
  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Document No.

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Site Details

  • Site / Project Name

  • Use this audit to assess the following aspects of this site as Safe, At Risk or Not Applicable. Unsafe response indicate that attention is required to bring items to a satisfactory standard. Notes and photos should be attached where appropriate, particularly to At Risk items.

Work Areas

  • Do you wish to examine work areas on this safety walk?

  • General Housekeeping (neat, tidy, dust free)

  • Walkways (free of debris and obstructions)

  • Work Surfaces (clear of clutter and dust)

  • Sides or Holes (safety guards or covered)

  • Impalement Hazards (none present, or adequately marked)

  • Material Storage/Lay Down (neat and tidy)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • Do you wish to examine PPE on this safety walk?

  • Hard Hats (available, worn by crew and in safe condition)

  • Safety Glasses with Side Shields (available, worn by crew and in safe condition)

  • Face Shield / Goggles (available, worn by crew and in safe condition)

  • Respiratory Protection (available, worn by crew and in safe condition)

  • Hearing Protection (available, worn by crew and in safe condition)

  • Appropriate Clothing (in safe condition)

  • Gloves (available, worn by crew and in safe condition)

  • Foot Protection (fit for task, worn by crew and in safe condition)

Fall Protection Equipment

  • Do you wish to examine fall protection equipment on this safety walk?

  • Fall protection equipment inspected inspected regularly and before use

  • Appropriate for task and used properly by crew where applicable

  • Suitable Anchorage Points


  • Do you wish to examine ladders on this safety walk?

  • Ladders are well maintained and in satisfactory condition

  • Ladder base, footing and set up is to standard

  • Proper Ladder for Task

Tools and Equipment

  • Do you wish to examine tools and equipment on this safety walk?

  • General condition of tools

  • Tools and Equipment inspections take place and are recorded

  • Right tools are being used for tasks

  • Crew members are trained to be competent in the tools appropriate for their work tasks

Electrical Safety

  • Do you wish to examine electrical safety on this safety walk?

  • Extension Cords are not causing trip hazards or used inappropriately

  • Power Tools are undamaged and being used fit for purpose

Fire Safety

  • Do you wish to examine fire safety on this safety walk?

  • Are all fire extinguishers, fire alarms, and fire suppression systems readily accessible, properly maintained, and regularly inspected in accordance with relevant regulations?

  • Are all emergency exits clearly marked, unobstructed, and easily accessible, with exit routes well-lit and free from obstacles?

  • Is there a clearly defined and communicated emergency evacuation plan, including regular fire drills, that all employees are familiar with?

  • Are flammable materials properly stored and managed, with appropriate signage and safety measures in place to minimise fire risks?


  • Do you wish to check environmental management at this inspection

  • Are chemicals being handled and stored as intended?

  • Spill kits present and stocked?

  • Noise levels acceptable, signage displayed if protection required?

  • Is waste being segregated and stored correctly?

  • Are MSDS and COSHH assessments in place for chemicals?

  • Is equipment being turned off when not in use?


  • Do you wish to check personnel and this safety walk?

  • All team members signed onto RAMS and SSOW?

  • Behavior is orderly and professional

  • Clear communication is possible without needing to shout

  • Proper lifting technique demonstrated

People Safety

  • Do you wish to check work crew safety knowledge at this inspection?

  • Approach at least one team member and record their responses to the following. Make clear this is not an assessment of the team member themselves, but rather the safety procedures on site.

Team Member

  • Has the team member attended a pre-shift meeting or toolbox talk within the last week?

  • Is the team member able to describe the correct process to follow in an emergency situation?

  • Is the worker able to identify three hazards they may encounter in their tasks today?

Plant and Machinery

  • Do you wish to check plant and machinery at this inspection

  • All plant/ Machinery in acceptable condition

  • Inspected by a 3rd party

  • Daily pre use inspections carried out

  • All users trained and authorised to operate


  • Are the restroom and sanitation facilities clean, well-maintained, and adequately stocked with necessary supplies (e.g., soap, toilet paper, hand dryers or towels)

  • Is there a designated break area for employees that is clean, comfortable, and equipped with sufficient seating, tables, and any necessary appliances (e.g., microwave, refrigerator, coffee maker)

  • Are the drinking water facilities accessible, clean, and regularly maintained to ensure safe and hygienic water supply for employees

  • Are the lighting, ventilation, and temperature control in welfare areas (e.g., restrooms, break rooms, locker rooms) adequate to ensure a comfortable and safe environment for employees

General Comments

  • Any further comments or recommendations arising from this inspection?

  • Add any additional relevant photos

  • Have all required corrective actions been added as Actions to this inspection?

  • Please add any corrective actions to the appropriate questions above before completing this report

Sign Off

  • Name & Signature of Inspector

  • Name & Signature of Site Supervisor / Foreman

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.