
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


  • 5s completed in area

  • 5s visual standards maintained (materials suitably stored)

  • Are Walkways/escape routes clear?

  • Is the area free from hoses and trailing leads?

Slip and Trip Hazards

  • Is the floor free from Irregular or broken flooring/any obstructions

  • Are Visibility /lighting Levels suitable?

  • Is the area free from Spillages of Materials or Products?

  • Are Changes in Level Highlighted

Falling Hazards

  • Are Hand rails/Kickboards In good order and none missing?

  • Are Materials Stacked Safely?

  • Are Holes Barriered and Floor Gratings Secure?

  • Chain Across Top of Cat Ladders

Machinery Guarding

  • Are Guards in Good Condition?

  • Is Machinery Adequately Guarded ? Any Nip Points?

  • Are Guards Securely Fixed?

Plant Defects

  • Is the area free from Spillages or Oil Leaks

  • Are there any Plant Defects and Property Damage to be reported

  • Is the area free from Fumes or Dust Being Emitted

  • Are dust levels acceptable?

  • Are Bunds Suitably Containing Product

Services (Steam ,Air, Water)

  • Are Vessels Marked With Safe Working Pressure

  • Audible/Visible Leaks

  • Pressure Gauges Working

Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment

  • is Lifting Equipment Registered and Issued to User?

  • Is Correct Colour Tag Fitted?

  • Are Users LOLER Trained?

  • Is There a Written Lifting Method Statement?

  • Is Equipment in Good Condition and Pre Use Checks Carried Out?


  • Tied or Fixed in Position? (1m out x 4m high)

  • Is General Condition good ?

  • Are they used for Short Term Working Only?

  • Scafftag Attached and Inspection Up To Date?

  • Fixed Ladders in Safe Condition and Damage Free?

Portable Electrical Equipment

  • Is Date Stamp Legible and Valid?

  • Are Leads in good order and if repaired carried out correctly?

  • If Fitted Are Guards Effective

  • Have Pre Use Checks Been Carried Out?

Plant Isolation

  • Check for Correct Lock

  • Has The Isolation Been Registered/Recorded?

  • Is the key secure either locked away or with the person carrying out the work ?

  • Has Correct Lock Tag and Test Procedure Been Carried Out?

Permit To Work

  • Is Correct Type Of Permit In Use?

  • Is it Valid and Correctly Authorised and Received?

  • Are All Names of Persons on The Task on The Permit?

Fire Equipment Extinguishers/Hoses

  • Are There Extinguishers In The Area?

  • Are They in Date and Ready For Use?

  • Are There Hose Reels With Nozzles?

  • Are Fire Doors Closed?

Welding Operations

  • Are Suitable Hot Work Procedures In Place?

  • Is Equipment in Good Order?

  • Are Welding Screens Being Used?

Chemical/Substances in Use

  • Is User Aware of Hazards and Precautions?

  • Are Hazards and Precautions Displayed?

  • Condition Of Storage Facilities and Pipework

  • COSHH Assessment /Chemical Permit in Place?

Environmental Considerations

  • Waste Disposed of Correctly and Correct Skips Used

  • Storage of Materials Contained Outside of Bunds

  • Are Spill Kits Acceptable and Tagged?

Safety/Warning Signs

  • Are Signs in Good Condition,Clean,Legible?

  • Are They Valid?

  • Are signs in place with no damage?

  • Can You See a Fire Exit Route Signed ?


  • Do Staff Have Access to Safety Information?

  • Do persons Know Their Line Manager?

Safe Working Practices

  • Is There Any Potential Unsafe Work in Progress?

  • Is a Risk Assessment or Safe System in Use ?

  • Are Others Affected By The Work?

  • Is PPE Suitable For The Task ?

Hand tools

  • Are They in Good Order?

  • Are They Being Used Correctly?

  • Are They Suitable For The Task?


  • Are They Aware of Local Site Conditions?

  • Are They Registered Onsite And Inducted?

  • Are They Working Safely?

  • CWMR In Place?

Safety Knowledge

  • Take Two Book Carried and Used?

  • Knowledge of Incident Reporting System ?

  • Do Persons Know Their Emergency Procedures

  • Do Persons Know the Location of the Nearest Safety Shower?

  • Enter defects found and required action or action taken

  • Name of Auditor

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.