
  • Audit Title

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared By T. Darmody

Fresh Cut Produce

  • Cold Holding Temperatures<br>Cold TCS foods are being held below 40 degrees in the walk-in cooler and all customer self-serve coolers. Findings are recorded in the notes area. <br>(Food Safety Audit Q 9)

  • Hand Washing Sinks<br>Hand washing sinks are clean, properly supplied (hot water, soap, and paper towels) and only used for hand washing.<br>(Food Safety Audit Q 1)

  • Date Marking<br>All foods are labeled with appropriate code dates and are discarded upon expiration.<br>(Food Safety Audit Q15)

  • Food Preparation Areas<br>Food contact surfaces, prep tables and surrounding walls are clean, free of clutter or physical hazards, and present an appealing appearance to customers.<br>(Food Safety Audit Q 6)

  • Protection from Contamination<br>Foods are protected from biological, physical, and chemical hazards. Chemicals are stored in properly labeled bottles away from food and food packaging. Light bulbs are protected such that they cannot break into open food.<br>(Food Safety Audit Q 4 & 5)

  • Cleaning & Sanitizing: General Cleanliness<br>The department presents itself to customers as clean, organized, and selling food of the highest quality. <br>(Food Safety Audit Q 21-24)

  • Compliance logs being properly maintained

  • Personal Items observed in the department

  • Safety/Other Observations

Service Deli

  • Hand Washing Sinks<br>Hand washing sinks are clean, properly supplied (hot water, soap, and paper towels) and only used for hand washing.<br>(Food Safety Audit Q 1)

  • Compliance Logs<br>Cooking, hot holding, cold holding, and daily tasks log is being managed and reviewed regularly to properly protect customers and the brand. Chill logs are properly Completed<br>(Food Safety Audit Q 14)

  • Hot Holding Temperatures<br>Hot TCS foods are being held above 140 degrees in the deli hot case, rotisserie chicken case, wing bar, and soup bar. Findings are recorded in the notes area. <br>(Food Safety Audit Q 11)

  • Cold Holding Temperatures<br>Cold TCS foods are being held below 40 degrees in the walk-in cooler, cold case, and all customer self-serve coolers. Findings are recorded in the notes area. <br>(Food Safety Audit Q 9)

  • Cooling of Hot Foods<br>Hot foods are removed from original containers for cooling, placed in the walk-in on a baking tray in a single layer, and covered with parchment with a date.<br>Recorded in chill log<br>(Food Safety Audit Q 13)

  • Date and Ingredient Marking<br>All foods are labeled with appropriate code dates and are discarded upon expiration.<br>Check the following: 1) Chubs in cold case 2) Salads in cold case 3) Raw chicken in walk-in 4) Salad kits in walk-in <br>(Food Safety Audit Q 15)

  • Food Preparation Areas<br>Food contact surfaces, prep tables and surrounding walls are clean, free of clutter or physical hazards, and present an appealing appearance to customers.<br>(Food Safety Audit Q 6)

  • Protection from Contamination<br>Foods are protected from biological, physical, and chemical hazards. Chemicals are stored in properly labeled bottles away from food and food packaging.<br>(Food Safety Audit Q 4 & 5)

  • Cleaning & Sanitizing: General Cleanliness<br>The department presents itself to customers as clean, organized, and selling food of the highest quality. <br>(Food Safety Audit Q 21-24)

  • Safety/Other Observations

  • No personal items in the department at the time of the visit


  • Hand Washing Sinks<br>Hand washing sinks are clean, properly supplied (hot water, soap, and paper towels) and only used for hand washing.<br>(Food Safety Audit Q 1)

  • Date Marking<br>All foods are labeled with appropriate code dates and are discarded upon expiration.<br>Check the following: 1) Cookie bags on sales floor 2) Brownies on sales floor 3) Frosting tubs in storage<br>(Food Safety Audit Q 15)

  • Food Preparation Areas<br>Food contact surfaces, prep tables and surrounding walls are clean, free of clutter or physical hazards, and present an appealing appearance to customers.<br>(Food Safety Audit Q 6)

  • Protection from Contamination<br>Foods are protected from biological, physical, and chemical hazards. Chemicals are stored in properly labeled bottles away from food and food packaging.<br>(Food Safety Audit Q 4 & 5)

  • Cleaning & Sanitizing: General Cleanliness<br>The department presents itself to customers as clean, organized, and selling food of the highest quality. <br>(Food Safety Audit Q 21-14)

  • Compliance logs completed, dates and allergen control sections.

  • No personal items observed in the department

  • Safety/Other observations

Meat & Seafood Department

  • Hand Washing Sinks<br>Hand washing sinks are clean, properly supplied (hot water, soap, and paper towels) and only used for hand washing.<br>(Food Safety Audit Q 1)

  • Date Marking<br>All foods are labeled with appropriate code dates and are discarded upon expiration.<br>Check the following: 1) "Manager Markdown" meats 2) Seafood salads in block 3) Chicken in walk-in cooler<br>(Food Safety Audit Q 15)

  • Cold Holding Temperatures<br>Cold TCS foods are being held below 40 degrees in the walk-in cooler and all customer self-serve coolers. Findings are recorded in the notes area. <br>(Food Safety Audit Q 9)

  • Grind Logs<br>Grind longs are being maintained with proper grind progressions and cleaning verified daily.<br>(Food Safety Audit Q 30)

  • Food Preparation Areas<br>Food contact surfaces, prep tables and surrounding walls are clean, free of clutter or physical hazards, and present an appealing appearance to customers.<br>(Food Safety Audit Q 6)

  • Protection from Contamination<br>Foods are protected from biological, physical, and chemical hazards. Chemicals are stored in properly labeled bottles away from food and food packaging.<br>(Food Safety Audit Q 4 & 5)

  • Cleaning & Sanitizing: General Cleanliness<br>The department presents itself to customers as clean, organized, and selling food of the highest quality. <br>(Food Safety Audit Q 21-24)

  • Compliance logs completed. Shellfish tags properly maintained, allergen controls in place.

  • No personal items observed in the department

  • Safety/Other observations

Back room

  • Safety

  • Food Safety

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