
  • Hardman Construction, Inc. - Onsite Safety Audit

  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


  • OSHA 300 forms complete and posted from February 1 - April 30?<br>

  • OSHA and DOL posters posted?

  • Wage Rate Summary current and onsite in mail box?

  • Wage Rate Summary current and present in job site mail box?

  • Emergency phone numbers posted?

  • Tool box safety talks log up to date?

  • Proper DEQ permit present onsite?

  • MSL's filed and recorded to date?

  • MSDS filed and available onsite to all workers?


  • Work areas properly signed and barricaded?

  • Work areas neat and all trash debris cleaned up in proper trash container(s)?

  • Projecting nails or screws bent over or removed?

  • All liquids and chemicals have proper labeling per SDS requirements?

  • Waste containers provided and used?

  • Passageways and walkways clear with all potential hazards marked and identified?

  • Cords and leads off the floor?


  • Adequate fire extinguishers, checked and accessible?

  • Monthly fire extinguisher inspections performed and all extinguishers have initialed and dated inspections?

  • Phone no. of Fire Department posted?

  • Fire watch being performed if required?

  • "No Smoking" posted and enforced near flammables?


  • All electrical items requiring an inspection performed and tagged/documented?

  • Proper voltage signage posted onsite where required?

  • Extension cords with bare wires or missing ground prongs taken out of service?

  • Ground fault circuit interrupters being used (GFCI's)?

  • Terminal boxes equipped with required covers?


  • Hand tools inspected regularly?

  • Guards in place on machines?

  • Correct tool being used for job at hand?

  • Operators of powder actuated tools licensed?

  • Is the compressor hose being used with appropriate nozzle or end ?


  • Safety rails and cables secured properly?

  • Safety harnesses worn properly?

  • Employees exposed to fall hazards tied off?

  • Employees below protected from falling objects?

  • All rigged items 100% secured before hoisting and lifting!

  • Warning lines being properly utilized and installed where required?


  • Ladders extended at least 36" above landing?

  • All ladders in use being inspected on a daily basis?

  • Ladders are secure to prevent slipping, sliding or falling?

  • Ladders with split or missing rungs taken out of service?

  • Stepladders used in fully open position?

  • No step at top two rungs of stepladder?


  • All scaffolding inspected daily?

  • Erected on sound rigid footing?

  • Tied to structure as required?

  • Guardrails, intermediate rails, toe boards and screens in place?

  • Planking is sound and sturdy?

  • Proper access provided?

  • Employees below protected from falling objects?

Cofferdam & Deck Openings

  • All openings planked over or barricaded?

  • Perimeter protection in place?

  • Sufficient # and proper tie off points present and being utilized?

  • Danger hazards identified and clearly visible?

  • Deck planks secure?

  • Materials stored away from edge?


  • Competent person identified and present?

  • Excavations are shored and sloped back? <br>Has PM or Superintendent performed a Penetrometer Test?

  • Piled materials and/or walk ways barricaded accordingly to notify the potential hazard?

  • Materials are stored at least 2' away from trench?

  • Ladders provided every 25' in trench?

  • Equipment is at a safe distance from edge of trench or excavation?


  • Materials properly stored or stacked?

  • Employees using proper lifting techniques?

  • Tag lines used to guide loads?

  • Proper number of workers for each operation?


  • Gas cylinders stored upright and secured?

  • Proper separating distances between fuels & oxygen?

  • Goggles or shields used?

  • Fire extinguishers readily available?

  • Hoses in good condition?


  • All shackles, cables, slings, spreaders, and other lifting devices tagged and inspected?

  • Travel path of load is clear and know to all workers involved?

  • Lifting equipment and devices visually inspected and approved before each use?(I.E. Clam Bucket, Dump Bucket, Spreader Beams, Etc)

  • Subcontractors onsite aware and clear of the lifting activity and travel path(s)?


  • Outriggers extended and swing radius barricade in place?

  • Utility lines identified and marked onsite in site lines of operator?

  • Operator is familiar with load charts?

  • Hand signal charts on crane?

  • Crane operator logs up to date?

  • Employees kept from under suspended loads?

  • Chains and slings inspected and tagged as required?

  • Crane maintenance being performed and logged?


  • Employees are protected from cement dust?

  • Exposed skin covered?

  • Proper bracing in place to prevent blow out?

  • Runways are adequate?

  • Third party testing onsite and performing material testing?


  • Hard hats being worn?

  • Safety glasses being worn?

  • Respirators used when required? Proper respirator documentation available?

  • Hearing protection being worn when required?

  • Traffic vests or high visibility clothing material being worn?

  • Safety Manager

  • Superintendent


  • Daily morning safety discussion performed with all crew members present on the day's scope and potential hazards?

  • JSA's performed weekly and signed off on by all crew members?

  • Hydration comments and discussion when relevant?

  • Lessons learned from previous days or jobs shared and discussed?

  • Stretch and Flex performed with all crew member participation?

  • Speak freely opportunity presented to all crew members to bring up any safety related topics or updates?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.