
  • Name of school

  • Name of DSL and Deputy DSL

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

General safeguarding overview

  • Number of children at Early Help

  • Number of children at CIN

  • Number of children at CP

  • Number of children cared for

  • % of children at FSM

  • % of children SEND

Leadership and Management

  • The Designated Lead/s/SLT and Governors are aware of the latest edition of Keeping Safe in Education ensuring that all staff have received and read the relevant parts in relation to their role. Staff have signed to confirm they have read and understood the information and a record is kept on file.

  • The Designated Safeguarding Lead and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead(s) have their roles made explicit in the job description and are suitably and regularly trained to fulfil the role. DSL training is up-to-date and is refreshed every 2 years. As well as training in key areas such as Prevent and online safety

  • There are Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads within school who have the skills, experience,<br>completed training and understand to fulfil their roles and responsibilities. and how they act as a point of contact with the partners in multi-agency agreements as set out in Annex B of KCSIE

  • The school has a Designated Safeguarding Lead available on site at all times; if in any event they are not available, a contingency plan is in place whereby all other staff can obtain advice. Plans are in place in out of hours or holiday activities.

  • The Designated Safeguarding Lead/s provides support to staff in all matters of safeguarding pupils, assisting in promoting pupil’s health, mental health safety and wellbeing, acting as a source of information and support to all staff. The DSL takes the lead but delegates areas of safeguarding to other key members of trained staff.

  • The safeguarding role carries significant level of responsibility. They have additional time, funding, resources and support needed to effectively promote and safeguard the welfare of the children in their care.

  • The DSL ensures that the safeguarding team and whole school staff are clear about what constitutes child on child abuse and their role in preventing and responding to it. The staff understand that even though there may be a lack of reports this does not mean that this is not happening.

  • The school has a Designated Teacher who is responsible for the educational achievement and care of looked after pupils. The lead will be suitably trained, being a central point of contact for Children Looked After (CLA)

  • The DSL and deputy DSL's are aware of the requirements for children to have an appropriate adult and the PACE Code C 2019

  • The DSL ensures that Child protection records are held securely and only accessible by authorised trained adults . They ensure that records are transferred within 5 days of the child being on the role of the new school and provides information prior to this if appropriate to aid transition.

  • The Designated Safeguarding Lead is receiving and retrieving Operation Encompass information, following the protocol and guidance developed ensuring appropriate staff are made aware to support pupils experiencing and exposed to Domestic Abuse.

  • The school has agreed systems and processes in place for identifying and responding to those children considered vulnerable The Designated Safeguarding Lead keeps separate records on child protection concerns and those that are deemed vulnerable in the school

  • The school has a CME/Attendance lead who regularly makes checks to ensure the systems are robust and effective. Clear plans are in place to support vulnerable learners who go missing or who are regularly absent or late. The CME/Attendance lead understands how to seek advice from the Local Authority when CME is known or suspected.

  • The DSL has a list of vulnerable children and there is evidence of this being monitored and checked regularly. Alongside this the DSL monitors the number of referrals made and under which category.

  • A Designated Safeguarding Lead/s has read, understood the applicable Multi-Agency Safeguarding Children Procedures completed the relevant training and undertaken any online courses available relating to EHE

  • The school has an effective whole-school approach to online safety as part of its safeguarding provision which protects and educates pupils, in their use of technology. This includes robust mechanisms to identify, respond to, and escalate any concerns where appropriate.

Safer recruitment

  • The school is compliant with Safer Recruitment training with at least one person with the training on any interview panel. This training is in-date and refreshed when required with appropriate records kept

  • The School has a securely held Single Central HR record system with a nominated member of staff who is responsible for the day to day management of the template. The SCR is checked and verified by the Designated Safeguarding Lead which is reviewed at least termly to input updates and check compliances with all DfE / Ofsted current requirements. The details of people are removed when they no longer work at the school.

