Title Page

  • Company Trading Name

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

Company Details

Company Details

  • Type of Business

  • Registered Company Name

  • Company ABN

  • Street Address

  • Town / City

  • State

  • Post Code

  • Country

  • Is the postal address different to your physical address

  • Postal Address

  • Town / City

  • State

  • Post Code

  • Country

  • Telephone Number

  • Company Website

  • Select the States you Operate In

  • Business Type

Contact Details

  • Company Contact Name

  • Company Phone Number

  • Company Email

Company Insurances

  • WorkCover Certificates for each State you Operate In


  • Insurer

  • NSW WorkCover Expiry Date

  • Upload the WorkCover Certificate


  • Insurer

  • VIC WorkCover Expiry Date

  • Upload the WorkCover Certificate


  • Insurer

  • SA WorkCover Expiry Date

  • Upload the WorkCover Certificate


  • Insurer

  • ACT WorkCover Expiry Date

  • Upload the WorkCover Certificate


  • Insurer

  • WA WorkCover Expiry Date

  • Upload the WorkCover Certificate


  • Insurer

  • NT WorkCover Expiry Date

  • Upload the WorkCover Certificate


  • Insurer

  • QLD WorkCover Expiry Date

  • Upload the WorkCover Certificate


  • Insurer

  • TAS WorkCover Expiry Date

  • Upload the WorkCover Certificate

Public Liability Insurance

  • Do you have public liability insurance

  • Insurer

  • Public Liability Insurance Expiry Date

  • Upload Evidence of the Insurance

Professional Indemnity Insurance

  • Do you have professional indemnity insurance?

  • Insurer

  • Professional Indemnity Insurance Expiry Date

  • Upload Evidence of the Insurance

  • Company Licences
  • Company Licence

  • Company Licence Expiry Date

  • Upload Evidence of the Insurance

Company Documentation & Certificates

AUS/NZ and ISO Certificates

  • Select the Applicable ISO or AUS/NZ Certificates

  • ISO 9001 - Quality Management System

  • ISO 9001 - Quality Management System Expiry Date

  • Upload Evidence of the Certificate

  • ISO 14001 - Environmental Management System

  • ISO 14001 - Environmental Management System Expiry Date

  • Upload Evidence of the Certificate

  • ISO 45001 - Safety Management System

  • ISO 45001 - Safety Management System Expiry Date

  • Upload Evidence of the Certificate

Company Policies

  • Select the Appropriate Company Policies

  • Safety Management Policy

  • Upload the Policy as a PDF

  • Quality Management Policy

  • Upload the Policy as a PDF

  • Environmental Management Policy

  • Upload the Policy as a PDF

  • Drugs and Alcohol Policy

  • Upload the Policy as a PDF

  • Bullying and Harassment Policy

  • Upload the Policy as a PDF

  • Ethical Procurement Policy

  • Upload the Policy as a PDF

Compliance and Performance Questions

  • Answer compliance questions using the Yes or No buttons. If for any reason you answer “Yes” to any of the questions in these two sections, ensure you have a clear comment explaining the reason for your Company not meeting these requirements.

Compliance and Performance Questions

  • In the past 5 years has your company been convicted of any OHS breaches or been issued with a breach notice by the regulator

  • Provide details of the breach or breach notice

  • In the past 5 years has your company had a work place fatality

  • Add details if possible

  • In the past 5 years has your company had a safety incident that is notifiable to the regulator

  • Provide details of the reportable safety incidents

  • In the past 5 years has your company been convicted of any enviromental breaches or been issued with a breach notice by the regulator

  • Provide details of the environmental breaches

  • In the past 5 years has your company had a environmental incident that is notifiable to the regulator

  • Provide details of the reportable environmental incident

  • Have your organisation had any lost time injuries have you had in the past 12 months?

  • How many lost time injuries have you had in the past 12 months?

  • Has you company failed to complete or had a contract cancelled for any reason?

  • Please Provide Details

  • Are there any sanction claims or judgements outstanding against the company?

  • Please Provide Details

  • Any outstanding warrenties required to be satisfied on any prior completed contracts

  • Please Provide Details

Vendor Representative Declaration

Vendor Representative Declaration

  • I declare that the information above is accurate and true, and suitable evidence is provided

  • Signature

  • Job Title

  • Date

Internal Use - Contractor Approval

  • Please press "Complete Inspection" when you reach this page. This page is for internal use at time of company review.

  • Reviewed By

  • Review Date

  • Review Outcome

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.