Title Page
Safe Act Observation
Candidate Name
Observer’s Name
Site & Location
Task/ Activity Observed
Personal Risk Assessment
Other (specify)
Pre-Start Operations
Has a JHA and or task specific risk assessment been completed (Take 5, etc.)?
Has the crew on the job conducted a pre-start inspection prior to commencing the job?
Has a pre-start inspection been conducted on tools and equipment to be used for the task/activity?
Have all relevant procedures been reviewed and understood prior to the task/activity?
Is the operator authorised to operate plant/equipment being utilised for the task/activity?
Have all Restricted Work Areas (RWA) and exclusion zones been erected, including signage?
Position Of People
At risk of flying objects – are you in the line of fire?
At risk from pinch/crush points – hands/fingers/body in a position where<br>they shouldn’t be?
At risk of sprains/strains from over extension, lifting heavy objects etc. –<br>incorrect body position?
At risk of slips/trips/falls or falling objects – in and around the work area?
At risk of sprains/strains from over extension, lifting heavy objects etc. –
At risk from any type of pressure – air/water/heat/hydraulic/fume/gasses?
At risk from overhead obstructions – power lines, lightning strikes, under<br>body debris?
Personal Protective Equipment
Safety Helmet present while performing task?
Correct footwear worn while performing task?
Gloves present while performing task?
Wearing suitable protective clothing (long sleeves rolled down & buttoned, shirt tucked in, etc)?
Correct safety glasses worn?
Hearing protection present while performing task relevant to site requirements
Tools and Equipment
Correct tools used for the task/activity?
Tools in safe condition?
Tools used correctly to perform job task?
Positive communication used whilst operating machinery/equipment/tooling?
Spotter present when operating machinery/equipment/plant in and out of work area?
Have all isolation (energy sources) been controlled & tested for this task?
Tools and equipment cleaned and stored correctly?
All ground debris cleaned up?
Barricading and signage removed from the work area on completing job?
Hoses/Airlines/Electrical Cords rolled away and back on reels where applicable?
Walkways & entry areas clear and free from obstructions?
Trolleys/lifting devices used to assist with moving/lifting objects?
(Safe) Act/s Observed within the task. What were the safe act/acts observed?
(Unsafe) Act/s Observed within the task. What were the unsafe act/acts observed?
Discussion Points/Agreed Actions
Observers Name
Observers Signature
Candidate Name
Candidate Signature