  • The details of all required personnel are recorded on the SCR template<br> Schools, all staff, including teacher trainees on salaried routes. Agency, contractors and third-party supply staff (in school for 1 day), Trustees, governors, management committee, members, proprietor body, colleges: details of staff, including agency and supply staff providing education to children under the age of 18

  • Identity checks are carried out for all required persons including checks on DOB and address etc. Verification documents copied and retained in HR file.

  • Criminal record checks are carried out in accordance with Part 3, KCSiE guidance.

  • Right to work checks are carried out on all required adults In accordance with KCSIE and Academy Trust Funding Agreement.

  • Recruitment will be in line with part 3 of KCSIE and it is made clear on the application that online searches will be undertaken as part of the shortlisting process.

  • The Governors/Trustees ensure they have a policy and system of safer recruitment which is recorded, and the location of these records are known. 


  • The Governors/Trustees are aware of local Safeguarding arrangements initiated by CSAP including an understanding of Local Safeguarding Procedures and key guidance (e.g. CSAP Governor Online Safety Self-Review Tool).

  • The Governors/Trustees have ensured there are up to date and effective Safeguarding Policies and Procedures within the school and regularly oversee that activity. They ensure policies, procedures and training in school are effective and comply with the law at all times. Challenging headteachers and principals to ensure that the adopted policies and procedures, (particularly those concerning referrals of cases of suspected abuse and neglect), are understood, and followed by all staff.

  • A nominated Link Safeguarding Governor has been identified who has completed Governance of Safeguarding Training within the past 3 years to help fulfil the requirements of the post.<br>The Link Safeguarding Governor plays an active role in the school to QA, review and audit safeguarding provision. All Governors receive updates and information regarding safeguarding and have the opportunity to ask questions

  • There is a nominated governor with allegations responsibility who liaises with LADO for those that meet threshold/low level concerns against the headteacher as detailed in part 4 of KCSIE

  • The governing body understand their responsibilities under Part 2 KCSiE and ensures that all governors and trustees receive appropriate safeguarding and child protection (including online, filtering and monitoring) training at induction. This training will equip them with the knowledge to provide strategic challenge to test and assure themselves that the safeguarding policies and procedures in place in schools are effective and support the delivery of a robust whole school approach to safeguarding. This training will be regularly updated and evidence of attendance retained.

  • The governing body ensures that they are provided with a report around safeguarding arrangements, child protection concerns, patterns and decisions on key aspects. Governors/Trustees are made aware of Bullying / Racist incidents or any discriminatory incidents and have a good knowledge of the early help process and escalations in their LA.<br>

  • Governors understand the school’s approach to online safety and actively review and assess its effectiveness

  • Safeguarding governor regularly checks the Single Central Record to ensure that they are happy that this is compliant.


  • The school has set up a Staff Safeguarding Training record which is kept up to date containing dates of training and dates for review to ensure they are fully compliant and no staff are missed. Staff including governors, volunteers and non- teaching staff undertake safeguarding training at least annually.

  • The school has created a Staff Induction Portfolio for all new staff including supply, temporary, agency and students which fully informs all new staff of their role in safer working practices and expectations around professional and personal boundaries. There are records held of all inductions

  • The relevant Senior Leads and governing bodies are familiar with Working Together to safeguard children 2024 and their responsibilities within this.

  • DSL's and other appropriate staff in the school know about and use Children Missing Education 2016 and this is used to inform policies such as safeguarding and attendance policies.

  • Information sharing advice for safeguarding practitioners 2024 is read and understood by DSL's DDSL and any key members of staff

  • All staff including governors and volunteers know about the mandatory Home Office/DfE reporting requirements for Female Genital Mutilation.

  • The Designated Safeguarding Lead/s and Senior Managers including the Link Safeguarding Governor are aware of the HM Government Prevent Duty and have completed or are enrolled onto the Prevent training. All other staff are either completing an online prevent training course or an available Channel online course. All certificates for the completed training are printed and made available in the staff safeguarding training portfolio record. This is also included within the safeguarding policy

  • All staff including governors know about Working together to improve school attendance - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) and understand their roles and responsibilities relating to improving school attendance.

