Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Audit started on
Audit completed on:
Auditors summary
Disclaimer: While the SafetyNet auditor makes every attempt to observe and locate hazards at the time of this inspection we do not warrant or guarantee that all hazards were discovered or observed during this inspection. We recommend and it is required to conduct ongoing periodic safety inspections on an ongoing basis as new or previously uncovered hazards can develop at any time. Additionally the recommendations and warnings listed are from the professional experience and knowledge of the auditor. Should you or your company seek further clarification please contact our office at 877-354-5434 or visit the state or federal OSHA web site for rules and regulations pertaining to the items on your audit.
1.0 Previous inspection
Items from previous audit have been corrected
Great job! The previous item were not observed at the time of this audit. Nevertheless please verify that all items issues, unsafe acts or unsafe condition have been corrected through engineering, administrative, PPE, training or other controls.
Items from previous audit were observed and have NOT been fully corrected
ATTENTION: Items observed on this audit were repeat observances or uncorrected issues. It is imperative that all items be corrected to insure the safety of your staff and reduce risk of accidents or violation. If you need assistance or would like to discuss any item please call 877-354-5434.
This facility scored a low risk of injuries, accidents or safety violations based on the observations at the time of this audit
This facility scored a moderate risk of accidents, injuries or violations based on the observations at the time of this audit
The facility scored an above average score which could result in accidents, injuries or violations based on the observations at the time of this audit. Any serious items should be prioritized and corrected immediately.
ATTENTION: The facility scored an extremely high Risk score which will result in accidents, injuries or violations based on the observations at the time of this audit. Any serious items should be corrected immediately.
2.0 Chemical - RTK and GHS compliance - MSDS 1910.1200
Have employees been trained on hazard communication and the new GHS "employee right to understand" system
Are secondary bottles labeled to meet HMIS OR GHS compliance with HMIS or pictogram to indicate hazards along with first aid and specific hazard warning instructions.Are
3.0 Chemical handling and storage 1910.120
Chemical hazards observed
Are open drums and containers stored on spill containment pallets or pans.
Are metal flammable storage drums grounded properly to prevent sparks and fire.
Are approved secondary containers utilized, are they labeled properly and are they compatible with its contents?
Are chemicals storage cabinets self closing, grounded, placarded for the hazards, placed in a safe location away from primary exits and in good working order?
Are chemicals spill kits available, inspected regularly, well sticked and placed in the appropriate area
Are NFPA and chemical hazard placards posted with the correct ratings where chemicals are stored?
4.0 Compressed gas 1910 Subpart M
Do you have compressed gas cylinders stored at your facility?
Do empty cylinders have their valves closed? 1910.253(b)(2)(iii)
Are compressed gas cylinders stored to prevent tipping or falling
Are compressed gas cylinders capped with a metal protecting cover when not in use?
5.0 Confined space 1910.146
Do you have confined spaces that have potentially hazardous conditions?
Are only trained staff permitted to enter confined space and have they been trained properly with the appropriate equipment to enter the space safely?
Do you have permit required or non permit required confined space posted properly?
6.0 Dock and warehouse safety 1910 Subpart N
Dock and warehouse hazards observed
Loading area clean and tidy to prevent falling objects, slips trips or fall hazards?
Heavy objects are stored on lower shelves
Pallets must be in good condition. Empties must be stored properly. No broken or protruding wood or nails. No pallets on edge. Avoid storing empty pallets in quantities or densities in excess of O.H. fire sprinkler combustible load ratings.
Are rack uprights and beams in good condition? Bent racks and beams must be repaired or replaced.
Are rack uprights should be bolted to prevent tipping or falling?
Guardrails and/or covers are provided to protect personnel from the hazards of open sides of stairs, platforms, floor openings, floor holes, mezzanines, equipment pits, and other possible fall hazards.
Aisles and forklift zones are indicated to protect pedestrians
Fall hazards are protected with restraint and signage
In battery charging areas are eyewash, showers and proper PPE available and being utilized?
If scissor lifts are utilized are employees trained to operate safely?
Wheel chock required and utilized when loading or unloading trailers with forklifts?
