This is a sample audit.
Go ahead and swipe right ... then answer the questions to see how easy inspections will be with iAuditor.
Is your desk clean and tidy?
Does your chair feel stable when seated?
Is the chair the appropriate height for your desk?
Are you sure? Did you sit in the chair with your feet on the ground and your back straight?
Great! You're good to go.
Go ahead and do that now to confirm that the chair is the right height.
Is the chair's height adjustable?
Great! Then go ahead and adjust it.
Uh-oh, we're going to need to get you a new chair.
Which of the following items do you have on your desk?
- Computer
- Notepad
- Telephone
- Framed photo of the family
Take a photo of your work station.
Enter your location (Hint: tap the icon to the right and choose on the map)
What date and time is it?
Tick the box if you're ready to start work?
Do you have any additional comments about your work station?
Enter your name and sign here...