  • There is/are nominated staff who have received paediatric First Aid Training in line with EFYS guidance 2024, which is kept up to date and a First Aid kit which meets requirements under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. All staff are aware of who the nominated staff are

  • The school is aware of the local safeguarding partnership boards and staff know where to find local safeguarding guidance

  • The school has knowledge of local agencies, their referral processes and their offer to help support children and families, whilst keeping in regular contact when required with Early help and Children's Social Care.

  • There is evidence of continued safeguarding training through a number of different formats for example face to face, e-bulletins, sharing of best practice.

  • All staff receive appropriate online safety training which is regularly updated. The Designated Safeguarding Lead and those staff with a specific responsibility for online safety attend regular CPD opportunities to ensure that they are aware of, and able to respond to, specific online safety-related issues appropriately and effectively

Site Safety and school environment.

  • The governing body and DSL ensures there are processes in place to ensure the school provide a safe environment for pupils where they can feel safe and supported. This is evidenced through pupil voice.

  • The school has a clear and visible system / procedure for the arrival / handover of pupils at the beginning, during and end of the school day

  • The school checks the identity of visitors to school in a professional capacity and that they have an appropriate DBS check. For visitors who are in school in a professional capacity. Their identity ID is checked and assurance sought the visitor has had the appropriate DBS check or the visitors employers have confirmed that their staff have appropriate checks. The school understands they should not ask to see the certificate in these circumstance.

  • Reasonable force, including restraint is only used in line with statutory expectations and all incidents of restraint are appropriately recorded (e.g. this may include pupil’s views, consultations with parents/carers where appropriate).

  • The use of any external transport is managed by the DSL and they ensure that appropriate checks have been undertaken and are recorded.

  • There is an emergency contact to a Designated Safeguarding Lead when pupils are off-site with staff on trips or visits.

  • There is more than one emergency contact for all pupils whether on-site or off-site and those details identify who has parental responsibility plus other care arrangements that may be in place

  • Appropriate checks and/or risk assessment arrangements are considered for external visitors, speakers or presenters in school.

  • The use of school premises by external groups (e.g. agencies contractors, clubs, associations) is regularly reviewed and the school implements appropriate safeguarding measures (e.g. employment checks, insurance, training).

Policies, procedures and recording

  • The school has an effective, personalised and up-to-date Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy which includes the recent KCSIE updates and that clearly reflects the setting's processes and procedures which is reviewed and approved by the Governing Body on an annual basis. The policy is fully understood and known to everyone in the school and is developed in consultation with pupils. It is easily accessible to parents/carers and is available on the school website.

  • The school has reviewed all linked policies and identified those that should be consistent with the Child Protection/Safeguarding Policy (e.g. Anti-Bullying, Online Safety). There is evidence of quality assurance and ratification by the Governing Body/Trustees before implementation of a policy. Staff have confirmed they have received, read (and understood) and signed copies where relevant to their role; a detailed log is kept on file of this activity.

  • The school has an Anti-Bullying Policy which includes online bullying and complies with Section 89 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006. This policy is displayed on the school website and is known to all staff, non-teaching staff and the local community

  • There is an up-to-date Medicines / Administering of Medicines Policy which is made available to parents/carers

  • Where appropriate, there is a Personal Care Policy and Intimate Care Policy which is made available to parents/carers

  • The school is following recommended national GDPR (General Data Protection Act 2018) and LA guidance on access to, sharing and retention of Child Protection / Safeguarding records on children. In line with the KCSIE statutory guidance, records are passed on within 5 days

  • The school has a robust mechanism/proforma for reporting and recording child protection concerns which can be evidenced as acted upon. This includes a record of actions taken, associated outcomes and the use of a specific Child Protection / Safeguarding chronology for each child where there are concerns.. All staff, including non-teaching staff and volunteers are aware of the Child Protection and Reporting Procedures within the school. These are made accessible and are fully understood and applied

  • Evidence is recorded where advice has been sought from external agencies, which includes the step up/step down with preventative and social care partners. Evidence is recorded of tracking, contacts and referrals made

  • There are separate records of bullying incidents and evidence that incidents are analysed for patterns, trends, and hotspots. This includes strategies/models to prevent and intervene.