Are open docks with a fall hazard that exceeds 36" protected with a restraint and warning signage?
7.0 Electrical safety 1910 Subpart S
Electrical hazards observed
Do electrical panels and disconnects have 36" radial clearance for emergency access?
Are there any loose electrical cords that are not considered temporary and should be hard wired?
Are electrical panels, disconnects and breakers labeled as to what they control?
Observed electrical panels and disconnects or junction boxes with open slots, uncapped conduit holes, discontinued circuits or uncovered wiring
Are electrical panels and disconnects labeled with amperage and voltage?
Are the facilities maintenance employee trained and using safe (Arc Flash 70E and electrical safety procedures when working on HOT circuits)?
8.0 Employee training 29CFR part 128
Employee training issues observed
Personal protective equipment -Does the employer have certification with employee’s name, date and subject of personal protective equipment training? 1910.132(f)(4)
Respirator or training, fit testing and medical evaluations are completed when applicable.
Are new employees being trained properly before beginning work for specific hazards associated with their task and general hazards in the facility. Additionally are they trained where emergency equipment and supplies are located and what to do in an emergency or spill of a chemical?
Lockout Tagout - Does the employer have certification that training has been accomplished and kept up to date including each employees name and training dates? 1910. 147(c)(7)(iv)
Hazard Communication - Does the employer maintain documentation of the employee name and contents of haz- ardous communication training? 1910.1200(h)(3)
Confined Space - Does the employer have documentation of each employee’s name, the signatures or initials of trainers and the dates of the train- ing? 1910.146(g)(4)
Blood borne pathogen - Does the employer have documentation of training, including the contents of the train- ing sessions, names and qualifications of trainers, names and job titles of those trained? (Note: Documentation must be kept for three years.) 1910.1030(h)(2)(ii)
Facility conducts comprehensive employee hazard training and ensures all participate; in addition, employees can demonstrate proficiency in, and support of areas covered by training?
Other training deficiencies noted where applicable
9.0 Emergency preparedness 1910.38
Emergency preparedness issues observed
Are there equipment specific energy control procedure in place and utilized?
Evacuation plan and maps displayed and understood by all employees?
Do employees know where to go (a safe zone) and do you have roll call procedures in place?
Do you conduct mock drills to prepare workers and staff for an emergency?
Are emergency numbers posted and up to date in a conspicuous location.
Do you have spill kit or emergency supply's stored in a location that is safely accessible in an emergency evacuation?
10.0 Emergency equipment 1910.157 and 120
Emergency equipment issues
Are eyewash stations, showers and fire blankets available,inspected and working properly?
Are first aid kits available, applicable for the facility, stocked and readily available?
11.0 Environmental
Environmental issues were observed!
Do you conduct weekly documented hazardous waste area inspections?
Is hazardous waste labeled legibly and properly with contents, accumulation start date and EPA I.D.?
Observed potential sewer or storm drain pollution. SWPPP Violation
Are internal floor drains protected to prevent unauthorized sewer spills?
Is hazardous waste labeled legibly and properly with contents, accumulation start date and EPA I.D.?
Have employees that handle hazardous waste been trained for spill or leak procedures? HAZWOPER Training. CUPA regulation.
12.0 Ergonomics Title 8 section 5110 and 5(a)(1) (GDC)
Ergonomic hazards observed
Can work be done without repetitive twisting, bending or lifting of the arms above the shoulder level?
Can employees keep their hands or wrists in a neutral position when they are working?
Where workers are exposed to strains and sprains do you conduct warmup exercises or rotate workers to prevent repetitive motion injuries?
If workers have to push or pull objects using great amounts of force, are mechanical aids provided?
Are there sufficient rest breaks, in addition to scheduled rest breaks, to relieve stress from repetitive-motion tasks?
Is work arranged so that workers are not required to lift and carry too much weight?
Are pressure points on body parts such as wrists, forearms, backs of thighs avoided?
Are workers exposed to excessive vibration from tools or equipment?
Are chairs and work benches adjusted, positioned, and arranged to minimize strain on the body?
Are tools, instruments, and machinery shaped, positioned, and handled so that tasks can be performed comfortably?
