
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


  • Are project work areas clean and free of excess trash and debris?

  • Are walkways and passageways clear?<br>

  • Are equipment and material properly stored?

  • Are all cords, hoses or welding leads placed to prevent trip hazards?

  • Are scrap materials free of protruding nails or other puncture hazards?

  • Are trash cans provided where needed?

  • Are barricades and or rebar caps installed and maintained?

  • Is MSDS book available and current?

Personal Protective Equipment

  • Are hard hats worn and maintained properly?

  • Is hearing protection provided and worn as required?

  • Is eye protection being worn in a proper manner?

  • Is proper foot wear being used for the job performed?

  • Are face shields and goggles being worn as required?

  • Is additional P.P.E. needed?

Fall Protection

  • Are harnesses being worn properly?

  • Are lanyards adequately secured to suitable anchorage?

  • Is adequate perimeter guarding in place?

  • Are static or rat lines installed and capable of supporting 5400 lbs of force?

  • Is fall protection only being used for fall protection?

  • Is all fall protection maintained and stored properly?

  • Are all inspections current?


  • Are eating and drinking areas designated?

  • Are electrical panels and breakers labeled?

  • Has required daily documentation been completed?

Scaffolding / Ladders

  • Are all scaffolds built to specification?

  • Is proper access and egress provided?

  • Is Scaffolding tagged properly?

  • Is the proper ladder for the job being used?

  • Is ladder secured properly?

  • Is the ladder at a proper angle and does it exceed the landing 3 ft?

Hoisting and Lifting equipment

  • Are chainfalls, come-a-longs, and chokers in good condition?

  • Are softeners used as needed?

  • Are proper rigging technique used?

  • Is rigging inspection current?

Vehicles / Mobile Equipment

  • Is pre-shift inspection complete and accurate?

  • Are operators task trained for the equipment being operated?

Tools and Equipment

  • Are electrical cords in good condition with current inspection?

  • Are tools maintained in a safe condition?

  • Are tools carried and stored properly?

  • Are pneumatic/ hydraulic hoses properly connected and secured?

  • Is the proper tool being used for the job?

  • Is bench-mounted equipment adjusted properly?


Fire Protection

  • Are flammables stored properly?

  • Are oxygen and combustibles separated properly?

  • Are containers labeled properly?

  • Are fire extinguishers properly located and inspected?

  • Are flash arresters installed?

  • Are compressed gas cylinders properly maintained?

  • Are containments and welding screens being used as required?

  • Are regulator gauges properly attached and maintained?

  • Are applicable permits posted?

  • Is the JSA completed and reviewed by the crew?

  • Are all specialized procedures being followed? ( haz-mat, confined space, lead, asbestos )

  • Select date

  • Supervisor

  • Safety Rep.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.