Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
- Brian Prosser
- Joshua Prosser
- Jake Veale
- Michael Brown
- Peter Brown
- Kelvin Walpole
- Tim Ditton
- Lou Camboni
- Keiran Coleman
- Dan Cilia
- Scott Westwood
- Ra Toko
- Lindsay Hunter
- James Tarasenko
Additional Personnel
Take an Image of the area being assessed.
Is the work site safe from natural hazards, eg; terrain, climate, wind that presents a risk?
If no, refer to SWMS. Implement the controls listed.
Is site safe from pedestrian or vehicle movements?
If no, refer to SWMS. Implement the controls listed
Is the lighting adequate?
If no, refer to SWMS. Implement the controls listed
Is the floor on the work surface safe? Eg. Clear from surface slippery, uneven, cluttered or unsafe.
If no, refer to SWMS. Implement the controls listed.
Are workers safe from the risk of falling objects?
If no, refer to SWMS. Implement the controls listed.
Are workers safe from any potential energy sources that could cause harm. Eg electrocution?
If no, refer to SWMS. Implement the controls listed.
Are workers safe from any potentially explosive compounds that could cause harm?
If no, refer to SWMS. Implement the controls listed.
Is the worksite safe from any high concentrations of dust in the atmosphere?
If no, refer to SWMS. Implement the controls listed.
Is the workplace noise level under 85 decibel?
If no, refer to SWMS. Implement the controls listed.
Are all personnel safe from potential risk due to work activities?
If no, refer to SWMS. Implement the controls listed.
Have the employees received the necessary training to complete the task?
If no, what training will be required?
Are other people at risk of injury by the work activities?
If at risk, have the SWMS below covered these potential risks?
Enter control measures used
Are work activities of personnel safe to the environment and not impacting on the environment?
If no, refer to SWMS. Implement the controls listed.
Can the task be performed from a safe height without the use of ladders, scaffold, or MEWP?
Is the plant and equipment suitable for the tasks?
If no, refer to SWMS - Using portable ladders
If no, refer to SWMS - Erecting and using mobile scaffolds
If no, refer to SWMS 12- Working with elevating work platforms
If no, refer to SWMS 5- Working at heights
Is the plant safe to use?
If no, Do not use plant! Place "Out of service" tag on plant and notify supervisor or appropriate persons.
Image of unsafe plant
Are inspections and tests on electrical power tools and leads up to date?
If no, Do not use plant! Place "Out of service" tag on plant and notify supervisor or appropriate persons.
If chemicals being used, are copies of MSDS's being made available?
If no, obtain MSDS.
MEWP's users
Are you going to use MEWP for this job?
Checked that tool lanyards are fitted to secure tools and equipment to an anchorage point in the basket?
Are barriers and signage in place to exclude persons from entering your work area, and areas immediately adjacent
Is the ground where you are to work is safe from holes, pits, soft spots, recent excavations, open trenches (within safe working distance from trench) uneven or sloping ground? (You should not work adjacent to excavations, or over covered pits, manholes etc... Unless adequately covered/protected and specifically agreed with Lend Lease.
Have you conducted a risk assessment prior to the commencement of the task, which covers all aspects of the activity?
Is the MEWP appropriate for the work intended?
Have you checked that the operators manual is with the MEWP?
Have you checked that the MEWP is registered and that the registration is currant prior to use?
Have you checked that MEWP has been maintained to manufacturers requirements prior to use?
Has the user been inducted on this specific model?
Are you over the age of 18 years
Do you have a currant Certificate of Competency (National Certificate WP Class) or Licence for the type of MEWP to be used? Licence is required for any MEWP having a boom or elevation 11metres and over.
Do you know that a full body fall arrest harness must be worn and attached to a designated anchorage point and the harness and lanyard is to be inspected every 6months by a certified person?
Do you know the ground conditions and gradients, weather conditions and wind speeds on which this specific model can operate and travel without exceeding the rating?
Have you carried out pre-start and post-start inspections on MEWP and signed the log book?
Is the MEWP free from faults?
Image of additional hazard
Additional hazards, which have not been shown above
SWMS in relation to these hazards
Control measures for additional hazards.
RISK SCORE 1: Before SWMS have been chosen, select a Risk Score in reference to Risk Matrix table
- 5E
- 5D
- 5C
- 5B
- 5A
- 4E
- 4D
- 4C
- 4B
- 4A
- 3E
- 3D
- 3C
- 3B
- 3A
- 2E
- 2D
- 2C
- 2B
- 2A
- 1E
- 1D
- 1C
- 1B
- 1A
SWMS - 1 General Plumbing.
SWMS - 2 Storm water.
SWMS - 3 Large diameter storm water.
SWMS - 4 Excavation and trenching.
SWMS - 5 Working at heights.
SWMS - 6 Working in confined spaces.
SWMS - 7 Excavator.
SWMS - 8 Skidsteer.
SWMS - 9 Roller.
SWMS - 10 Angle grinder.
SWMS - 11 Drop saw.
SWMS - 12 Safe use of EWP.
SWMS - 13 Concrete works.
SWMS - 14 Demolition - Defit works.
SWMS - 15 Laying sewer.
SWMS - 6010 Site assessment and set up
SWMS- 2030 Manual handling
SWMS - 3040 Cable and ladder tray installation
SWMS - 2050 Erecting and using Mobile scaffolds
SWMS - 2080 Working at heights
SWMS - 2120 Working in ceiling space
SWMS - 2060 Dismantling mobile scaffolds
SWMS - 2020 Using portable ladders
SWMS - 2040 Working with elevating work platforms
Have control measures been applied using SWMS?
RISK SCORE 2: After SWMS have been chosen, select Risk Score in reference to Risk Matrix table.
- 5E
- 5D
- 5C
- 5B
- 5A
- 4E
- 4D
- 4C
- 4B
- 4A
- 3E
- 3D
- 3C
- 3B
- 3A
- 2E
- 2D
- 2C
- 2B
- 2A
- 1E
- 1D
- 1C
- 1B
- 1A
Is hazard risk score low?
Can work commence without changing the control measure?