Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted by:
Status of Report (Systems Manager use only):
ISO 45001 - 2018
ISO 14001 - 2015 -
The primary purpose of a Safety & Environment Management Audit is to determine the effectiveness of the the implementation of Safety and Environmental Management System. The use, awareness and understanding of key components of the system and the procedures, forms, templates and the use of the Business Management System electronic file structure is assessed for compliance.
Preparing for the Audit:
Obtain and review copies of previous audit reports and non-conformance to be followed up.
Confirm the scope, date and time of the audit with the CEO and employees of the work group, ensuring the audit is conducted at a mutually convenient time -
Recording and Documenting:
Keep a record of all documents sited e.g. name of document, where it was located
Verify conformance to documented procedures
Maintain specific details of non-compliance and/or areas for improvement. Provide as much detail as possible
Verify that actions have been taken to address issues raised in previous audits
Initiate a Continuous Improvement item for all non-compliance, suggested improvements and potential problems identified during the audit
Assign an action officer to all non-compliance, suggested improvements and potential problems
Compile an audit report including recommendations and forward to the CEO and relevant employees
The Systems Manager shall be responsible for overseeing the actions are completed and closed out
AUDIT ELEMENTS - Questions for Employees
Employees are aware of their Safety and Environmental Accountabilities and Responsibilities and where they can access them.<br>- Accountabilities and responsibilities are displayed in the workplace<br>- Select an employee and determine if they are aware of any of any of their Accountabilities
Records Sighted:
Safety and Environmental aspects, impacts and programs are reviewed annually.<br>- Determine if Management Review meetings are reviewing the effectiveness of the requirements of the QSE plan e.g. Goals and Objectives have been reviewed?
Records Sighted:
Safety and Environmental Inspections are being carried out.<br>- Review examples of Inspections
Records Sighted:
The Continuous Improvements and Non-Conformance Register is being implemented for major issues and non-conformances<br>- Review examples of Safety and Environment Non-Conformances raised in the register
Records Sighted:
A Safety & Management Plan has been developed and is current.<br>- Review the integrated plan and the sate it was last reviewed
Records Sighted:
Work Health & Safety and Environmental aspects form part of the Company induction for new employees<br>- review completed inductions
Records Sighted:
Staff understand the risk management process and their responsibilities and accountabilities<br>- verify with employees what they would do if they identify a hazard
Records Sighted:
(h) Identified hazards have been assessed for their risk potential<br>- verify risk assessments are being done<br><br>Compliance:
Records Sighted:
Incidents are being reported, investigated, and corrective and preventative actions determined through relevant processes<br>- verify incidents are being entered into the NC and CI Register
Records Sighted:
Employees are trained and hold relevant qualifications to undertake specific work activities, perform work or operate equipment
Records Sighted:
Training needs have been identified for all employees
Records Sighted:
Staff have access to and use the BMS folder and file structure<br>- ask staff to locate a standard form within the BMS
Records Sighted:
Emergency procedures are in place and are clearly displayed
Records Sighted:
Risk assessments have been undertaken for Hazardous Substances and control measures put in place
Records Sighted: