the end and has no uphill runs <br>- TPRV drain piping has no other valve downstream of TPRV <br>- Water temperature is not above 120 degrees F (49 degrees C)

  • Install TPRV valve to water heater tank / Instalar válvula TPRV a calentador de agua de acumulacion

  • Install drain pipe directly to the floor (max 5 cm from floor)/ Instalar tubo de drenaje directamente al piso y/o sifón max. 5 cm del piso

  • TPRV valve requires maintenance / la valvula TPVR requiere mantenimiento

  • PROVIDE INSTRUCTIONS TO TRANSITION FROM EMERGENCY WATER HEATERS TO BOILER AND VICE VERSA / Suministrar instructivo sobre la forma de hacer transición de calderas comunales a sistemas internos y viceversa

  • Others / otros

3.2 - Water heater assembly and installation

  • Main valve in cold side, no galvanic corrosion condition, seismic arrested, TPRV/discharge /drain properly installed, ground protected, GFCI for forced draft type, CO duct properly installed, ventilated area.

  • Clear instructions to activate / deactivate emergency water heaters while the main supply is provided by central boilers / other means. Diagram and/or instructions available.


Tempered / Safety Glass Locations

  • - Entry and exit doors, storm doors, glass sliding doors <br>- Windows located within 18” (46 cm) of the floor <br>- Doors and enclosures for bathtubs, showers, sauna <br>- Stairway enclosures and handrail panels

  • INSTALL DECALS IN BALCONY GLASS PANES (DOORS / WINDOWS) / Instalar cintas tipo sandblasting sobre acristalamientos (puertas y ventanas) que confinan balcones y terrazas, de no menos de 10 cm de ancho a una altura media de 92 cm desde el piso

  • INSTALL RAILGUARDS AS REQUIRED IN LOW PARAPET FAÇADE WINDOWS / En antepechos menores a 45 cm, instalar barreras con la estetica necesaria, con altura no menor a 1.07 m (42") y aberturas entre elementos no escalables cuya separacion libre no sea mayor a 10 cm

  • REVIEW STABILITY TO ALL GLAZING. IMPROVE IF REQUIRED / revisar estabilidad de todos los acristalamientos. corregir si requiere

  • REPLACE BROKEN GLASS WINDOW / reemplazar vidrios rotos

  • locations listed above without tempered glass, need safety glass or non-breakable replacement materials, or protection with barriers. Doors at ground level may be treated with a Mylar coating or with decals or markings


5.1 - Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters

  • - Installed for wet locations (indoors or outdoors) and all kitchen countertop outlets at the outlet or the circuit breaker: - 110-volt systems, installed GFCIs trip at 4 to 6 mA - 220-volt systems, installed GFCIs trip at 10 mA <br>- Do not install outlets where local code prohibits them in certain wet locations

  • INSTALL GFCIs IN APPLIANCES WITHIN 6 ft FROM WATER SUPPLY CONNECTIONS / Instalar tomas GFCI y/o breaker GFCI de 20 amp (4-6 miliamperios) en zonas húmedas (baños, lavandería y cocina), en mesones, en receptáculos / cajas ubicados a menos de 1.8 mts de cualquier punto de suministro o descarga de agua

  • KITCHEN / cocina

  • BATHROOMS / Baños

  • JACUZZI / Jacuzzi

  • BALCONY / Balcon

  • LAUNDRY / Lavanderia

  • GFCI,s MUST BE RELOCATED IN AN ACCESSIBLE PLACE / Instalar tomas GFCI en lugares de fácil acceso e instaladas correctamente sin conductores expuestos, con accesorios, conductos y cajas para zonas húmedas.


