

  • Inspector Name

  • Position

  • Site Visited
  • Date

  • Check Box if non-compliant

Personal Protective Equipment As Required

  • Hard Hat

  • Explain

  • Safety Glasses and/or Face Shield

  • Explain

  • Hearing Protection

  • Explain

  • Respiratory Protection

  • Explain

  • Gloves

  • Explain

  • Boots for the Task

  • Explain

  • Chaps

  • Explain

  • Sleeved Shirt & Long Pants

  • Explain

  • High Visibility Shirt or Vest Worn

  • Explain

  • Safety Vest as Required (Reflective at Night)

  • Explain


  • Equipment Inspected

  • Explain

  • Guarding of Machine Parts

  • Explain

  • Horns, Lights, Back-up Alarms & Cameras Working

  • Explain

  • Seat Belts Worn

  • Explain

  • Floorboard Free of Clutter

  • Explain

  • Steps Clear of Debris

  • Explain

Work Site

  • Organized Flow

  • Explain

  • Standard Railing & Toe Boards Installed

  • Explain

  • Berms or Guard Rails in Place

  • Explain

  • Electrical Hazards

  • Explain

  • Fire Extinguishers Mounted, Available, Inspected

  • Explain

  • Eye Wash Stations Inspected and Clear

  • Explain

  • Flammable Liquids & Gasses Controlled

  • Explain

  • JHAs Available

  • Explain

  • MSDS Available

  • Explain

Personal Risk Management

  • Working Responding to Hazards

  • Explain

  • Proper Lifting

  • Explain

  • Worker Trained for Task

  • Explain

  • Works Protected from Fall Above 10 Feet

  • Explain

  • Repetitive Motion Hazards

  • Explain

  • Extreme Heat/Cold - Hydration and Breaks

  • Explain

  • Drug and Alcohol Free

  • Explain

  • Workers Protected from Open Sides 4 Feet or Greater Above Lower Surface

  • Explain

Trenching Site

  • 4' or 5' Deep - Egress (ladder) Within 25'

  • Explain

  • 5' or Deeper - Properly Sloped or Shored/Shielding & Ladder within 25'

  • Explain

  • Standing or Flowing Water Controlled

  • Explain

  • Spoil Pile Minimum of 2' Away from Trench Edge

  • Explain

  • Soil Classified - Visual and Manual

  • Explain

  • Trenching Data Available

  • Explain

  • Utilities Marked - Uncovered Utilities Supported

  • Explain

  • Workers not Exposed to Cave-in or Falling Object

  • Explain

  • Competent Authroity Near By

  • Explain


  • Egress Clear

  • Explain

  • Slip or Trip Hazard

  • Explain

  • Clutter

  • Explain

  • Vegetation Controlled

  • Explain

  • Food not Consumed in Industrial Maintainence

  • Explain

Employee Interview

  • Safety Statement?

  • Explain

  • Toolbox Talk Understood?

  • Explain

  • Supervisory Support of Safety?

  • Explain

  • Unchecked Hazards?

  • Explain

Reinforcement of Safety Culture

Reinforcement of Safety Culture

  • No Findings

  • Explain

- Safe and Healthful Work Site - Employee Recognized for Support of Safety

  • Audit Positive Comments:

- Unsafe Task Observed - Corrective Action Taken

  • Audit Corrective Comments

Driver Observations

Driver Observations

  • Driver or Unit #

  • Driver is Properly Wearing Seat Belt

  • No Evidence Driver is Using Handheld Cell Phone

  • No Evidence Driver is Distracted by Map, Food, GPS, etc.

  • Comments:

  • Driver or Unit #

  • Driver is Properly Wearing Seat Belt

  • No Evidence Driver is Using Handheld Cell Phone

  • No Evidence Driver is Distracted by Map, Food, GPS, etc.

  • Comments:

  • Driver or Unit #

  • Driver is Properly Wearing Seat Belt

  • No Evidence Driver is Using Hand Held Cell Phone

  • No Evidence Driver is Distracted by Map, Food, GPS, etc.

  • Comments:

Hand Safety Observations

Hand Safety Observations

Observation Area

  • Appropriate hand protection being worn for task

  • Do the gloves properly fit employee's hand

  • Are cuts observed on employee hand(s)

  • Comments

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.