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Is traffic control effective from a drive through?<br>
Are signs easy to read and spaced effectively for the road user?
Are speed restrictions in force?
Are speed restriction generally being adhered to?
Was the wait time reasonable?
Was an alternate route used to bypass work area?
Is the road surface travelled through, around or past the work site satisfactory?
Did traffic controllers seem courteous and helpful to road users?
General comments.
Refer: Traffic Control at Worksites manual - section 4
Has a standard TCP been selected?
Did the TCP require modification?<br>RMS red ticket needed.
Was a new TCP drawn?<br>RMS orange ticket needed.
Is the approved TCP on site and signed?<br>TCWS 4.3.4
Is the location risk assessment attached?<br>WHS procedure 6.10 section 12.1
Is the TCP relevant to the work being conducted?<br>TCWS 4.4.2
Are all signs and devices in place as per the TCP?<br>TCWS 4.4.2
Add comments regarding the TCP.
Roadwork Speedlimits
Refer: Traffic Control at Worksites Manual - section 8
Is a worksite speed reduction in place?<br>TCWS 8.2
Are speed limit signs correctly spaced?<br>TCWS 8.2.4
Are conflicting speed limit signs and pavement markings covered or removed?<br>TCWS 8.2.5a & e
Has the speed limit been notified to relevant authorities?<br>WHS procedure 6.10 section 10.2.
Is a road occupancy license (ROL) required and on site?<br>
Is the speed limit noted on the TCP?<br>TCWS 8.2
Add comment regarding speed limits.
Signs and Devices
Refer: Traffic Control at Worksites Manual - sections 3, 5, 9.
Are signs current and in good condition?<br>TCWS 3.1.1
Are signs the correct size?<br>TCWS 3.2.2
Are signs erected at the correct height and position?<br>TCWS 3.2.7 & 3.2.8
Verify daily traffic control sign inspection have taken place and documented?<br>WHS procedure 6.10 appendix B.
Are barrier boards being used effectively?
Are cones and bollards installed at correct spacings?<br>TCWS 5.2.2
Have the needs for pedestrians been provided for?<br>TCWS 9.3
Have cyclists needs been considered?<br>TCWS 9.4
Have residents entry and exit been considered and controlled?<br>TCWS 9.7
Have signs and devices been checked for night visibility?<br>TCWS 9.2.8
Has the potential for end of queue accidents been considered?<br>TCWS 3.5.7
Portable Traffic Signals
Refer: TCWS section 10
Is the approach speed 80km or less?<br>TCWS 10.7.2
Is the minimum sight distance provided?<br>TCWS 10.7.3
Is the signal timing setup effective for traffic flow?<br>TCWS 10.11.2
Flashing Arrow Sign / Variable Message Board
TCWS section 11
Is it the correct type and approved for use?<br>TCWS 3.2.11 & 11.2
It is located in a safe position?<br>TCWS 11.4.4
Is the message relevant and readable?<br>TCWS 3.2.9
Add comments regarding signs and devices.
Traffic Controllers
Refer: Traffic Control at Worksites Manual - section 8.1
Traffic controllers have been trained and are carrying the RMS blue ticket?
Has an escape route been clearly defined?
Are controllers wearing the appropriate high visible uniform with authorized traffic controller notation?
Are controllers positioned to be visible for approaching traffic?<br>TCWS 8.1.1d & f
Is there sufficient communications between controllers?<br>TCWS 8.1.1g
Are rest breaks setup for controllers?<br>TCWS 8.1.1h
Add comments regarding traffic controllers.
Other worksite Hazards or Comments:
Enter comments or recommendations;
Signature of auditor:
Signature of Traffic Control Supervisor