  • Jacuzzi

  • CHECK CORRECT OPERATION OF ALL GFCI INSTALLED, REPLACE IF REQUIRED / revisar el correcto funcionamiento de todas las tomas GFCI instaladas, Reemplazar si requiere

5.2 - Grounding

  • - An effective grounding system for a typical apartment or house includes a grounding electrode conductor (GEC) to connect the main service ground terminal to a grounding electrode system. Impedance of the ground path for any made electrodes may not exceed 25 ohms, as measured using the 3 terminal resistance measurement method and an earth electrode tester. verify and, if missing, contact the FIR/FAC Help Desk via e-mail (obo@cesengineers.com) or call 866-949-6751 for assistance with grounding system installation

  • IMPEDANCE / Impedancia en Ohmios

  • CHECK GROUNDING SYSTEM / revisar sistema de puesta a tierra

  • REVIEW OR IMPROVE GROUND SYSTEM TO EQUIPMENTS / Aterrizar, Revisar y/o corregir puesta a tierra equipos

  • KITCHEN RANGE HOOD / Campana extractora cocina

  • Freezer / Refrigerador

  • STOVE / Estufa

  • OVEN / Horno

  • WATER HEATERS / Calentadores de agua

5.3 - Electric Service Supply & Panels

  • - Missing knock-outs and twist-outs in breaker/fuse panel(s) must have fill plates <br>- Breaker/fuse panel front working clearance of 30" (76cm) wide x 36" (92cm) deep <br>- Breaker and fuses labeled as to function/area served <br>- Any outdoor service entrance, outlets and switch boxes have weatherproof covers


  • REMOVE ALL OBSTRUCTIONS FROM ELECTRICAL PANEL / Retirar toda obstrucción del frente del panel eléctrico

  • BREAKER AND FUSES SHALL BE LABELED AS TO FUNCTION/AREA SERVED / Identificar circuitos en Espanol e Ingles.

  • WIRE MUST BE LABELED WITH COLOR CODE / Cables deben ser marcados con codigo de colores

  • PANEL NUMBERS NEED TO BE LABELED / Numerar circuitos

  • FREE WIRES MUST BE ISOLATED WITH PLASTIC CAP AND ELECTRICAL TAPE / Cables libres deben estar aislados con capuchon y cinta aislante

  • INSTALL WATERTIGHT COVERS / Instalar tapas tipi hidrobox y/o tapa tipo intemperie.

5.4 - Circuit Capacity

  • 123.png
  • Circuits (conductors and protection) are adjusted according to NEC table 310.16 for insulated conductors and temperature. Also grounded and wired according to NEC tables 250.122 and 310.16

  • review usage and capacity and avoid excessive electrical loads. Verify that the following most commonly used branch circuit connectors in residences are protected by fuses or circuit breakers having trip elements not larger than:

  • CHECK MAIN BREAKER IN BASEMENT AND REPLACE IF REQUIRED ACCORDINGLY WITH MAIN FEEDER / Revisar el totalizador en el sótano este acorde con el calibre de la acometida, cambiar si requiere.

  • REPLACE BREAKER ACCORDING WITH POWER / Reemplaze breaker de acuerdo a la capacidad

  • OVEN / Horno

  • Power / Potencia

  • STOVE / Estufa

  • Power / Potencia

  • INSTALL CIRCUIT TO DRYER 2X30 AMP. ( 2 PHASES # 10 AWG + NEUTRAL+GROUND BREAKER 2X30 AMP) / Instalar circuito secadora 2x 30 amp (2 fases #10 AWG + Neutro + Tierra. Breaker 2 x 30 Amp).

  • IDENTIFY SIZE AND MATERIAL COMPOSITION OF MAIN ELECTRICAL FEED FROM BASEMENT TO APARTMENT MAIN PANEL. / Identificar el calibre y el material de la acometida de alimentación desde el sótano hasta el tablero principal.

5.5 - Electrical - Overall

  • Panel board, pull boxes and devices properly grounded, balanced loads, 20 amp min single phase interruptors and outlets (GFCI included) properly grounded and correct polarity, two and three phases (20, 30, 50 amp) acoording to requirements and wire/protection, all appliances fed thru plug-outlet connection with appropriated flex raceways, light fixtures properly mounted / type, grounded and enclosed.