Are mechanical assists available to the worker performing materials-handling tasks?
13.0 Exits 1910 Subpart E
Means of egress deficiencies observed
Exits clear of obstructions?
Exits routes are unlocked or can be easily unlocked from the inside?
Are Non Exits that may be mistaken for exit routes clearly marked as "Not An Exit"?
Are doors on cold-storage rooms provided with inside release mechanisms that release the latches and open the doors?
Adequate direction notices for routes of emergency exits?
Where exit doors open directly onto a street, alley, or other area where vehicles may be operated, are adequate barriers and warnings provided to prevent employees from stepping directly into traffic?
Emergency exit lighting and illuminated exits in place and operable?
14.0 - Fire Prevention 29 CFR 1910.39
Fire prevention hazards observed
Are exit doors able to open from the direction of exit travel without the use of a key or special knowledge or effort?
Oily rags and combustible refuse in covered metal containers?
Fire alarm system functioning correctly?
Evacuation plan displayed and understood by all employees?
Are Fire Extinguishers inspected monthly, fully charged and clear of obstructions?
Are Fire Hoses inspected annually, in good working order and clear of obstructions?
15.0 Forklifts and pallet jacks 1910.178
Forklift hazards observed
Forklift and lift operators have current training certifications and are operating the trucks safely
Forklifts- Are daily or pre-shift industrial truck inspections kept? 1910.178(g)(7)
Are forklifts being in safe working condition?
16.0 General Duty Clause violations
We're there any unsafe act or unsafe conditions observed?
Serious unsafe act/s observed!
Observed unsafe act/s or work practice/s that could result in injury!
Observed Unsafe condition/s<br>
Observed unsafe procedure/s
Reported any Serious acts or conditions to manager or stopped any unsafe acts immediately and spoke with employee.
Add drawing
17.0 Housekeeping 1910.22
House-keeping hazards observed
Entry and walkways kept clear?
Walkways adequately and clearly marked?
Floor surfaces even and uncluttered?
Are footpaths in good condition?
Are fall preventive measures in place and used where gaps occur in railings?
Are railings in good condition?
Are liquid spills removed quickly?
Stair and risers kept clear?
Intersections kept clear of boxes etc?
18.0 Lockout Tagout 1910.147
Control of hazardous energy LOTO issues observed
Is lockout Tagout equipment available and being used properly?
Is lockout Tagout being utilized when conducting major service and maintenance on equipment?
Are periodic audits of energy control procedures have been performed? 1910.147(c)(6)(ii)
Is lockout Tagout equipment available and being used properly?
Are lockout logs being kept to verify compliance?
Are authorized employees and contractors using lockout Tagout properly and safely? Locks, tags, device, verifying Zero energy, All energy sources locked out?
Are minor servicing and adjustment exceptions understood and are there extension tools, training, procedures or engineering controls in place to protect the worker from injury?
Are equipment specific procedures written to identify hazardous energy point on equipment?
Are alternate procedures such as ESTOPS, light barriers or keyed interlocks used to protect workers when lockout is not used?
19.0 Machine guarding 1910 Subpart O
Machine guarding deficiencies observed
Guards firmly secured and not easily removable?
Observed removed or damaged machine guards. SERIOUS HAZARD
Observed bypassed safety switches or interlocks. SERIOUS HAZARD<br>
Foot trundle or foot pedal safety guards are in place
Point-of-operation guards provided and in place?
Guards provide for any other hazardous moving part of the machine?
Machine controls within easy reach of the operator?
Belts and chain drives guarded?
Guards prevent worker’s hands, or any parts from making contact with moving parts?
Gears, sprockets, pulleys, and flywheels guarded?
Pinch points and inward running rollers are properly guarded?
20.0 Machine shop and maintenance area 1910.215, Subpart P,Q,O
Machine shop was inspected
When welding is the proper ventilation in place, is there a shield to protect other workers and are employees trained on safe welding and hot work procedures?
Are maintenance records kept to show PM or other regular maintenance performed to verify equipment in facility is kept in safe working condition?
