Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Health and Safety
Ensure safe access is available and that all relevant health and safety procedures are followed.
Debris: Leaves, surplus building materials and stored goods ect must all be removed.
NB removal of leaves should be considered a seasonal item and carried out at the end of autumn. -
Any overhanging trees or shrubs should be trimmed back.
Inspect gutters and outlets individually, clean gratings/wire balloons, replace as necessary.
Ensure all down pipes are clear of blockages and are free-flowing (do not dispose of debris down the outlets).
Ensure lead flashing and mastic sealants in good condition and securely fixed.
Visual Check
Note general condition of roof and check for the following:
Mechanical damage
Loose or unsecured laps
Loose or sagging vertical upstands or skirtings
Damage to glazing/ roof lights
Condition of mastic sealant/s where used
Inspect flashings, trims and cappings for security
Inspect pointing to flashings
Plant / equipment
Check that any free-standing plant is still on its supports and that the sacrificial piece of membrane is in place.
(If applicable) check that any new plant/services that may have been installed is correctly mounted on slabs and that any fixings are not penetrated the waterproofing system.
With the exception of general items; in order not to invalidate the guarantee, any items MUST be reported to either the roofing contractor who carried out the original installation or Langley Waterproofing System Ltd. when reporting, please provide a 'marked up' roof plan to ensure accurate identification of the effected area/s.