  • INSTALL OUTLET L14-30 TO DRYER (2 PHASES, NEUTRAL, GROUND) / Instalar toma L14 - 30 en toma de secadora (2 fases + neutro + tierra)

  • REMOVE EXPOSED WIRE AND PANDUIT RACEWAY / Retirar cables expuestos, tomas sobrepuestas y canaletas plasticas.

  • IMPROVE EXPOSED CONDUCTOR IN PLUG / Corregir cables expuestos en clavijas

  • OTHERS / Otros

5.6 - Electrical appliances

  • All present electrical appliances are in good working conditions, have all the original parts and instructions manual. Properly grounded and powered. Include: stove, oven, washer, dryer, freezer, fridge, kitchen fan, ventilation fan, ceiling fan, water heaters (accumulation/flash), sink disposers, wine coolers, dishwasher, jacuzzi, cabin showers, steam bath, sauna, tanning cabins, HVAC/MSPU, space heaters, etc.

  • PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE REQUIRED / Mantenimiento preventivo requerido a electrodomesticos

5.7 - Electrical pannel board

  • Individual circuits protected by single breakers, two and three phases breakers interlocked with valid means. No circuit/wire splices in the circuit box. All bars (live, neutrall, ground) are independent ans stable in the chasis. Panel board properly grounded. All terminals and bond points are tightened and properly secured. All unused wire ends are protected with wire nuts and insulating tape.

  • CORRECT DOUBLE CIRCUITS AND SPLIT IN SINGLE PROTECTED ONES / Corregir doble cableado y separar protegido por breaker independiente

  • REMOVE AND CORRECT WIRE SPLICES IN THE CIRCUIT BOX / Eliminar empalmes en tablero eléctrico

  • REPLACE ELECTRICAL PANEL (CERTIFIED/HOMOLOGATED BY RETIE/NEC) / Cambiar el panel eléctrico por panel electrico certificado/homologado de acuerdo a las normas (RETIE/NTC/NEC).

  • PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE REQUIRED / Mantenimiento general a tablero electrico


6.1 - Railings

  • - Installed on all porches, balconies and raised floor surfaces more than 30" (76cm) above the floor or grade below <br>- Sturdy supports (balusters) with no openings larger than 4" (10cm) and bottom of railing assembly no more than 4" (10cm) from the floor <br>- Top of railing is 42” (107cm) or more from floor or grade level

  • INSTALL RAILGUARDS IN BALCONIES & TERRACES AS REQUIRED / Ajustar la geometría de barandas / barreras permanentes en balcones, terrazas, etc.: altura no menos de 1.07 m de altura, con aberturas menores a 10 cm, no escalables. Considerar la estabilidad y estetica necesarias

  • REDUCE RAILGUARD GAP / Reducir aberturas mayores a 10 cm en baranda balcon

  • OTHERS / Otros

  • installed handrails, typically for stairways, at 34-38 inches and guardrails at a minimum height of 36 inches (42 inches is recommended) for balconies, decks, elevated patios, and other similar structures for family and duplex housing units. Guardrail installation at apartments and representational areas open to the public must be 42 inches high. Guardrails are required where the fall would be greater than 30 inches and must not have openings of greater than 4 inches.

6.2 - Stairs and Handrails

  • FOTO.jpg
  • where there are 4 or more risers (steps), at least one handrail installed (right-side descending preferred) for any enclosed stairway. For stairs open on one or both sides, a handrail is installed on the open side(s). Installed handrails are 34-38” (86 cm) from the top of the stair tread nosing and can withstand a force of 200 lbs. (91 kg) in any direction

  • - Steps have evenly spaced risers <br>- Any open risers between steps do not have an opening larger that 4" (10 cm) <br>- For open stairways, supports (balusters) no more than 4" (10 cm) apart

  • INSTALL OR UPGRADE STAIRWAY RAILGUARDS / Instatalar o mejorar barandas de la escalera

