
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

1.0 - Previous Inspection

  • 1.1 - The last safety inspection report has been reviewed and actioned by the Site Supervisor, or Lead scaffolder?

  • 1.2 - Are there any outstanding actions?

2.0 - Training & Compentency

  • 2.1 - Has the scaffold crew read, and signed the current risk, and method statement?

  • 2.2 - Have any health and safety issues raised by the scaffold crew been correctly dealt with?

  • 2.3 - Is there evidence of safety leadership by lead scaffolder, foreman, or the competent person?

  • 2.4 - Do the scaffolders hold the relevant CISRS card assign to the current scaffolding task?

3.0 - Information, Instruction

  • When was the last subject talk given?

  • 3.1 - What was the subject of the toolbox talk given?

  • 3.2 - Is the risk and method statement relevant to the current scaffold task?

  • 3.3 - Where there is incomplete scaffolding, is there a 'Danger-In complete Scaffold' sign been posted?

4.0 - Workplace material storage and housekeeping

  • 4.1 - Was there evidance of good stacking and storage practices observed

  • 4.2 - Access ways kept clear

  • 4.3 - Is the work zone cordoned off with the safety signs in place?

5.0 - Vehicle Movement controls

  • 5.1 - Traffic routes sufficient for safe and easy movement

  • 5.2 - Designated loading and unloading areas clearly marked out

  • 5.3 - Pedestrian routes clearly marked out, and controlled by barriers, and Signage?

6.0 - Work At Height

  • 6.1 - Is the scaffolding task being carried out in accordance NASC SG4:10 with the use of the advanced guardrail system

  • 6.2 - Has the scaffold crew adopted the tunnelling technique by boarding from the lift below?

  • 6.3 - Single guardrails to non-working lifts at each side where a fall could occur?

  • 6.4 - Vehicle base fall protection installed around the lorry bed with safe accessibility?

  • 6.5 - Rescue plan in place and relevant to the scope of works

  • 6.6 - Has the scaffold crew installed secure ladder access at the earliest opportunity between lifts?

7.0 - Fall Protection Equipment

  • 7.1 - Is there evidence of three-monthly inspection and recording of fall arrest equipment up to date.

  • 7.2 - Are the fall arrest harness correctly applied, correctly adjusted with the lanyard attached

8.0 - Workmanship/Structural Integrity

  • 8.1 - Is the scaffold erected in accordance with NASC TG20:13 compliance sheet (basic scaffolds) or design

  • 8.2 - Are the scaffold foundations on firm and level?

  • 8.3 - Does each standard have a timber, or composite sole plate?

  • 8.4 - Are the timber sole plates of the correct size, and in good condition with base plates

  • 8.5 - Are there a sufficient number of ties, using correct fittings, and across two standards

  • 8.6 - Are the ladders secured at both stiles, correct angle and in good order

  • 8.7 - Are all the platform fully boarded with guardrails, and toe boards correctly fixed?

  • 8.8 - Are trapdoors/gates or barriers provided at key ladder access points?

  • 8.9 - Is the scaffold suitable braced with ledger bracing to alternate standards, full height of the scaffold

  • 8.10 - Is the facade bracing suitable secured at the node point along the face of the scaffold at a maximum of six bays? (TG20:08 - Clause 6.3)

8.0 B - Bridging and Structural Support

  • 8.1B - Has the supporting towers erected in accordance with three, or two bay bridging or design?<br> <br>

  • 8.2B - Load bearing couplers used at the correct intersections.<br>

  • 8.3B - The beams connected to the support towers by load bearing couplers to the top, and bottom chords?.<br><br>

  • 8.4B - The lacing tubes fixed to the top chord of the prefabricated beams @ 1.0m centres.<br> <br>

  • 8.5B - The lacing tubes fixed to the bottom chord of the prefabricated beams @ 2.0m centres.<br> <br>

  • 8.6B - The puncheon tubes connected to the top and bottom chords by load bearing couplers.<br>

8.0 C Scaffold Inspection for non basic scaffolds

  • Describe additional scaffolds reviewed

  • 8.1C - Is there a drawing? Generic or specific on site

  • 8.2C - Are the scaffolders competent to erect scaffold?

  • 8.3C - Is the loading correct for the duty of use?

9.0 - Signage

  • 9. 1 - Standard safety signage posted at the key locations (incomplete & do not use)

  • 9. 2 - Is the scaff tag signed and displaying the relevant date

10.0 - Material control

  • 10. 1 - Company procedures for checking, maintaining plant & equipment being implemented

  • 10.2 - Safe stacking practices observed eliminating unsecured materials?

  • 10.3 - Safe storage of materials observed at height?

11.0 - Personal Protective Equipment - Sufficient and correctly being worn

  • 11.1 - Hard hat

  • 11. 2 - Gloves (various types for site conditions)

  • 11. 3 - High Visibility vest or garment

  • 11. 4 - Harness & Lanyard correctly applied and adjusted

  • 11. 5 - Ear protection

  • 11. 6 - Eye protection

12.0 - Lifting operations

  • Are lifting operations being carried out?

  • Are the correctly lifting equipment & accessorises being used?

  • 12.1 - Gin wheel correctly position, no greater than 750mm, and secured by fixing each side of the ring

  • 12.2 - Is the area below the lifting point cordoned off

  • 12.3 - Have the users knowledge of knots, rolling hitch for tube, and timber hitch for boards

  • 12.4 - Is the rope and wheel free from defects and suitably displaying next inspection date?

  • 12.5 - Fittings being raised or lowered in purpose made bags?

  • 12.6 - Loads and Weights,, are the correct amount materials being raised and lowered

13.0 - Selecting work equipment to prevent falls, or danger areas

  • 13.1 - Is there appropriate controls to prevent falls of materials?

  • 13.2 - Is the control measures sufficient to ensure that persons are not struck by falling objects?

  • 13. 3 - What are the controlling measures identified

  • 13.4 - Is additional control measures need to be employed where there risk of serious injury when working near, working from, working on, passing near, or passing across any fragile surface?

  • 13.5 - Has the scaffold crew shall ensure prominent warning notices, and effectively block off access to those parts of a scaffold which incomplete.

14.0 - Welfare Facilities

  • 14.1 - Is the welfare facility's sufficient, readily available, maintained, kept clean and properly lit,

  • 14.2 - Mess facilities include a place where workers can sit, make hot drinks and prepare food with wholesome drinking water and cup provided.

  • 14.3 - Is the facilities provided to change, dry and store clothing

  • 14.4 - Has the facility have washbasins, hot and cold running water, soap and towels

  • Are welfare facilities compliant

Sign Off

  • Key Performance Indicator

  • KPI Conformance

  • Auditor's signature

  • On site representative

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.