Details of previous attending engineer (Name and tech number)
Attending Person
Conducted on
Job No
Are there any hazards?
Are hazards controllable?
Visit type
- Customer Experience Visit
- SEG30 Visit
- Revisit
- Cancellation check
- SE referral
Customer Experience Visit
Customer visit type
- Service
- Install
- Install (multi-room)
- MHO (multi-room)
- Other
Customer questions and responses
Did you receive an ETA prior to the visit
If Yes, when was the ETA made?<br>
On first impressions, was the engineer friendly and approachable?
Was the engineer neat and tidy, both in work and appearance?
Did the engineer leave you with your Sky system fully working?
Did the engineer leave you with a good understanding on how to use your Sky system?
What did the engineer do that has left you feeling satisfied and pleased?
What could the engineer have done to improve your experience?
Personal findings
Add photos of the dish, cabling, grommets, brick cover plate, sealed holes and other points of interest for feedback
Is there evidence of an eyebolt being used?
Add photos to support the use of an eyebolt.
My feedback with comments and recommendations on the findings from the visit.
Email a copy of this document; to the engineer being visited, your Team Manager. Ensure you enter the engineers payroll number in the subject line. A copy can be stored in your iBooks on your iPad for future reference (see iAuditor 'how to' for support)
SEG 30 Visit feedback
Previous visit type
- Service
- Install
- Install (multi-room)
- MHO (multi-room)
- Other
Date of previous engineer visit
Reason for a SEG30 being raised
- Customer Education
- STB stuck in standby
- On Demand
- Broadband
- The customer is unhappy with installation
- Other
Description if 'Other' is selected
Fault / reason found for SEG30
Add pictures of; dish, cabling, entry holes, fault found to support the feedback
Action taken to rectify the fault / any comments
Has the previous engineer been spoken to?
Email a copy of this document; to the engineer being visited, your Team Manager. Ensure you enter the engineers payroll number in the subject line. A copy can be stored in your iBooks on your iPad for future reference (see iAuditor 'how to' for support)
Revisit Feedback
Previous visit type
- Service
- Install
- Install (multi-room)
- MHO (multi-room)
- Other
Date of previous engineer visit
Reason for the revisit
- Customer Education
- STB stuck in standby
- On Demand
- Broadband
- The customer is unhappy with installation
- Other
Description if 'Other' is selected
Fault / reason found for the revisit
Action taken to rectify the fault / any comments
Add pictures of; dish, cabling, entry holes, fault found to support the feedback
Has the previous engineer been spoken to?
Email a copy of this document; to the engineer being visited, your Team Manager. Ensure you enter the engineers payroll number in the subject line. A copy can be stored in your iBooks on your iPad for future reference (see iAuditor 'how to' for support)
Cancellation check / second opinion
The reason given to the cancellation
- No LOS
- Dish access
- Cabling concern
- Heath and safety concern
- Other
Description if 'Other' is selected
Can the visit go a head?
If 'Yes' What is it that needs to happen to allow the visit to proceed?
Add pictures to support the feedback to any solutions (use Skitch if needed)
Has the engineer been spoken to?
Email a copy of this document; to the engineer being visited, your Team Manager. Ensure you enter the engineers payroll number in the subject line. A copy can be stored in your iBooks on your iPad for future reference (see iAuditor 'how to' for support)
SE referral (to be completed by an SE when a visit has re-booked by a DTH engineer to a SE team)
Could the previous visit been completed by a DTH engineer?
If 'Yes' how could the visit had been completed using DTH equipment? (Use photos to support this)
Add pictures to support future development. (Include photos of DTH equipment being used)
Does the engineer require further support or development on this type on visit?
If 'Yes' what is needed?
Has the engineer been spoken to?
Has the engineers Team Manager been notified?
Email a copy of this document; to the engineer being visited, your Team Manager. Ensure you enter the engineers payroll number in the subject line. A copy can be stored in your iBooks on your iPad for future reference (see iAuditor 'how to' for support)
Name, tech number