  • Modificar altura de la baranda horizontal hasta alcanzar una altura mínima de 1.07 m (42'')

  • Modificar la altura de la baranda tramo inclinado hasta alcanzar una altura minima de 92 cm ( 36'') medidos desde la punta del escalon

  • Adicionar barandas en escaleras sin confinamiento con la estetica y condiciones necesarias, cuando haya mas de cuatro alturas de escalones sin cerramiento

  • Cerrar espacios entre elementos mayores de 10 cm (4'') en barandas

  • Modificar o eliminar escalabilidad de la baranda

  • Estabilizar y/o asegurar las barandas

  • Modificar paso de escaleras en el caso que las contrahuellas presenten aberturas de mas de 10 cm

  • INSTALL OR UPGRADE HANDRAILS AS REQUIRED / Instalar o mejorar pasamanos de la escalera

  • Instalar pasamanos en escalera, preferible lado derecho descendiendo, con altura 86 - 96 cm desde la nariz de los escalones (ancho mayor a 90 cm o con confinamientos laterales / muros / pantallas sin apoyo)

  • Modificar altura de pasamanos altura media entre 86 - 96 cm ( 34" - 30")

  • Instalar pasamanos en escalera separados del muro al menos 3 cm y deben rematar no menos de 11 cm dentro de la escalera

  • OTHERS / Otros

  • IMPROVE STAIRS SURFACE / Mejorar superficie de la escalera


6.3 - Homes with Small Children

  • - latching device on windows allows opening no more than 4-5” (10-13cm), but window remains operable <br>- Furniture away from windows and railings

  • RESTRICT WINDOWS OPENING MAX. 4" (10 CM) / Restringir apertura de ventanas a maximo 10 cm (4").

  • STABILIZE WINDOW FRAME / estabilizar y/o asegurar marco de la ventana

  • PLACE / Lugar

  • REMOVE FLOWERPOT OR FURNITURE FROM BALCONY / Retirar materas o mobiliario que pueda servir como escalera hacia ventanas de fachada o barandas de terrazas y balcones


  • REVIEW SWIMMING POOL INSPECTION REPORT / Revisar reporte inspecciones de piscinas

7.1 - Barrier and Safety Equipment

  • - A non-climbable isolation barrier (fence, wall, etc.) ≥ 4 ft. (122cm) minimum height surrounding the pool that prevents direct access from living areas and excludes ancillary activities (e.g., barbecues, bars, ping pong tables). <br>- Self-closing, self-latching, lockable hardware on all access points (gates/doors) with latch release ≥ 54” (137cm) . Alternatively, the latch release can be on the pool side of the gate if ≥3 inches (7.6 centimeters) below the top with no opening >½ inch (1.3 cm) within 18 inches (4.5 cm) of the release. - Rescue equipment available (shepherd’s crook, pole, ring buoy) and in plain view <br>- Depth markings and no diving indicated. Safety rules posted at community use pools and residential use pools that are used as community use pools, i.e., CMR, MSGR <br>- First aid kits and emergency communication means for community use pools and residential use pools that are used as community use pools <br>- Outlets equipped with Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCI) and covers <br>- Pool chemicals stored separate from other materials in a cool, dry, ventilated area with restricted access

  • - Swimming pool complies with local regulation as a minimum requirement (Colombia: Ley 1209 - 2008) <br>- Swimming pool has two access points - Two sided accesses with non slippery surface in decks, stairs, sloped ramps, etc.

  • Solicitar a la administración el cumplimiento de las normas de seguridad para el uso de piscinas (ley 1209 de 2008) o en su defecto las normas americanas aplicables, entre otras: dos puntos de ingreso, superficies no deslizantes, confinamiento con barreras de no menos de 1.22 m, puertas de ingreso con cierre automático exterior, altura de cerraduras no menos de 1.37 m, equipos de rescate, marcas de profundidad, equipo y plan de asistencia y rescate, instrucciones de uso, control de ingreso y asistencia según se requiera, manejo de equipos y químicos, botón de pánico.


