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  • The exterior of the building is in good repair.

  • Building grounds are in a clean, orderly and sanitary condition with no litter

  • Vehicle use areas are clearly marked.

  • No trip hazards around the building exterior.

  • No evidence of standing water or evidence of water damage to the building or condition that may cause water intrusion; gutters and drainage system in good repair

  • No contaminant sources near outside air intakes and intakes protected

  • Roof inspected annually by qualified individual

Section 4- Playgrounds

  • Students not on playground without supervision

  • All playground equipment in good repair

  • Playground surfacing maintained according to the chart in guidance or has certificate from independent testing agency that material meets ASTM

  • Loose playground surfacing installed based on guidance

  • Slide exit zone between 6 & 8 feet

  • Equipment does not have any openings between 3.5 and 9 inches in size

  • Equipment does not have any protruding bolts or separations that may cause entanglement of any part of the body, clothing, jewelry, or other items that may result in strangulation or dismemberment

  • School has copy of maintenance reports of playground

Section 4- Solid waste disposal areas

  • Trash, recycling and compactor containers show no sign of attracting pests

  • Trash and recyclying dumpsters have lids and are closed when not in use

Section 5- School indoor environment

  • All school environments are clean, sanitary and free of hazards

  • A 15 foot (or appropriate size for the doorway) walk off mat is the primary entry points to the building

  • Exterior doors do not have any cracks. gaps or visible openings that would allow pests into the building

  • Indoor environments are sanitary with no signs of moisture, water damage or water intrusion

  • No storage of items which restrict maintenance or cleaning

  • No evidence of pests or food supply for pests

  • Furniture and toys are cleanable, clean and in good repair

  • Chemicals and cleaning products used in the classroom shall be inaccessible to all students with the exception of chemicals used during instruction

  • Safety Data Sheets for every chemical used in the school building or grounds for cleaning, maintenance or instruction shall be available to staff in the areas where chemicals are used and in the school office or other appropriately designated central area of the building

  • Walls are painted and plaster intact with no visible bowing or evidence of cracks or damage

  • Floors are sanitary and dry with no tripping hazards

  • Carpet shall be sanitary, dry and secure to the floor and not installed within 15 feet of all building entrances or areas prone to moisture including but not limited to locker rooms, restrooms and spaces adjacent to sinks

  • Area rugs are sanitary and in good repair

  • Ceilings are present, intact and sanitary with no water damage stains, suspected mold or chipping/peeling paint

  • Window panes and frames are clean, intact and properly caulked and glazed

Section 5- HVAC

  • HVAC fan set to operate continuously during occupied periods

  • HVAC does not have excessive noise, vibration or odor from any system component

  • HVAC does not have any suspected mold or other debris on any system component

  • HVAC has adequate air filtration media in central air handling units and unit ventilators

  • HVAC has unobstructed air supply grills or outlets and air return grills or inlets with no rigged baffles, deflectors or barriers affixed

  • HVAC provides adequate ventilation to prevent reasonable health complaints and to remove or dilute contaminants within the capacity of the system

Section 5- Animals

  • No excessive accumulation of animal waste in animal containers or cages

  • Hand washing facilities shall be available and immediately used when animals are handled

  • Animals are not permitted to roam the school building, except for therapy animals or animals that are used for assistance

  • Animal food stored in a tightly sealed and labeled containers and separate from human food

Section 5- Plumbing

  • All plumbing is in good repair

  • Drinking fountain streams crest to a minimum of one inch above the mouth guard of the fountain

Section 5- Diapering facilities

  • Hand washing facilities are available in rooms where restroom assistance is provided

  • Diapering facilities are sanitary and in good condition. Elevated diapering facilities are properly guarded

Section 5- Indoor environment

  • Lighting is adequate and guarded where potential impact hazards exist

  • No excessive noise in the school building which may disrupt classroom instruction

  • Box and stand fans are guarded, clean and equipped with electrical cords that are maintained in good repair. Ceiling fans are in good repair and clean.

  • Extension cords are in good repair, not connected together, and not used in lieu of permanent wiring

  • No use of ungrounded extension cords for permanent equipment

  • All switches and outlets are in good repair

  • Stair treads and handrails are secure and in good repair

Section 6- Specialty classrooms

  • All doors to the specialty classroom are locked when the classroom is not occupied

  • Staff is present while the room is occupied

  • If gas is used, the master gas shutoff valve is clearly labeled, easily accessible in the classroom and immediately operable by staff

  • Food and drinks are not consumed by students or during classroom instruction, in the storage room and other areas where chemicals are used or stored

  • No elemental mercury or thermometers, barometers or other portable devices containing elemental mercury in the classroom or storage room

  • PPE is in good repair and available for use when appropriate

  • Fume hoods and local exhaust systems are in use when hazardous airborne contaminants are generated

  • Fume hoods are maintained in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and inspected annually. Documentation of all maintenance and inspections is available upon request.

  • Hand washing facilities are available in the classroom and are supplied with soap, water and paper towels. This may be a lab sink if properly supplied

  • All chemicals used in the classroom are properly labeled except containers used during immediate classroom period

  • Safety Data Sheets are accessible to staff for all classroom chemicals

  • Chemical storage rooms and cabinets are inaccessible to students or locked when not in use

  • A comprehensive chemical inventory list, SDS, and disposal log is present and immediately accessible to staff

  • Chemicals are stored according to chemically compatible families following supplier recommendations

  • Acids and bases are stored in separate, dedicated cabinets

  • Nitric acid is stored separately from all other acids

  • All combustible or flammable and corrosive liquids are stored separately, in approved cabinets and properly labeled

  • Shelves for chemical storage are in good repair, adequately supported, have anti-roll lips and are secured to the wall or floor

  • If the chemical storage room is vented with mechanical exhaust system it shall operate continuously

  • Chemicals are not stored in the fume hood, on floors or above user's line of sight

  • Food and drinks are not stored in refrigerators storing chemicals or specimens

  • Emergency showers and eyewash stations are operational, unobstructed, and maintained according to manufacturer's instructions

  • First aid and chemical spill kits are appropriately supplied and immediately accessible

  • The following items are not in use or stored:<br>1. Dry or powdered pigments<br>2. Highly toxic pigments<br>3. Materials containing heavy metals<br>4. Highly toxic solvents<br>5. Solvent based inks or markers that are not 'Art and Creative Materials Institute' (ACMI) approved

  • Aerosol sprays are used under local exhaust systems while using PPE and under staff supervision

  • Kilns have local exhaust system and are used under staff supervision

  • Aisles are unobstructed

  • Welding shields or screens are present, in good repair and available for use during welding

  • Equipment is maintained as follows:<br>1. In good repair<br>2. Guards on blades, belts or other devices are operational, secure and in place when equipment is in use<br>3. Control switches, including emergency shut off switches, are clearly identifiable and accessible to any person in the classroom<br>4. Equipment placement does not impede egress from the classroom<br>5. Equipment that poses a tipping hazard is securely anchored

Section 7- Administrative and non-classroom inspection areas

  • Floors are cleaned after spills and after periods when food is served

  • No accumulation of dust, suspected mold or other material on books or shelves

Section 7- Athletic facilities

  • All gym equipment and associate loose furnishings are safe, sanitary and in good repair

  • Cleaning supplies are available in athletic facilities for use under staff supervision

  • Floor mats and additional matting are provided in athletic facilities which are cleaned and sanitized after each use

  • Bleachers, telescopic and folding seating, and grandstands are inspected at least annually by a qualified person. Documentation of the inspection is available upon request

Section 7- Locker rooms

  • Hot and cold running water is supplied to all faucets and showers which are operational

  • Restroom facilities meet previously documented requirements

  • No evidence of sustained water condensation, water damage, or water intrusion, including but not limited to mold, on any surface

  • Operational showers are not used for storage

  • Operational showers used by students have non-slip flooring or mats in the vicinity of the showers

  • Non-operational showers used for storage are clean, sanitary, and supplied with non-operable water source, and have drains repaired to prevent sewer gas from entering the building

Section 7- Weightlifting and training rooms

  • Weightlifting equipment and benches are sanitary and in good repair

  • Therapeutic whirlpools are sanitary, in good repair and the area is equipped with operable exhaust fan

  • Supplies are available for use under staff supervision and is used to clean and sanitize weightlifting equipment and benches after each individual use

Section 7- Restrooms

  • All plumbing fixtures are sanitary, operable, properly supplied and in good repair

  • Sinks supplied by automatic or low-flow fixtures provide a continuous flow of water for 10 seconds

  • Hand washing sinks are supplied with hand cleansing liquid, powder or bar soap and individual, disposable towels, continuous towel system that supplies user with a clean towel or a heated-air hand drying device

  • Tempered water is available at all sinks

  • Hand washing sign is posted and visible from all sinks

  • Toilet tissue is available at all toilets

  • Adequate waste receptacles are conveniently located

  • Exhaust fans and exhaust systems are operable and continually operating while the building is occupied

Section 7- Custodial closets

  • All doors to custodial closets are locked when students are present

  • All sinks are equipped with backflow prevention devices

  • All chemical containers are properly labeled

  • SDS are readily accessible to staff for all chemicals used or stored in the custodial closet

Section 7- Mechanical rooms

  • Mechanical room doors are locked while students are present

  • All flammable or combustible liquids are stored in approved flammable storage cabinet

  • Floors are free of slip, trip and fall hazards

  • No storage of items that inhibit or restrict routine maintenance or cleaning

  • SDS are readily accessible to staff for all the hazardous chemicals used or stored in mechanical rooms

Section 7- Healthcare area

  • Toilet and sink adjacent to the healthcare area and not used by general student population

  • Healthcare area has a cot and mattress with waterproof cover which is cleaned and sanitized after each individual use and maintained in good repair

  • Healthcare area has access to a telephone

  • Healthcare area has a current first aid reference document

  • Healthcare area has a sharps disposal container, when necessary

  • Healthcare area has a non-mercury thermometer

Section 7- Administrative area

  • All appliances used in a break room are clean and in good repair

  • All food in a break room is stored to limit the attraction of pests

  • Refrigerators in break rooms are not to be used to store chemicals or specimens

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.