Site conducted
Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Access and Egress
Is there safe access and egress to all working areas of the site?
Are walkways free from obstructions and stored materials?
Access and Egress compliant?
First Aid
An appropriate number of trained and qualified first aiders should be available on the site.
suitably qualified persons available to ensure adequate first aid provision is provided.
Ensure the first aid kit contains only first aid materials.
The First Aid box should be;
Marked with a white cross on a green background.
Be placed where it can be seen and used.
Be checked and replenished on a regular basis.
Are new staff made aware of its location as part of their induction?
First Aid requirements compliant?
Ensure all debris and waste is removed from the work area upon completion of the work or at the end of each shift.
Ensure staff adopt the philosophy of 'A tidy site is a safe site'.
Ensure materials are stored in an appropriate manner so as not to cause damage to or a weakening of the material.
Are All pipes and tubes etc securely wedged or choked to prevent accidental movement?
Housekeeping compliant?
Manual Handling
Ensure that a manual handling risk assessment has been completed wherever regular lifting of heavy loads is required.
Check the suitability of using wheelbarrows, hoists, telehandlers and other plant or machinery so that manual handling of heavy objects is kept to a minimum.
Ensure all staff have received manual training.
Manual Handling compliant?
Occupational Health, HAV'S, Noise and Associated Health Risks
Check that workers have had information and training so that they know what the risks are from HAV.
Check that exposure to HAV has been reduced as much as possible by selecting suitable work methods and Plant.
Ensure reduced-vibration tools are used wherever possible.
Check vibration tools are properly maintained.
Noise - As a general rule, if you: - have to shout to be heard at a distance of 2m, the noise level is approx 85dB and you should consider wearing hearing protection.
- have to shout to be heard at a distance of 1m, the noise level is approx 90dB and you should definitely wear hearing protection.
Ensure that workers have had training so they are aware of the risks from noise on site and what they need to do to avoid these risks.
Preventative maintenance can also help to reduce the noise caused by wear and tear on plant and machinery.
Ensure that people not involved in the work are kept away from the source of the noise.
Occupation health, HAV'S, Noise and associated risks compliant?
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
PPE General Requirements - Ensure PPE compatibility issues have been considered and that one piece of PPE not restrict the effectiveness of another piece of PPE.
Ensure that PPE is issued on an individual basis.
Ensure that it is suitable for the type of work being undertaken.
Check that the PPE is marked with the genuine 'CE' mark to help identify type of protection.
Check that it is kept in good condition.
Ensure that it is appropriately replaced.
Ensure all staff and visitors are wearing Hi-Viz vests or jackets.
Eye Protection
Ensure that it is of a suitable grade for the type of work being undertaken. I.e. light protection or full goggle etc.
Check that it is kept in good condition.
Foot Protection
Ensure that footwear is manufactured to CE standards.
Ensure that footwear is fitted with steel toecaps and steel sole plates.
Hand Protection - Ensure that where damaged to the hands may occur through activities such as handling, or when using hazardous substances/chemicals that all persons affected wear the appropriate class of safety glove.
Are all gloves free from damage?
Ensure gloves are the correct size.
Ensure gloves are correct for their application and the activity being undertaken.
Check that hands are washed frequently after spells of work.
Check the availability of barrier creams and skin cleansers.
Safety Helmets
Ensure all staff and visitors are wearing safety helmets.
Were all helmets found free from damage?
Ensure helmets are worn correctly.
Were helmets within their expiry date - helmets should be changed every 2-3 years.
Safety harnesses and lanyards used?
PPE requirements compliant?
Plant & Equipment
Ensure that tools and equipments are stored correctly to avoid damage to the equipment and persons.
Hand tools
Ensure that the right tools and equipment are being used for the right job.
Were all hand tools found to be in good condition with no defects?
Power Tools
Ensure operatives have been trained to use the tools/equipment they are using.
Ensure that the tools are in a good state of repair and carries appropriate safety symbol e.g. BS kite mark, CE Mark etc.
Ensure that all operators are trained and competent.
Ensure all Plant and Machinery is inspected on a weekly basis by a competent person and recorded in a Plant Inspection Register.
Do all plant fitted with a semi-automatic hitch have safety pins fitted?
Are all plant operators trained and hold a valid plant operators card for the categories being operated?
Is Plant Used Correctly.
Plant and Equipment compliant?
Risk Assessments and Method Statements
Ensure all Method Statements have been prepared by a competent person and have been checked, reviewed and signed.
Are method statements adequate and suitable for the task?
Does the method statement offer the necessary controls and required level of protection?
Ensure all contractors are working in accordance with the method statement.
Risk Assessments and Method Statements compliant?
Scaffolding/Working platforms
Check that any scaffold erection, alteration or dismantling is carried out by a competent person.
Check that all standards are provided with base plates and timber sole boards which span at least two base plates.
Check that all standards, ledgers, braces and struts are in position.
Ensure that the scaffold is adequately tied to the building or structure to prevent collapse.
Check that double guard rails and toe boards or other suitable protection at every edge.
Check that there are additional brick guards provided to prevent materials falling from scaffold where they are used as a working platform.
Check that working platforms are fully boarded and that the boards are arranged to avoid tipping or tripping - i.e.: no overlapping boards.
Do all ladder accesses have self closing gates fitted?
Ensure that there are effective warning notices in place to stop any person using an incomplete scaffold.
Check that the scaffold is strong enough to carry the weight of materials stored on it and that they are evenly distributed.
Ensure that the scaffold has been properly maintained.
Ensure that a competent person inspects the scaffold regularly, at least once a week; and always after it has been altered, damaged and following extreme weather.
Are scaffold tags being utilised?
Ensure that these inspections are adequately recorded.
Are all scaffolds and working platforms sutable?
Are the public fenced off or otherwise protected from the work?
Are all gated secured?
Are site security arrangements adiquate?
Training and Skill Cards
Are all persons trained for their respective tasks?
Are Skill Cards available for inspection?
Waste Management
Is a waste management plan in place and sutable?
Is the plan being maintained?
Waste management requirements compliant?
Audit Risk Level
Risk rating for this Audit.
Corrective Actions
Sign off
I confirm I have had the contents of this audit report explained to me.
Project Manager
Person conducting this Audit.
Audit concluded at:
All actions on this report have been completed on: