Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Executive Summary
General Environment and Access
Is all relevant safety signage (e.g. fire, first aid, warning signs) and an occupants list displayed prominently?<br>
Are the access arrangements (e.g. key, keypad door lock, swipe card) appropriate?
Is the general environment satisfactory? Any issues with temperature, humidity, noise, floor coverings, stools/ chairs fit for purpose and suitable, window blinds ok etc.?
Is the lab free from food and drink items?<br>Note: Consumption of food and drink is prohibited in laboratories and workshops.
Are access and egress points and fire exits free from obstructions and trip hazards?
Is a first aid box present? If so is it fully stocked and the contents in-date?
If stepladders, working platforms or kick stools are present, are they on the School Register, Ladder Tagged and in-date?
If fire extinguishers are present, are they of the correct type and in-date?
Is all waste disposed of correctly? e.g sharps bins, clinical waste, batteries etc.
Is the area tidy and well managed? If applicable are hand washing facilities available?
Training and Safety Inductions
Have all personnel attended a School health and safety induction, and received a local safety induction from their line manager/principal investigator?
Are all personnel aware of the building's weekly fire alarm test time, evacuation procedures, the assembly point, nearest first aid box, how to contact a first aider?
Do all personnel know how to report accidents, incidents and near misses?
Is there a safety folder containing risk assessments, COSHH assessments, CRA forms, training records etc. ? Are the contents in-date and accurate?
Are chemicals in use in the laboratory?
Are all chemicals properly labelled, stored and segregated? Is there an inventory of chemicals?
Are all chemicals on the LabCup database? If not state the approximate level of compliance.
If fridges or freezers are present, are they spark proof? Are the contents stored correctly? e.g in drip trays, upright. Are suitable external warning signs displayed?
Is there a need for Diphoterine or Hexafluorine? If so are they present and in date? Do lab users know why they are present and how to use them?
Does the lab have any mercury, or any equipment containing mercury?
Are users aware of the University policy to use alternatives if practicable, and the School's procedures for dealing with mercury spillages?
Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV)
Are there any fume cabinets or other local exhaust ventilation systems present?
Are fume cabinets or other LEV systems registered on the Allianz database, and tested/inspected?
If applicable is the capture distance stated in the risk assessment?
Compressed Gases
Are any compressed gases in use?
If so are they on the School register?
Are the cylinders in-date and stored securely (e.g clamped/chained/stand)? Are oxidisers and flammables stored separately?
Are the regulators of the correct type and in-date?
Are any manifolds present? If so are they registered on the insurance database? Have they been tested and are they in-date?
Are any gas alarm systems identified by the risk assessment installed and maintained?
Have all users received relevant training?
Cryogenic Liquids
Are any cryogenic liquids in use?
Are they on the School inventory?
Has a risk assessment been carried out?
Has an oxygen depletion calculation been carried out? Is the information prominently displayed or available to users?
Are any cryogenic liquid alarm systems identified by the risk assessment installed and maintained?
Are all Personal Protective Equipment items identified by the risk assessment available and in good condition?
Pressure Vessels
Are any pressure vessels in use?
Are they on the School inventory and/or registered on the insurance database (if over 250 Bar/L)?
Are the vessels and pressure relief valves (PRV's) in-date? The vessels must not exceed 20 years in-date. PRV's must be tested at least every 5 years.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Are the PPE items identified by risk assessments present? (e.g. lab coats, safety glasses, safety boots, gloves).<br>
Is the PPE being worn?
Is all PPE correctly stored and in good condition?
Are all portable electrical appliances PATS tested as per School policy and in-date?
If fixed electrical items are present, have they been tested as per School policy?
If mains extension leads are in use, are they being used correctly i.e not daisy chained together, or a trip hazard.
Are high voltages present? (High voltage systems are defined as those that operate at voltages exceeding 1000 V ac or 1500 V dc between conductors and/or 600 volts ac or 900 volts dc between conductors and earth) <br>Note: Lone working on hazardous activities is prohibited in the School, this includes lone working on live mains or high voltage equipment.
Are suitable control measures in place? e.g low current being used, shielded, correct connectors, earthed etc.
Is any soldering being carried out?
Has a risk assessment been carried out, and any local exhaust ventilation required, present and tested as per School policy?
Are there any lasers present in the laboratory?
If yes, do all lasers have classification stickers attached to them or on accompanying datasheets?
Are all lasers included in an in-date and signed laboratory risk assessment/s? N.B. All risk assessments must be signed by the PI and all authorised users and reviewed annually
Are there a set of in-date and signed local rules in place to govern the safe operation of the laser/s? N.B. Local rules must be signed by the PI and all authorised users and reviewed annually.
Are there any Class 3B or Class 4 lasers present in the laboratory?
If yes, are laser warning signs attached to the entrance of the laser designated area or laser enclosure?
Is there a list of authorised laser users displayed in the area?
Have all authorised laser users attended suitable laser training within the last 5 years?<br><br>
Are MPE calculations included in the risk assessment/s indicating the PPE required?
Is suitable laser safety PPE available and in good condition?
Does the laboratory/enclosure have a laser interlock system?
Radioactive Sources
Are any radioactive sources or x-ray generators in use in the laboratory?
If yes, In which room is your laboratory?<br>Designated areas in Schuster Building are Room B-56, Second Floor Teaching Laboratory, Room 4-17a, Room 4-20, Room 5-17/20.<br> Any activity involving radioactive sources or x-ray generators in other areas must be reported to RPS.
Is the Radiation Protection Supervisor aware of all activities and / or recent changes to any activity?
Are all activities described in the School Local Rules and covered by appropriate Risk Assessments and / or Systems of Work and / or Operation Procedures? Are these in date?
Are all users of the laboratory trained and identified to the RPS?
Non Ionising Radiation
Are any sources of non-ionising radiation in use? (e.g. ultraviolet light sources, microwaves).
Has a risk assessment been carried out, are the non-ionising radiation sources on the University register and all the necessary control measures in place (PPE, shielding etc.)?
Work Equipment
Are any power tools present?
Has a risk assessment been carried out?
Are machine tools in use?
Are the machines adequately guarded/protected to prevent contact, entanglement etc.?
Are all emergency stops and interlocks working? Can the machines be locked off and isolated?
Is all work equipment equipment properly maintained ? Are maintenance records kept, and in-date?
Does all work equipment have a specific risk assessment and standard operating procedure? Is there a list of trained authorised users?
Is PPE in place for use with work equipment? Is the PPE in good condition?
Lift and Crane Equipment
Is there any lifting equipment present?
Are all items registered on the insurance database? Are they tested and in-date?
Is a risk assessment present for lifting activities? Have all users received suitable training?
Are there any water systems present? e.g. chillers, sonicators etc.
Are these included in a risk assessment? Are the correct control measures in place?
Occupier's comments
Do the occupiers have any additional comments not covered by the main audit?