8.1 - Elevator Lobby & Car

  • - All elevator cars have functional doors independent of shaft doors <br>- Elevator doors (car & shaft) reverse direction when an object is either contacted by the leading edge of the door or detected by an electronic door protection device <br>- All external car operating features, lobby controls and hardware are intact and function properly <br>- Car operating buttons, including the emergency alarm button, function properly. <br>- Car lights are on and bulbs or tubes are secure. <br>- Car service panel is locked · car emergency phone is connected to a 24-hour operator and car’s audible signals are operating <br>- All door mechanisms are enclosed to avoid pinch/shear points

8.2 - Machine Room & Maintenance

  • - Machine room access door is locked and keys stored securely <br>- Good housekeeping, no trash, not being used as a storage area, no excessive oil leaks, control cabinet(s) intact <br>- Illumination is adequate to perform inspection <br>- -- ABC fire extinguisher located in machine room <br>- Temperature is not above 120 degrees F (49 degrees C) <br>- Elevator is under a service contract and service logbook is utilized and up to date

  • Elevator has a current safety certificate

  • EXPIRATION DATE / Fecha de vencimiento

  • SEND LETTER TO BUILDING ADMINISTRATION / Solicitar a la administración la certificación anual al día de los elevadores (resolución 092 de 2014 - FOPAE), la revisión de los componentes comunales de la circulación vertical / elevadores (sistema de alarma, anti-atrapamiento, asistencia por emergencias, etc.), cuartos de máquinas (aseo, mantenimiento, señalización, extinguidores y temperaturas no mayores a 49 Celsius, etc.). Deben ser revisado según programación por personal técnico autorizado y capacitado


9.1 - Air Pollution (for level 1 or higher air pollution posts) 2018

  • 15 FAM 900 (Pending)

  • - At least 150 m away from major roadway (recommended) <br>- No other nearby air pollution sources [e.g., drycleaner or large fueling station (14M l/year) within 100m] <br>- Property barrier and vegetation (recommended) <br>- Centralized air filtration (otherwise room air cleaners may be needed)

  • Para llevar a cabo la mitigación de la polución del aire se recomienda que la propiedad se encuentre al menos a 150 m de vías principales de circulación vehicular y de otras instalaciones que puedan ser fuentes de polución tales como lavanderías, estaciones de combustible, etc. Que estén dentro de un perímetro de 100m. Se recomienda la mitigación con material vegetal o el uso de filtros y purificadores de aire

9.2 - Asbestos

  • OBO Directive FAC001

  • - Acquisitions: asbestos inspection conducted and impact of asbestos determined<br>- Asbestos materials identified and maintained in good condition<br>- Maintenance and minor renovations avoid disturbance of asbestos materials <br>- If asbestos material is to be disturbed, it is removed properly and records of removal and disposal are maintained

  • Identificar la presencia de asbestos, no perturbar ni modificar nada en caso de hallazgo positivo y dar aviso inmediato para dar el tratamiento requerido de acuerdo con la normatividad vigente

9.3 - Lead Paint

  • ALDAC 93 State 120625

  • - Only lead-free paint is applied<br>- Paint in good condition with minimal damage <br>- Paint sampled prior to renovation or major maintenance work<br>- Leaded paint removed prior to start of work or minimize disturbance

  • Identificar la presencia de pinturas o recubrimientos con base en plomo , no perturbar ni modificar nada en caso de hallazgo positivo y dar aviso inmediato para dar el tratamiento requerido de acuerdo con las regulaciones

9.4 - Pesticides

  • - Building conditions or location not inviting to common local pests <br>- No history of chronic pest problems or extensive pesticide use 15 FAM 957.2 <br>- Willing and capable to implement Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program in USG occupied space <br>- Habitats and attractants to common pests avoided <br>- Self-help measures to control pests (if control measures are not effective) <br>- Professional pesticides only as a last resort and limited to Department-authorized products