Bench Grinders - Is there clearance between the wheel side and the guard of not more than 1/16 inch? 1910.215(b)(1)(iii)
Table Saws - Are table saw and portable saw bladed properly guarded to prevent injury?
Are ladders and other equipment safely secured to prevent falling?
Are compressed gas cylinders stored safely to prevent tipping or falling.
Are hand tools n safe working order?
Are flammable and combustible materials stored safely?
21.0 Management and employee involvement 5(a)(1) (GDC)
Management and employee involvement issues
All managers have received formal training in safety and health management responsibilities?
Management follows the rules and usually addresses the safety behavior of others?
Employees feel they have a positive impact on identifying and resolving safety and health issues?
A majority of employees can give examples of management's active commitment to safety and health?
22.0 Noise exposure 1910.95
Noise from equipment or process was found to exceed safe Decibel levels of 85 DB
If yes are employees required to wear hearing protection and is it well stock and readily available?
Are noise levels in any areas above 85 decibels for an 8 hour period
Are noise levels in any areas above 85 decibels for an 8 hour period
Do you conduct annual audio metric testing for workers exposed to excessive noise?
Are areas posted where hearing protection is required?
23.0 Office Area
Office area was inspected
Aisles, walkways, and work areas are free of trip and fall hazards (i.e. torn carpets, turned up edges of door mats, boxes etc.)
Illuminated exit and emergency lighting working properly?
First aid kits and fire extinguishers available and inspected regularly.
36” clearance is maintained in front of all electrical panels and fire extinguishers
Electrical cords and plugs are in good condition (i.e., not frayed, taped, spliced, or ground prong missing)
Exit paths are free of boxes/materials at all times
Work and storage areas are free of improper storage (e.g., heavy, high and/or unstable storage)
Computer work stations and work area are ergonomically correct and workers are working safely
24.0 Personal protective equipment -PPE 1910.132
PPE hazards
PPE - Personal protective equipment is well stocked and available for the hazards present at this facility
Fall protection PPE available where applicable and areas where required are posted to restrict access to trained personnel only
Are respirators or dust mask being utilized properly where applicable?
Are workers using the PPE properly and have they been trained?
Are engineering controls in place to protect workers before PPE is utilized?
25.0 State and federal postings. DOL and State/ Local required Permits
State and federal required posting
Sate and federal posters are current and the information that is required to be filled out by the employer is up to date.
Pressure vessel permits are posted and current on all compressor ranks?
Are forklift safety rules posted in areas where forklifts are present.
26.0 Written plans and procedures. Title 8 3203 and OSH act
Written plans and procedures were checked.
Is your company General Safety or IIPP written program up to date and being applied?
Do you have equipment specific Lockout Tagout procedures for each piece of equipment and are they being utilized?
Do you have required written plan such as a respiratory protection program , a chemical hygiene plan, a lockout tagout program or noise exposure program in place and being applied per the plan?
Do you have a written emergency preparedness program or fire safety program and is it complied with?
Do you have documented employee accountability program in place with progressive discipline for safety violations?
27.0 Warning signs and labels 1910.16
Warning signs, labels and postings
Warning signs, stickers or labels were placed in areas or on equipment to notify or warn employee of specific hazards.
Are areas where PPE is critical and hazards are prevalent posted to remind workers to wear their assigned PPE.
Unsafe acts or conditions
Unsafe or Unsafe condition observed
An unsafe act was observed by the auditor
Was an employee or manager involved?
Description of unsafe act
Department or Area
Equipment or machine involved
Spoke with employee and reported to manager
Had to stop employee and council on safe procedures
Photo of issue
Description of unsafe act
Spoke with manager involved
Add media
A contractor or visitor was involved
Name if possible
Description of unsafe act
Add media
An unsafe condition was observed
- Equipment
- Hazard
- Environmental
- Ergonomic
- Noise
- Chemical
- Slip trip or fall
- Guarding
- Design
- Cut or scrape
- Pinch or crush
Describe the unsafe condition
Reported to manager
A plan was made to correct the item/s
Reviewed audit items with staff
Reviewed with:
Signature of responsible official
I have received and agreed with the attached safety audit
Select date