RMC Worker Safety Audit
Document No.
Worker being audited:
Job Title:
Audit Conducted by:
Date Conducted on:
Worker has reviewed and signed off on Job Safety Breakdown for current job description?
Personal Protective Equipment
Personal Protective Equipment
Caulk boots in good condition and full set of sharp caulks?
Hard Hat in good condition, CSA Approved, and within expiry period?
Eye protection carried and worn when required?
Hi-Viz vest and/or clothing worn and in good condition?
Whistle carried, and easily accessible?
Worker has fully charged radio, is on correct channel, and can identify and tune to important alternate channels for area?
Personal First Aid kit fully stocked and in good condition?
Survival Blanket carried and in good condition?
Optional PPE
Layered or extra clothing?
Fire starter?
Worker Preparedness
Worker Preparedness
Worker is current in First Aid Training?
Level trained in?
- Emergency First Aid w/ CPR C & AED
- Standard First Aid w/ CPR C & AED
- OFA Level 1
- OFA Level 2
- OFA Level 3
- MED A3 (marine)
- H2S Alive (Oil & Gas)
- Other
Expiry Date of most relative Certificate?
Transportation endorsement?
Worker has reviewed and signed off on Safety Plan?
Worker is rested, fit, and ready for work?
Worker is aware of daily weather forecasts and is prepared accordingly?
Worker is aware of local, active operations and relative supervisor contact details?
Worker can identify first aid contact for project/area?
Worker can identify Heli-evacuation locations relative to worksite?
Worker has proper map(s) of area and can locate themselves?<br>Overview Map?
Worker carries written ERP documentation for area/project?
Worker understands ERP and can describe procedure and locate relative designated safety locations?
Worker dresses adequately for conditions?
Worker has appropriate tools for the job and is trained in their use?
Worker has adequate rain gear and is in good condition?
Worker trained in WHIMIS?
Field Observations
Field Safety Observations
Worker understands work plan for the day and is adequately prepared?
Worker moves in woods with caution and manages risk accordingly?
Worker uses three point contact when traversing steep or unstable terrain?
Worker travels at safe distances between other crew members?
Worker communicates hazards to coworkers?
Worker chooses safe crossings on streams?
Worker avoids jumping off logs or from heights?
Worker uses only safe walk logs that suspend the worker less than 3m from ground?
When crossing hazardous areas alone, worker notifies partner/crew of location and confirms safe passage?
On steep ground, where debris could be knocked free onto coworkers below, worker takes measures to minimize this risk?
Worker sets a reasonable pace and waits for last worker if falling behind?
Worker avoids bumping or leaning on hazardous snags and chooses resting areas free from these hazards?
Worker uses eye protection when navigating brushy areas?
Worker follows check-in procedures?
Worker signs out on daily sign-out board/map (where applicable).
Worker maintains hourly check-ins when working alone?
Worker updates location and intended direction of travel/progress at hourly check-ins?
Worker able to describe response procedure when hourly checks are missed?
Driving and Vehicle Awareness and Maintenance
Driving and Vehicle Awareness and Maintenance
Worker has valid drivers licence?
Worker is trained in specific vehicle operation?
Worker trained in operation of standard transmission?
Vehicle inspections completed prior to operating?
Worker aware of vehicle fluids locations, critical components, and safety requirements?
Vehicle locked out (parking brake, wheel chock, etc.) when parked?
Worker parks vehicle facing camp and clear of traffic?
Worker drives with headlights on at all times?
Worker drives to road conditions and at safe speeds?
Worker uses 4x4 gearing when required?
Worker aware of local operations and traffic in area prior to trip?
Worker aware of local radio channels/frequencies in area and monitors while driving?
Worker transmits call points as per local road traffic procedures?
Helicopter Safety
Helicopter Safety
Section Not Applicable
Worker trained in Helicopter use?
Worker trained in hover entry/exit?
Current machine(s) worker is exposed to:
- Bell 206B JetRanger
- Bell 206L LongRanger
- Bell 407 (4-Blade LongRanger)
- Eurocopter AS350 (AStar)
- Hughes 500
- Robinson R44
Worker familiar with current machine limitations and function?
Worker familiar with Location of fuel shut-off Switch?
Worker familiar with Location of ELT switch?
Worker familiar with location of Survival Kit?
Worker understands flight plan for day prior to departure?
Worker communicates with pilot in a timely and accurate manner?
Worker identifies and establishes safe drop-off and pick-up zones prior to flight?
Worker remains calm when working around helicopters?
Worker waits for pilot's signal to approach helicopter?
Worker ensures all loose clothing or materials are stowed away fastened down before approaching or exiting helicopter?
Comments regarding audited worker's safety culture, attitude, and leadership:
Audited Worker Signature
Supervisor/Auditor's Signature