  • .

  • The school can demonstrate clear lines of communication on safeguarding matters. There is evidence of regular meetings and structures with Designated Safeguarding Lead/s and/or pastoral staff, allowing for discussion, reflection and reviews of pupils who are deemed as vulnerable - records are kept of this activity

  • Early indicators of pupils experiencing living with Domestic Abuse are identified, are acted upon. Referrals and services are sought for victims and alleged abusers

  • Early indicators of unhealthy, problematic use of the online environment (incl. social media) are identified and acted upon. Actions may include providing additional information in the curriculum for all pupils

  • The Leadership Team / Designated Safeguarding Leads are aware of and can describe the duties around supporting pupils within the school in Early Help and the school has a mechanism for identifying individual emerging needs. The Early Help offer is displayed on the website

  • The mechanisms for step up / escalation into Children’s Services are known about and linked to the Levels of Need identified.

  • All Early Help assessments are recorded with actions and plans evident and shared with all members of the meetings including parents.

  • The schools ensures that online safety is an embedded and inter-related theme when developing and implementing related policies and procedures

Managing allegations safer working practices

  • There is a Code of Conduct for Behaviour and Safer Working practice which applies to and is known to all Staff and all those who regularly come into school. All have signed to confirm that they have read and understood it.

  • The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) are aware of the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO), are familiar with the Allegations Against Staff, Carers and Volunteers procedure and know how to make a referral.

  • All staff within the school understand the role of LADO and how to raise concerns about staff both at low level concern and allegations with an up to date whistleblowing policy available and accessible.

  • When a LADO referral is made, the threshold criteria has been considered. When the threshold criteria are considered and a LADO referral has NOT been made, a low-level concern is recorded along with any actions undertaken to manage this. All referral records are retained in line with LA policy and where appropriate staff are referred to the DBS and Teacher Regulation Agency

Safeguarding and the curriculum

  • The school ensures when planning the curriculum that the statutory areas are covered and that other opportunities are made available to teach about general and contextual safeguarding.

  • Through PSHE or similar approaches in the curriculum, pupils are able to explore how to keep themselves safe, understand risks and harmful behaviours. Pupils are encouraged to express how they feel and are given a variety of coping strategies and support

  • Pupils are able to explore healthy and safe relationships and understand consent. Relevant to their pupil’s needs, age and understanding, the school can demonstrate a commitment to Relationship, Sex and Health Education as part of a whole-school approach

  • Pupils clearly understand who a trusted adult is, how this applies in and out of school and know who they can share worries or concerns with. Pupils are able to articulate what is keeping safe, how to keep themselves and others safe and how they can report any concerns when outside of school, including when online or using social media

  • The school engages with local and national Safeguarding initiatives within school and the curriculum. e.g. Safer Internet Day, Black History week, LGBTQ events which celebrate diversity. The school uses external partners to support the delivery of key areas

  • The curriculum covers in age appropriate ways, key areas such as radicalization, gangs, drug and alcohol, FGM etc and ensures that children know what to do if worried about any of the topics covered.

  • The voice of the child is captured in policy/curriculum planning and in terms of their experience of feeling safe within the school.

Specific areas of safeguarding

Online Safety

  • The school has an up-to-date Online Safety Policy which sets out the school’s approach to online safety including expectations and acceptable use when online. The policy has been developed in consultation with both staff and pupils/students and is reflected in the school’s Safeguarding/Child Protection Policy and referenced in the Staff Code of Conduct

  • The school ensures that there are age-appropriate filtering and monitoring systems in place that promote the welfare of pupils/students and limits their exposure to online risks through the school’s ICT systems

  • The school has appropriate cyber-crime security protection measures in place to safeguard their systems, staff and learners. The effectiveness of these procedures is reviewed periodically to ensure they are up-to-date with evolving cyber-crime threats.

  • The school can demonstrate effective use of the UKCIS national guidance relating to the consensual and non-consensual sharing of nudes and semi-nudes images and/or videos (formerly referred to as ‘sexting’) and follows the best practice advice when managing such instances. The DSL is expressly familiar with the guidance

  • There is regular communication with parents and carers in relation to online safety and any concerns or trends are shared to help prevent exposure particularly for vulnerable children.