  • Realizar procedimientos de control de plagas (hormigas, mosquitos, ratones, cucarachas, lepismas, termitas, gorgojos, comejen, polillas, otros). Dar aviso sobre procedimientos y pesticidas a usar

9.5 - Drinking Water Quality

  • - Tap water is potable (microbiologically safe and within acceptable contaminant levels listed in the Department’s drinking water standards)

  • El agua para consumo humano debe ser potable y debidamente ajustada en calidad de acuerdo con los estandares establecidos. Solicitar a la administracion revisar / corregir / adecuar los depositos de almacenamiento de agua potable incluido el plan de mantenimiento y pruebas de potabilidad

  • If tap water is not potable, then supplemental means (e.g., point of use device such as a distiller) are used to render the water potable and quality control monitoring is done


10.1 - Seismic Safety

  • - Avoid seismically unsafe structures <br>- Propane tanks, kerosene heaters: use flexible connections to the tank and anchor storage tanks to the ground. <br>- Water heaters, propane (LPG) gas cylinders and natural gas: <br>- Use flexible, metallic connections for water and gas lines. <br>- Use metal straps which are bolted using expansion bolts to a masonry wall, or lag bolts to a wood stud wall, at the top and bottom of the water heater and propane cylinders. <br>- Block in space between water heater and wall to prevent rocking tall, heavy furniture such as bookcases should be secured to prevent sliding or tipping, using L-brackets or other device and remove casters or wheels to prevent roll. <br>- Check for weaknesses in chimneys such as damage or missing bricks and install plywood above ceiling joists to keep bricks from falling through. <br>- Ensure cabinet latches are strong enough, especially in the kitchen, to prevent contents from falling out; install safety latches for added security. <br>- Brace and bolt storage racks and shelves to the floor and walls and secure contents so they can’t slide off.

  • AVOID BUILDINGS BUILT BEFORE 2009 / Evitar rentar apartamentos construidos antes del 2009 (Sin norma NSR 10)

  • INSTALL ADDITIONAL FLOOR SUPPORT TO WALL MOUNTED CABINETS / Instalar bases adicionales a muebles flotados.

  • INSTALL SEISMIC RESTRAINS TO ACCUMULATION WATER HEATER TANKS / Instalar soporte adicional a calentador de agua de acumulacion.

  • STABILIZE OR FASTEN WOOD SHELVES / estabilizar o asegurar entrepaños de madera

  • FASTEN THE OVEN TO CABINET / Asegurar el horno al gabinete

  • Solicitar a la administracion el cumplimiento de las regulaciones pertinentes a zonas comunes y planificacion para eventos de manejo de emergencias por eventos sismicos (infraestructura, equipos, planes de evacuacion y atencion de emergencias, etc.) Y la revision periodica de las condiciones antisismicas y de estabilidad de los componentes comunales de la copropiedad.

  • OTHERS / Otros

11 - LOCAL CONSIDERATIONS (List any additional local considerations)

11.1 - Mechanical

  • - All valves are properly identified (gas, potable water/cold/hot, etc.), type and use as required. <br>- All valves are secured with handhole covers, handles provided and functional. <br>- Plumbing fixtures and hardware are properly mounted, rated as required, leak free, stable. <br>- Drain points (floor/sinks/showers/tubs/etc.) are clean, tested and functional.

  • IDENTIFY SHUT OFF VALVES / Identificar valvulas de corte.

11.2 - Dryer vent

  • - Dryer vents to exterior, semi-rigid aluminum duct/rigid galvanized metal sheet duct, fittings, flange, hood and backdraft deflector. <br>- Embed transition lines to exterior are clean and easy to maintain, lint trap free. <br>- Duct is not connected to common or combined exhaust pipes/ducts, difficult to maintain. <br>- Indoor kits with semi-rigid aluminum duct is used in well ventilated areas accepted as last resource.

  • PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE REQUIRED / Hacer mantenimiento al sistema de descarga de la secadora

  • INSTALL INDOOR KITS WITH SEMI-RIGID ALUMINUM DUCT / Instalar sistema indoor kit con ducto semi-rigido en aluminio.

11.3 - HVAC/MSPU

  • All HVAC and MSPU maintained and in good working conditions, in adequate controlled spaces. Electrical water tight raceway - Direct connection to cover plate pull box, insulation to condens. water and refrig. gas lines - Filters - Cicles - Thermostats, drain lines - Electrical feder and protection acordingly

11.4 - Noise Control

  • Boxer_1593616777784627 (1).jpg
  • Noise limits are within acceptable limits.

  • Atenuar efectos de polución por sonidos exteriores. Tomar los correctivos necesarios.

11.5 - Anti panic door locks

  • Exit doors, bedroom doors, walk in closets, storage rooms, hallways and other interior access doors are provided with key-free locking systems. Exits thru common stairways are anti-panic or key-free lock system provided.

  • INSTALL INSIDE KEY FREE LOCK MECHANISMS / Suministrar manejos de cerradura tipo antipánico en puertas de seguridad de acceso e internas, alcobas, vestieres, corredores, depósitos, etc., libres de apertura con llave por la parte interna

  • INSTALL OR MODIFY INTERNAL DOOR LOCKS (NOT INCLUDE SECURITY DOORS), BEDROOMS, CLOSETS, HALLS, DEPOSITS, ETC., SO THAT THEY CAN BE OPENED FROM OUTSIDE WITHOUT THE USE OF KEYS (BATHROOM TYPE) / Suministrar / modificar cerraduras de puertas internas (no incluye puertas de seguridad), alcobas, vestieres, corredores, depositos, etc., de manera que puedan abrirse desde afuera sin el uso de llaves (tipo baño)

11.6 - Play grounds

  • - Surfacing: The equipment has adequate protective surfacing under and around it (12-14“sand, crushed wood or equivalent protection). The loose-fill surfacing material is free of foreign objects or debris also loose and un-compacted and of sufficient depth in heavy use areas such as under swings or at slide exits. - General Hazards: All equipment is free of sharp points, or dangerous corners or edges. All pipe ends are covered with undamaged protective caps or plugs. All hazardous protrusions and projections, such as bars or bolts, are removed. All potential clothing entanglement hazards are removed or repaired (e.g. open S-hooks or protruding bolts. No pinch, crush, or shearing points or any exposed moving parts. The playground area is free of any trip hazards, such as exposed footings and anchoring devices, and rocks, roots, or any other environmental obstacles. <br>- Security of hardware: All fastening devices and connections, such as S-hooks and chains are secure and in good condition. Moving components, such as swing hangers, swing rings or nets are unworn and safe. <br>- Deterioration of the equipment: All equipment is free of rust, rot, cracks or splinters, especially where it comes in contact with the ground. All components on the playground equipment are unbroken and in good condition (e.g. handrails, guardrails, protective barriers, steps or rungs on ladders). All fences, enches, and signs on the playground are in an undamaged condition. All equipment is securely anchored. <br>- Drainage: The entire play area has satisfactory drainage, especially in heavy use areas such as under swings and slide areas. - General upkeep of playgrounds: The entire playground is free from miscellaneous debris or litter such as branches, cans, glass, animal waste, etc.

  • BUILDING MUST COMPLY WITH REQUIREMENTS / Administracion debe cumplir con los requerimiento y normas para juegos infantiles

  • Solicitar a la administración de la copropiedad el cumplimiento de las normas de seguridad para el uso de zonas de juegos: superficies adecuadas drenadas y con materiales antideslizantes, no abrasivos y amortiguantes de caídas. Existencia de plan de revisión periódica y eliminación de elementos y componentes potencialmente peligrosos

11.7 - Hardware & Locks

  • All carpentry and millwork hardware, includying handles, doorknobs, hinges, bearings, latches, locks are in good working conditions, smooth and adjusted and accomplish for the use they're inteneded for.