Parental responsibility and private fostering

  • Parental responsibility is actively confirmed, routinely recorded and included as a question on consent forms.

  • The Designated Safeguarding Lead/s has received information/training on this issue and knows how to identify. They understand that they must report any such possible arrangement to the LA

  • All staff (including non-teaching staff) are familiar with Private Fostering and can discuss and report concerns.

Elective home education

  • The school can demonstrate through its recording processes, where appropriate advice has been sought from the LA for children who are EHE and can demonstrate how/what advice has been given to parents/carers and any discussion around the implications of such a decision

  • All relevant staff can show that every effort is made to keep parents engaged and have exhausted all efforts to help keep the child in school, where it is believed the home education intended may be unsuitable and/or unsafe

FGM, HBA, Forced Marriage, Breast Ironing/Flattening

  • The DSL is aware of the issues around honor based abuse, forced marriage and connected issues and have attended appropriate training

  • All Staff including non-teaching staff are able to identify the signs that a child is experiencing FGM, HBA, forced marriage and other linked issues. They know what to do if they suspect this for a child and are aware of the recording and reporting expectations.

Child exploitation and trafficking

  • A Designated Safeguarding Lead has developed an understanding of Child Sexual Exploitation, Exploitation and Trafficking and is familiar with the relevant Multi-Agency Safeguarding Children Procedures. The DSL knows how to identify the signs, seek advice and make a referral on concerns regarding pupils who are suspected of; or, who may be a victim

  • The school is aware of the need to educate and protect vulnerable children who may be put at particular risk from their own actions or those of others and these are contained within the list of vulnerable children.

Child Sexual Abuse within the family (Intra-familial CSA)

  • The school actively works to increase knowledge and understanding of Intra-familial CSA in order to identify indicators and school safeguarding training and updates include Intra-familial CSA.

  • The school understands the impact of Intra-familial CSA on a child/children in a family and acts upon all suspicions reporting and recording accordingly.

Gangs and county lines

  • The Designated Safeguarding Lead has developed an understanding and knowledge of how to identify the signs of pupils involved in Gangs and County Lines issues in the school and is familiar with existing processes in the LA and where they can refer children of concern.

  • All Staff have a working knowledge of gangs and county lines. Staff can identify concerns, seek advice and make an appropriate referral on pupils suspected of; or, who may be a victim

  • Appropriate to their age and level of understanding, pupils are provided with information on Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE) and understand the dangers of being involved in gangs (KCSIE 2021: Pages 126-127). They are made aware of who they should report any concerns to

Sexual Violence and Harassment, child on Child Abuse

  • The Designated Safeguarding Lead is aware of and understands the current UK Govt guidance on managing sexual violence and harassment in schools. They are aware of and understand the recommendations from Ofsted's Review of Sexual Abuse in Schools and Colleges Sexual violence and sexual harassment between children in schools and colleges. All allegations are treated seriously and addressed in-line with the guidance.

  • The Designated Safeguarding Lead has ensured the setting's Safeguarding Policy includes clear information and directions regarding procedures for recognising, reporting and responding to allegations/disclosures of sexual abuse/harassment in schools

  • The Designated Safeguarding Lead has reviewed the process for Risk Assessment when a disclosure of sexual abuse/harassment in school/college has been made to include specific actions and children's voice

  • All staff (including non-teaching staff) have received quality training and updates to develop an awareness and understanding of the differences between healthy, problematic and harmful behaviours in the context of promoting a safe and secure school environment. All staff understand the importance of challenge

  • All staff (including non-teaching staff) promote positive behaviours and respond with challenge through clear and consistent boundaries. They understand the triggers for problematic and/or harmful behaviour and the strategies used to address such behaviour (e.g. curriculum delivery around misogyny, gender hate and crime

Staff/student feedback

  • How do you feel about safeguarding in your school. Is there anything you would like to change or anything positive you would like to share.

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