11.8 - Drapery

  • Tie hooks (cleat type), pulleys or alike are provided and mounted to control drapery cords and strings long / loose hanging ends.

  • Instalar cornamusas / tensores / argollas, etc. Para asegurar manejos de cortineria. Opcional, cintas de sujecion (en velcro o similares) adheridas a los manejos mismos para el enrollamiento de los excedentes sueltos

11.9 - Special provisions

  • - Installed as requested or wherever the conditions require any additional safety aid such as handrails, safety bars, etc. for normal use eg. access to bath tubs, jacuzzis, stairs, ramps, etc. <br>- Special provisions such as non-slipery tapes / mats for indoor slipery surfaces with low friction coefficient such as marble, ceramic and symilar in hallways, stairways, bathrooms, shower stalls, swimming pools, etc.

  • Instalar barras de apoyo donde se requiera para facilitar el ingreso de los usuarios a las tinas y jacuzzis de la propiedad

  • Modificar las superficies de duchas, tinas y jacuzzis y escaleras de ingreso de manera que sean antideslizantes, corregir superficies con bordes, aristas cortantes o abrasivas

  • IT IS RECOMMENDED TO CHANGE THE TOILET FOR A WATER SAVING TYPE (HIGH EFFICIENCY / WATER SENSE ) OF A LOCALLY RECOGNIZED AND COMMERCIAL BRAND WITH LOCAL PARTS AND WARRANTY SERVICE, IN ORDER TO LOWER CONSUMPTION OF WATER / Se recomienda hacer cambio de sanitarios a tipo ahorrador (alta eficiencia) de marca reconocida y comercial, con el fin de bajar el consumo de agua potable

  • IT IS RECOMMENDED TO CHANGE ELECTRIC AND GAS APPLIANCES FOR ENERGY SAVING TYPE OF A RECOGNIZED BRAND AND THAT IS COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE WITH LOCAL PARTS AND WARRANTY SERVICE AVAILABLE IN ORDER TO REDUCE THE CONSUMPTION OF ENERGY AND FUEL GAS / Se recomienda el cambio de electro y gasodomésticos de marca localmente reconocida y comercial, por aparatos de tipo ahorradores de energía con el fin de reducir el consumo de energía y gas combustible

  • IMPROVE APARTMENT'S ARTIFICIAL LIGHTING SYSTEM THROUGH ADDITIONAL LIGHTING, ETC., SO THAT THE MINIMUM LUX LEVELS RECOMMENDED (APPROX 100-300 LUX) ARE MAINTAINED DEPENDING ON THE AREAS / Mejorar el sistema de iluminación artificial del apartamento mediante luminarias adicionales, etc., de manera que se mantengan los mínimos recomendados (aprox 100-300 lux) dependiendo de las áreas de que se trate


  • Item 2.3 of the inspection report, this property does not comply with OBO fire egress standards (See OBO/OPS/FIRE, Fire Protection Guide, and Residential Fire Protection section E-1). - Please have DCM acknowledgement to continue leasing action and OBO Mitigation response in the RPA leasing file - Please send pre-formatted letter to Building Administration regarding Testing requirements of installed fire protection systems

  • Item 7.1 requires swimming pool compliance as indicated by local law (LEY 1209 DE 2008 – Resolución 4113 de 2012 – Decreto 554 de 27 Marzo 2015). - Please send pre-formatted letter to Building Administration and Landlords regarding pool compliance and deficiencies. - Specific deficiencies are also attached to this email

  • Item 8.1 and 8.2 requires current valid certification of compliance for elevators as indicated in local law (Acuerdo 470 de 2011, Decreto 663 de 2011, Resolución 092 de 2014 FOPAE, Resolución 221 de 2014 FOPAE). - Please send pre-formatted letter to Building Administration regarding elevator certification requirements.

Please inform Facility Management when the apartment is ready for the Certification Inspection. 



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